Monday, May 2, 2011

Withdrawal Symptoms

First of all, let me just say: GO MAVERICKS! Pulling a 96-94 win against the Lakers in the 4th quarter? For Game 1? YES YES YESSSSSS(I have been dubbed "family traitor" because every one else is rooting for the Lakers. Right. Well, if I had to choose, the Mavs are my babies, man.)

Today is the first day of the two AP WEEKs, a.k.a. Two Monstrous Hell-ish Weeks. I'm taking three AP tests (US History, Physics B, and English Language), but there are others who would kill for my "light" load. This week, for me, means serious studying sessions at home so I have to "party" in the mornings and during my frees in order to keep up with my other non-AP classes. Pray for me? Or at least send some awesome-waves my way (and everyone else taking AP tests, too!)? Thank you.

I'm loving and hating the weather at the moment.
I love it because:
1) That lightning is, to say the least, MEAN, man.
2) Rumblethunderiscoolrumblethunder!
3) I love the smell of wet dirt. Mmmmm.
4) There's something super soothing about listening to the rain.
I hate it because:
1) It's a bit distracting.
2) There's nothing better than going to sleep with the rain in your head. But, alas, I must stay wide awake to study. Shucks.
3) Where's the wind? Wind chills would make this whole thing better!

All right, I hope this short post will suffice for today because I have to go and study, study, study. 

You realize this daily posting comes to an end tomorrow? Are you sad? It's not gonna be the same after a whole month of posting and trying to come up with good topics and filling out the "tallies" at the bottom of each post. How did we ever survive after BEDA(ugust) 2010? I've never been this sad to leave our blog temporarily before. 

Part of Facebook Conversation from Last Night:
Jen: "So I kept checking the blog for your post. Then I realized: It's MAY. I am embarrassed."
Kendall: "Haha I know. I felt the same way when I was thinking about what to talk about today."
Jen: "Ope, BEDA withdrawal symptoms."
Kendall: "If messages had a like system, I would have liked that response."

Anyway, we must wean you of the dependence you have developed on our posts this past month! Hahaha, just kidding, I'm sure you (all) won't miss us (except Malta, of course, because we love Malta and Malta apparently likes us . . .). We will definitely update this blog as we complete any of the tasks on The List. The summer season definitely guarantees you more regular posts and, of course, we have BEDA(ugust) 2011!

In just this month, we went from a little over 2,000 views to nearly 5,000 (last time I checked, the total was at 4,983!). We added ads to the blog. We finally had our first viewer from South America (Peru!). We improved our commenting features.

Stats for April 2011:
Most Visited Post(s): With 20 pageviews each, we have a tie between What the Eff is Malta? and Friday: A Special Valentine
Top Countries with Most Views
1) United States with 2,408 views (of course)
2) Malaysia with 24 views
3) India with 23 views
4) Iran with 17 views
5) Singapore with 13 views
Busiest Day: April 17, 2011 with a total of 188 views

April was a really special month (for many reasons, of course, but we all know that one special reason!) I don't think I can really express in words just how much. I wish every month could be more like April 2011.

    • Today......

I really loved...the thunder, the lightning, and the pitter-patter of the rain.
I smiled because...I took a(n almost) 2-hour nap right when I got home
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog:
"...Turn off the radio and say hello."
(Shortwave, Part 1 by Alan Lastufka & Luke Conard)
Hours of sleep last night: I technically went offline at 1am, then I just HAD to read The Mayor of Casterbridge a little while longer so I went to sleep at 2am--so that makes 2 and a half hours?
Times it got COLD: Just 2 . . . 
--"Well, we know what that really means!"
--"Torn, huh?"
--"Of course, that's what I like to think!"
Friend of the day: Thomas Hardy (and SparkNotes . . . so shh!)

--Jen :)


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