Sunday, May 29, 2011


Today is Sunday. Not Saturday. I was THIS close to going to bed! But nope, I have to blog. I should have been studying for finals these past two days, but I decided against it. I got all my papers organized and in order, and I put them in four separate piles for the four separate finals I have. But did I study them? Nope. Although, yesterday I did finish The Throne of Fire and it was good. I actually enjoyed it more than I did The Red Pyramid. It was a very Rick Riordan book. 

Wanna know what else I did yesterday? I watched "The Almost People" online because it didn't freaking air on freaking BBC America because they think that no one will watch on Memorial Day weekend? What? No. So I watched it and I must say, I was (excuse my language, I would never say this in real life) Moffucked. It was SUCH a Moffat ending and I can't help but love him for it. 

Anyways, now that I finished that book, what should I read next? I have a whole list of books that I want to read, and I plan on getting to them all this summer, but I don't know what to start with. Any suggestions? This next week is going to be crazy what with finals and such. I have so much stuff to do, but at the same time I am thankful that the school year is over. We are almost seniors. What? I don't understand. 

...Ellipse? Do you like ellipses?.... I do. They remind me of ellipses in math, which reminds me of conic sections, which reminds me that I need to study for my math final ... I have a schedule for my studying tomorrow. I plan on studying for all four of them. Although, I need to study for Chem the most because that is the one that I know absolutely NOTHING about. 

Anyways, I think that that was sufficient enough to get me away from a punishment. I hope to do some more awesome things on here like Jen did, especially since it's summer. (Even though I still have summer school) So, yeah, adios le pido.

Awkward Moments: 26
Pages Read: 1088
Why Today Was Awesome: Realizations
Something I Learned: I don't know where I am going
Song Stuck in My Head: Circles by Skyway Flyer
Email Subject of the Day: There are none.....

Friday, May 27, 2011

Hello, Metaphorical Heat Waves

I carry around a composition notebook that I use as my planner. I've searched high and low for the perfect day planner that suits all of my needs and demands to no avail. So, one day during sophomore year, I decided to just to make my own last school year. I don't think there are mini planners that have a two-page spread for each day. Anyway, I title all of my weeks based on either what is happening/happened/will happen and write them on the pages of my planner. Because today is the last day of our junior classes, I thought I'd reflect back on my school year and share with you my weekly titles.

Junior Year - BOOK 1
Week 1: Hey, Junior!
--Pretty obvious...
Week 2: 9 comments!
--Kendall wrote this as part of "Jen's NEW 25 Things" on Facebook and it made my week.
Week 3: And . . . NOW you can breathe.
--Stressing out as usual...
Week 4: Hold on to your seat!
--Stressing out again. This must have been a hard week.
Week 5: French the LLAMA--it's MQ!
Week 6: It's just another hurdle--get OVER it!
--Stress. I'm sensing a theme here...
Week 7: Wait . . . October?!?!
--How time flies!
Week 8: Always . . . 
--This was a Snape reference. I was feeling very Harry Potter.
Week 9: (I actually drew a picture on my notebook) Macchiato
--Mmmmm, macchiatos!
[End of Q1, Start of Q2]
Week 10: "X" (Homecoming 2010)
Week 11: Strength? Strength.
--Kendall and I fought the week before this. 
Week 12: Are you ready for this?
--I have a feeling this was about debate. 
Week 13: Normalcy is GROSS
--It is!
Week 14: Gras (Anglicized and butchered Spanish for "thank you")
Week 15: Malapit na ang Pasko! (Christmas is near!)
--Week after Thanksgiving...which meant I could play Christmas carols without people glaring/staring at me..
Week 16: Let it Snow SHINE, Let it Reindeer!
--Christmas, Christmas, Christmas is almost here!
Week 17: Are you COLD? :)
--The beginning of the beautiful winter season <3
[Winter Break]
Week 18: " . . . my poor HOLEY (?!?!) lessthanthree!"
--From MoM's new album, Magic is Might. I love you, Ryan Seiler.
Week 19: I'm so ClessthanthreeLD!
--I was. I really was. Really cold.
[End of Q2, Start of Q3]
Week 20: Let's be Green and HAPPY!
--I really have no idea where this title came from!
Week 21: El color de los sueños (The color of dreams)
--I wrote a Spanish essay on this topic and I remember feeling fanciful the rest of the week.

