Thursday, May 5, 2011

Happy Hank-O De Mayo!!!!

Oh hey blog that I have managed to neglect for almost a full week. Are you ready for something that is a thousand more times awesome than BEDA? It's called BEWTY!! Blog Every Week Throughout the Year!!!!! W00T!!!! Yup, Jen and I will be doing weekly posts!!! Mine will come every Thursday, and hers every Wednesday, so be excited!!!

So it's been a while since I've seen you, how've you been? I've been pretty good. Nothing too exciting happened. I went to prom, got elected Senior Prefect, got chosen for the Spirt Small Things committee, you know, the uss (as in usual, but shortened). Okay, yes, this has been a very good week and I am very excited for the great things to come, but other than that it has been a normal, boring (not that school is boring) week. 

BOOK UPDATE: I am still trying to get through The Red Pyramid because The Throne of Fire came out this week and I really want to read it, but I can't until I finish the first one, so I must get on that. Once I finish those, then I plan on finishing up the Harry Potter series, and then I'm not sure what comes next. 

Today is Cinco de Mayo, which I don't really care about, but I do care that it is also Hank-O de Mayo!! Hank Green's birthday is today, and he turned 31 today. Wow, that means that I have been watching the vlogbrothers for over a year now, because I remember last Hank-O de Mayo, where John asked everyone to plant trees and stuff. 

So, uhh, Curse of the Black Spot in two days, that's pretty exciting. I'm pumped--are YOU pumped? Yeah, me too. Tomorrow Jen has her AP US History AP exam, so send her some awesome vibes? Not that she needs them or anything. 

Wanna hear a cool story? One time, I was hanging out in the counseling office at school, and there was this sign, and behind it was a little envelope with a dollar bill in it. It was pretty freaking amazing. Just thought that I would share that story with you. Wait, after this week, there's only three more weeks of school. Only three more weeks of my junior year. That means that I have been through 34 weeks of school this year. Dayum. Can't wait for next year.

Awkward Moments: 21
Pages Read: 543
Why Today Was Awesome:
This and This
Something I Learned: Don't go typing random URLs.....
Song Stuck in My Head: Black Santas by Lauren Fairweather
Email Subject of the Day: "Birthdays/Senor U" (May 5, 2010) 


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