Saturday, May 14, 2011

You Have to Say it Right!

So the rules have changed in the past week. Jen and I decided that instead of having specific set days for posting, we just have to post once a week, in which a week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday. 

So today we went to the Filipino restaurant "Max's of Manila" for a Filipino club gathering. Now I probably explained this before, but I'm not the Filipino one of this duo. I am the epitome of Americanization of cuisine, therefore I haven't really tried any Filipino dishes, nor do I have a very open mind to them. However, I did attempt to have an open mind today, and I did like some of the foods. There was a fried chicken that was good and this soup thing that was surprisingly good with some lemon on top. There were a couple things that were not particularly to my fancy, but that's okay, I tried them, which is better than before. 

It was fun though, to see an entire different culture that lives in such close proximity to me, but I just don't know much about it. For example, they ALL did this interesting thing where they ONLY ate using a fork and a spoon. It doesn't make human sense, but it was really cool. I think that I would enjoy going to the Philippines, just to see how different and similar they are to us. I would like to go to a lot of different countries and experience a lot of different cultures though. But the Philippines are high on that list. 

Anywaysssssssssss, today was another new episode of Doctor Who and it was AMAZING!!!! I seriously think that it was one of the best episodes in a while. I just loved pretty much every second of it, and I would talk about it but I won't. So yeah. 

Only two more weeks of school--W00T!!! Yay! Then two weeks later I get to start Concept Physics, four and a half hours a day. And on Tuesdays and Thursdays, two extra hours. Next week, I will try to post earlier. Until then I suppose??

Awkward Moments: 22
Pages Read: 811
Why Today Was Awesome: I was Filipino.
Something I Learned: Biting is kind of like kissing. 
Song Stuck in My Head: "Beauty" by Starship Cast 
Email Subject of the Day: "KENDALL!!!!!!" (May 14, 2010) Incidentally, we are talking about how we want to be Senior Prefects in that one. :)


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