Junior Year - BOOK 2
Week 22: Congratulations! You just won a house! :)
--This was based on a dream that I had at the which *cough,cough* and I won a house.
Week 23: Jelly sandwiches
--They never taste good.
Week 24: ISMY?
--The answer to this question, which I asked myself over and over at this time, is: "Yes, apparently you still do, Jen."
Week 25: R.W.
--This must have been around the 'Iolani Debate Tournament....yep, I just checked. It was.
Week 26: HELL
--Ahh, I had a lot of hellish weeks, but I guess this was extra hellish because I actually made it a title!
Week 27: Fate? Or is it mere coincidence?
--And here is where the junior part of The Story begins.
Week 28: Patay na patay? (It literally means "really, really, really dead" but I think it's English equivalent is "head over heels")
--Uh-oh, I smell trouble...
[Spring Break--End of Q3, Start of Q4]
Week 29: BLANK
--Probably because I was too busy to even give this week a title.
Week 30: Not in the cards
--I never realized I had so many week titles about this.
Week 31: Just a dream?
--I think part of it was a dream. But the reality part turned out to be something that was close.
Week 32: It never stops.
--It doesn't. Trust me.
Week 33: Dancing With A Ghost
--This is a song to which I got addicted during this week under the current circumstances. Here is the music video if you'd like to see it.
Week 34: Too tired to function!
--Haha, almost there!
Week 35: We could happen?
--Maybe not.
Week 36: Surrender and Resolution
--When it happens, it happens. And it did! I can't believe it did!
Week 37: Sleepy
--This week? Yeah, I was pretty sleepy this week.
(I will let you know what next week's title is when I post then.)

I already put up "Jen's Great Summer To-Do List" on my bulletin board! And I haven't even started studying for finals yet! My summer posts will center around this list, of course, and I will try to post every day as soon as I get back from Nationals. :)

I have this feeling that this summer is MY summer; this is Jen's summer, much more than any other summer of my life. I'm not really sure why, but I can FEEL it. 

It's over! And I am excited.

I really loved... Iris' peppermint tea.
I smiled because... of Ryan's impossible fuel-gas-and-water-to-three-houses mind trick/game/thing!
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog:
"She's gone away, still they stay together, people call me crazy..."
(Drive Away by All-American Rejects)
Hours of sleep last night: 10
Friend of the day: Jen

We won the Achiever Award for out student council work this year in Faculty Relations Individuals. Check!
Although Rachel, Kendall and I really did love the feeling we got every single time we made a teacher/administrator/staff member smile this year, being recognized for it is sweet, too. 
Special thank you to Alex Tom who has been our "mentor" and role model since sophomore year--we will miss you, Pinocchs! 
<3, Kermit, Jen&Berry, and Nutmeg!

--Jen :)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Hopefully, the Sunshine Will Take Us There

All right, I've got to write my final paper for British Literature by midnight tonight. It's due tomorrow.  So I'm toggling back and forth between this blog post and my paper. I still don't know what my paper's going to be about. Also, to  make matters worse, I don't have all of my books with me so finding textual evidence will be difficult. Ope, wait . . . 

GOOGLE BOOKS. Okay, I just saved The Mayor of Casterbridge eBook on my Google Library so I'm set for some Hardy paper action. I've got a hardcopy of Pygmalion/Piggy with me. Now, what will my third Brit Lit work be? Ahh, whatever it is, it will be a poem . . .

Okay, this toggling thing is not working so I am just going to finish this blog post and be done with it once and for all and make sure that every fiber of my being after I post is focused on getting this final paper done. So, before I actually dive in, how about a recap of my week?

This week's highlights and notes:
Monday: Lunch with Mrs. Nagao! She made chili/omelette/burrito/heavenly stuff for us and I baked cookies and Shann bought huge Powerades. Great food with great people equal(s?) happines. I just wish that lour unch period was longer.
Tuesday: Um. Nothing?
Wednesday: Wow. Nothing again! Huh. I have a boring life now.
Thursday: Big Brother/Big Sister Pizza Party! I won't see my little brother Kei until next year! :( But the party was fun. We signed our memory books and ate pizza. Kei was relieved to find out that I wasn't graduating and that I'll still see him next year.
1) They made the announcement for our S&D coach next year!
2) (Supposed to be) Mane reception! (but)
3) Wassail attack! So I drank some wassail for the first time in Brit Lit on Friday and I reacted to it pretty badly. At first, the drink made me super jittery. My heart was palpitating and I had goosebumps all over my body. I felt super sick over lunch and I didn't feel like eating so I just swallowed a couple of slices of cantaloupe and grapes. I really wasn't feeling well by period 6 so I took a nap in the library. When Kendall woke me up (he was "using the bathroom"--he was supposed to be in Chemistry class), I felt really awful. I didn't even wanna do anything anymore and I could feel myself starting to burn up. I went to see the nurse the next period and it turns out that all the wassail sugars may have been too much for me. She checked my pulse and confirmed that it was faster than it's supposed to be for someone my age. And the fact that I just ate fruits for lunch didn't really help. So the nurse gave me permission to use the school elevators, banned me from any more caffeine the whole weekend, and then told me to drink lots and lots of water. I had a fever after school (so I didn't even want to go to the Mane thing anymore) and my whole body hurt. I went to sleep at 7:30 and then woke up at 8:30-ish the next morning. But I feel better now.

