Sunday, May 22, 2011


So there I was, plopped down on my blue bed, with a thick book, freshly opened. My eyes wandered to the first line, preparing themselves to be amazed. But then, I remembered: I haven't yet blogged this week. So here I am, ready to dish out my deepest hopes and dreams to a digital form of a diary. 

Not really, though, but kind of. 

This week has been rather crazy and stressful as will next week be, but that doesn't mean it wasn't interesting! For example, I watched way too much TV than I should have, I went rock climbing, I spent three straight hours in the Art Gallery, I had two Frozen Strawberry Lemonades from McDonalds, I gave a presentation for Just Don't Fall, I read, I ate bacon, I tromped, I ate an omellete for the first time, I jumped, and I slept. Good week right? Right. 

Anyways, I've been thinking a lot lately about taking chances, and how it's really just about overcoming your fears. Because the truth is, every time you take a big risk in your life, no matter how it ends up, you're always glad you took it. Okay, I didn't really say that, that was actually a quote from Scrubs, but still, I love that quote. It's true right? When you take risks, you hope for it to end up well, but there is always a chance that it won't. You are scared of what will come from it, maybe someone will judge you for it, or maybe someone will say "No!" or maybe you or someone else will get hurt. And even if that does happen, who cares? You took that risk and you should be proud. Going out on a limb and putting yourself out there is something that not a lot of us can do easily and if you do, you should be content with yourself. 

Meh, yeah. Okay, I really want to go read more of The Throne of Fire now. KAY BYE!!! 

Awkward Moments: 25
Pages Read: 862
Why Today Was Awesome: I cleaned my room
Something I Learned: I am very easily distracted
Song Stuck in My Head: Blank O_o
Email Subject of the Day: "we have one week left" (May 22, 2010)


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