All right, I'm ready for the purpose of this blog post. 
I went to see the 'Iolani Stage Bands perform tonight. It was their last concert of the year and it was at Hawaii Theater. Anyway, as I listened to the University of Texas at Arlington jazz faculty combo, I stared at the members of Stage Band 3 as they stared at the guest musicians. And I found myself thinking about names. I actually wrote this blog post in my head during the UTA musicians' numbers but my thought process was very unorganized and random and out of the purple. So here's an attempt to make sense of it all.

I don't know everyone in the three stage bands but I do know at least a good third of them and maybe I just know of a good majority of the rest. Those whom I didn't know weren't necessarily "unnamed" in my head, though. No, I knew these people, in my head, as "drum guy" or "high-pitch voiced girl" or "guy with really good hair," you know. I know them by "nicknames" that only make sense to me because I made them up myself. But some of the nicknames don't really match. For example, I may know so-and-so as "soccer girl" but she plays the guitar in stage band. Or I may know someone as "guy who carries around his trumpet everywhere" but he actually plays the piano in the band. The nicknames that we use to brand or remember people in our heads are all misleading because, well, because no one is or can ever be defined so narrowly by a single trait or associated activity.

Our names are the first gifts that our parents give us. Well, okay, it's the second gift--the first one is the gift of life! But whether it's the first or second gift, it doesn't really matter. My point is that our given names are special. Our parents give us our names, but it is up to us to make them into names that we can be really proud to have. 

If you think about it, the nicknames or labels that we let others make about us are only a small fraction of who we really are. To someone in my Precalc class, I could be "junior girl in the back who falls asleep sometimes." Or, to someone in my Spanish class, I could be "evil and bossy team leader/dictator." Or, to Dr. Webb, I could be "girl who hasn't turned in her final paper on time" pretty soon if I don't try to finish this blog post sooner. I am or may be all three of these things, but I don't think there is a single person who sees me in these three different lights at the same time.

Different people see different sides of us in different activities and classes. And, as a result, different people associate us with different things. I think it's a worthwhile goal to make sure that everyone around you, or at least everyone you care deeply about, is lucky enough to see your different sides, your different talents, your different beauties.

Our real names are more accurate than the nicknames that people create in their heads about us. Whereas the nicknames in people's heads only show a part of us, our full names can represent our very essence. Think about it? If you don't know someone, you recognize and/or refer to them as "that boy scout who carries a knife everywhere" or "girl with outrageously curly hair" or even "Love Nugget!" But once you get to know them much better, you're on a first name basis. And saying that first name out loud can taste like satisfaction or victory because just a coupe of weeks ago, you were calling this person "girl on crutches" or "apple-munching boy" in your head. And now you're using their name.

Hmmm, that didn't come out as smoothly as I wanted it. I felt like I needed to stop and delete when I started talking about that specific moment when that person you like-like says your name when talking to you. Getting off topic, Jen. So I should just end this here before I start blabbing about something totally irrelevant like purple pandas or lifeguards cheating on their girlfriends or something.

I really loved...jazz.
I smiled because... it felt good to blog again for what seemed like a super long time.
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog:
"Honest, promise, you will be missed..."
(Long and Lonely Road by Hawk Nelson)
Hours of sleep last night: 7-ish
Friend of the day: Shaw, Hardy and some British poet...

--Jen :)


So there I was, plopped down on my blue bed, with a thick book, freshly opened. My eyes wandered to the first line, preparing themselves to be amazed. But then, I remembered: I haven't yet blogged this week. So here I am, ready to dish out my deepest hopes and dreams to a digital form of a diary. 

Not really, though, but kind of. 

This week has been rather crazy and stressful as will next week be, but that doesn't mean it wasn't interesting! For example, I watched way too much TV than I should have, I went rock climbing, I spent three straight hours in the Art Gallery, I had two Frozen Strawberry Lemonades from McDonalds, I gave a presentation for Just Don't Fall, I read, I ate bacon, I tromped, I ate an omellete for the first time, I jumped, and I slept. Good week right? Right. 

Anyways, I've been thinking a lot lately about taking chances, and how it's really just about overcoming your fears. Because the truth is, every time you take a big risk in your life, no matter how it ends up, you're always glad you took it. Okay, I didn't really say that, that was actually a quote from Scrubs, but still, I love that quote. It's true right? When you take risks, you hope for it to end up well, but there is always a chance that it won't. You are scared of what will come from it, maybe someone will judge you for it, or maybe someone will say "No!" or maybe you or someone else will get hurt. And even if that does happen, who cares? You took that risk and you should be proud. Going out on a limb and putting yourself out there is something that not a lot of us can do easily and if you do, you should be content with yourself. 

Meh, yeah. Okay, I really want to go read more of The Throne of Fire now. KAY BYE!!! 

Awkward Moments: 25
Pages Read: 862
Why Today Was Awesome: I cleaned my room
Something I Learned: I am very easily distracted
Song Stuck in My Head: Blank O_o
Email Subject of the Day: "we have one week left" (May 22, 2010)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Inside or Outside? Inside!

Hmm, I haven't blogged this week yet and I was wracking my head all day for a great topic. I checked 1000 Awesome Things today for the May 20th blog post and today's Awesome Thing made me smile--no, wait, scratch that. I GRINNED from ear to ear and burst out laughing.

So here it is. I just wanted to share the love and happiness with all of you. I hope it makes you as happy as I am right now at this very moment. Although I really doubt it because these things tend to hit me in a totally different way than it does other people. But oh well. I'm sure Kendall gets it though, right, Kerms? If not, then I think you should relinquish your title. Right now. But I'm sure you get it. Oh the layers of irony and inside jokes.

I will post a more meaningful post this weekend, I promise. I feel the need to write.

--Jen :)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Familial LessThanThree

It's story time!

Eight years ago, on this very day, May 15th, 2003, my family left the Philippines and moved here to Hawaii. My parents, Sonny and Jossefin, Shayne (10), Josh (6  going on 7), and I (9) embraced life here in the United States, more or less. It's been a pretty rough ride. But it's not hard to believe that we've been through because I've always had this confidence in my family.

We stayed with my mom's siblings at first. A total of twelve people lived in a small three-bedroom apartment in Kalihi that first month. But I seriously don't remember anyone ever complaining. The place was already stuffy in the first place, what with my mom's older brother, sister, two more sisters with their husbands and, in one case, a son (that's seven people, for those of you not counting) already settled in there. The addition of five more people made things . . . cozier. We moved out, along with one of my mom's sisters and her brother (both unmarried) around the end of May, I think, and we moved into another apartment just a couple of blocks away.

English wasn't a problem for us. Mom used to be a Physics professor at the state university (we lived in the campus my whole childhood) and Dad was an electrical engineer at an oil company in Manila, so they understood and spoke English. Shayne, Josh and I had attended a Catholic private school and we were required to speak English in the classroom when learning English subjects. But Josh had the hardest time because he had just completed first grade when we moved, not enough time to ingrain the language in his tongue. But he learned really quickly. To this day, our family (aunts and uncles included) still laughs over the stories of his made up English words and phrases during the first several weeks of living here in Hawaii. Josh just covers his red face and smiles.

We started school at the end of July that year--Josh in second grade, me in fourth, and Shayne in fifth. I'm still really not sure what and how I felt on the first day of school. My dad dropped me off for homeroom that morning and I remember him giving my shoulder a squeeze before leaving. I was silent the whole day (which led to my classmates thinking that I didn't know English--they were surprised the first time I said something in class and I didn't have an accent!), mostly because everything around me was so new and different that I just had to process everything silently. No one was mean, I remember that, but only a couple or so were especially nice. And I was lucky enough to have a sweet teacher, Mrs. Yasui. In the Philippines, we were required to address our teachers using "ma'am" or "sir." I still remember Mrs. Yasui's face when I had attached the word "ma'am" at the end of a sentence as I was speaking to her. Her eyes widened a little and then she smiled, her eyes crinkling at the edges with both surprise and flattery. "No, no," she shook her head, "You don't have to call me that. Just 'Mrs. Yasui' is fine, Jen."

I've always loved school, and my parents stressed the importance of education from the very beginning. And that led me to excel in school in the Philippines. But after the big move, I didn't even think of the new environment affecting my performance, my abilities, my work ethic, and/or my drive, in any way. School is school, you know, wherever you are and whoever you may be. So I did my best. I remember when we took the aptitude test for our math class placements, I had done well. But because I was an immigrant, they placed me in the ESL (English as a Second Language) math class. The teachers moved me to the advanced math class after only a month. At the end of the year, I decided to run for Student Government President for the next school year. And my mom did something for the very first time: she discouraged me. I remember her telling me softly, "Kasangsangpet mo lang, anakko." You just arrived here, my child. She didn't think I would win because I was just the new girl, not only new to the school, but new to the country as well. But I insisted and she helped me with my speech. And I won. She had never told me that I couldn't do anything before that, and she never did again. 

We settled into our new lives and we developed routines. Job hunting was hard for my parents at first. They worked at restaurants for a while. Then my mom taught at the community college, at the University of Hawai'i (not as a teacher though, but as a clerk), and she was even a statistician at the Department of Agriculture. Eventually, she landed a Physics position in McKinley. And I think they love her there. After working only a couple weeks of restaurant jobs, my dad almost immediately signed up for the army after we moved here. In the Philippines, we were used to seeing Dad only on the weekends because he worked in the city. On Friday nights, after work, he would get on a bus and head north toward us. I remember waking up early on Saturday mornings in order to wait for him at the gate. Some Saturday mornings, I would just wake up and he would already be home. Then, on Sunday nights, he would kiss us goodbye and get on the bus headed toward Manila again. I had never felt sadness in saying goodbye during those Sunday nights, or even shed a single tear, mostly because I knew Dad was leaving to work where the real money was just so we could live the way we did back then. But when he left for Iraq, despite the fact that I knew that he was leaving because he loved all of us, I had never felt so sad in my life. His phone calls were limited and occasional. My mom started watching the news intently every day. The first Christmas without him was the hardest. When he finally came home, he was a bit skinnier, but he was stronger. And when he left for Iraq again after that, I cried. I cried every single time that he left. I think my father's time in the army affected all of us in different ways. But when he told us that he was coming back for good, we were all equally happy. He worked in the mainland here and there as an engineer after completing his contract because those were the only engineer jobs that were open, I think. But when an opening showed up here in Hawaii, he jumped on it and he's been with us since then.

We bought a house of our own when I was in 7th grade. That was a big marker of our lives. Then Shayne's acceptance into 'Iolani as a 9th grader was also another marker. "That part of us greater than the sum of our parts cannot begin and cannot end, and so it cannot fail." (John Green) This quote is taken totally out of context, but it works well here. Individually, you can look at all the things I've done, or what Shayne's done, or Josh, or my dad, or my mom. But if you look at what we've all accomplished and done, we really cannot fail in any way.

That's what's great about family. Family will always love you, will always be there for you, no matter what. And sometimes, that may only be because, well, because you're family. But in the end, it's something bigger. We don't love each other just because we're family. We love each other because, really, who else is there to love in this unconditional and irreplaceable way? It sounds terrible at first but if you think about it, the love that you have for your parents and your siblings, your grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, the love that you have for your whole family? That kind of love is the only love that makes perfect sense in this world, right from when you are born. You don't question it, you don't have to search for it, you don't puzzle over it, you don't measure it in any way. It's just there and it's there to stay and grow no matter what life throws at you.

I really loved... expecting myself to feel the impact every time Lady Fate threw "it" at my face this week...but smiling instead. Well, take that, Lady Fate as (Darren and) I sing: "Lady Fate, creating disaster--but [you] ain't the boss of me (or us?)!"
I smiled because... 
I saw this as someone's status on Facebook:
     Dear Jacob Black, 
     I noticed you drive a motorcycle and turn into a huge dog. How original.
    Sirius Black
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog:
"...So just take me as I am and push me, put me in my place..."
(Dancing With a Ghost by Valencia)
Hours of sleep last night: 10.5
Friends of the day: Kendall, Win, Kirsten Peterson, Aid, Tiff, Mrs. Ohira: It's finally [almost] over! Thank you all!
Times it got COLD today: None! 
As we close the school year and rapidly move toward summer vacation, we must all let go of some things. Sometimes, we have to let go of things that made us smile this year, like the unexpected (but greatly appreciated) cold days, freezing moments, cool breezy nights (" breeze? Now you feel just right!"), and the air-conditioned comforts of school. I'm putting my jackets in the back of my closet, and they're there to stay, I think. This will be the last post in which I record the number of times the temperature dropped in one day.

--Jen :)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

You Have to Say it Right!

So the rules have changed in the past week. Jen and I decided that instead of having specific set days for posting, we just have to post once a week, in which a week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday. 

So today we went to the Filipino restaurant "Max's of Manila" for a Filipino club gathering. Now I probably explained this before, but I'm not the Filipino one of this duo. I am the epitome of Americanization of cuisine, therefore I haven't really tried any Filipino dishes, nor do I have a very open mind to them. However, I did attempt to have an open mind today, and I did like some of the foods. There was a fried chicken that was good and this soup thing that was surprisingly good with some lemon on top. There were a couple things that were not particularly to my fancy, but that's okay, I tried them, which is better than before. 

It was fun though, to see an entire different culture that lives in such close proximity to me, but I just don't know much about it. For example, they ALL did this interesting thing where they ONLY ate using a fork and a spoon. It doesn't make human sense, but it was really cool. I think that I would enjoy going to the Philippines, just to see how different and similar they are to us. I would like to go to a lot of different countries and experience a lot of different cultures though. But the Philippines are high on that list. 

Anywaysssssssssss, today was another new episode of Doctor Who and it was AMAZING!!!! I seriously think that it was one of the best episodes in a while. I just loved pretty much every second of it, and I would talk about it but I won't. So yeah. 

Only two more weeks of school--W00T!!! Yay! Then two weeks later I get to start Concept Physics, four and a half hours a day. And on Tuesdays and Thursdays, two extra hours. Next week, I will try to post earlier. Until then I suppose??

Awkward Moments: 22
Pages Read: 811
Why Today Was Awesome: I was Filipino.
Something I Learned: Biting is kind of like kissing. 
Song Stuck in My Head: "Beauty" by Starship Cast 
Email Subject of the Day: "KENDALL!!!!!!" (May 14, 2010) Incidentally, we are talking about how we want to be Senior Prefects in that one. :)

Friday, May 13, 2011

The Lost Post (Originally: Those Eyes Aren't For Me)

I posted this on Wednesday and Blogger shuts down temporarily for maintenance and I come back and find that they took my post down!?!?!

GAHHHHHHHHHHHH. I am not going to redo it. Nope, I refuse to do it. If you read it before Blogger decided to take it down for some reason, yay for you.

Here it is in DRAFT form:

[Done with APs happiness and celebration HERE]

Facebook messages make me smile.

I took the free response portion of my Physics final exam last Saturday, then I took the AP exam this past Monday. After the Saturday exam, I didn't touch anything Physics-related at all, or any school-related stuff for that matter. I wasn't exactly myself last weekend . . .



Kendall: Ha ha ha ha ha I think we need to calm down. 
                 Go study, or read, or eat or something. 

Jen: Study = BLEH
          Read? There's nothing to read. And reading reminds me of studying.
          Eating will make me fat.

Kendall: Study - You will fail!
                 Read - There's tons to read!
                 Eating = Life

Jen: I will fail, but who really cares at this point? I just wanna get Physics over with. 
         Read . . . I have to read Mayor of Casterbridge . . . FUG.
         Eating . . . too stuffed from pizza to eat anything else . . . FUG.
         I am so disappointed with life. And myself. And myself in life.
         Gah, listen to myself. Stupid girl.
         I'm gonna take a cold shower and maybe I'll wake up and realize that this is all effing worth
         it. Gah, or go run around, naked, in the rain.  
         IT. Gah, I'm getting off now. Facebook is making it worse. 


At this point, I actually did get off Facebook and took the coldest shower I have ever taken in my whole life. Still not fully awake after that shower, though, I logged back on and found this message waiting for me in my Inbox.

Kendall: Warning: Jen is having a breakdown. If you see a naked person out on the streets,
                don't be alarmed. Just giver her some chocolate, the dark kind, and not too much 
                because she is full from pizza.

I love these moments when I say to myself, "You see, this is why you're my best friend."

I really loved...
I smiled because...
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog:
Hours of sleep last night:
Times it got COLD today:
Friend of the day:

--Jen :)

P.S. On a brighter note, Kendall will post tomorrow. And hopefully we will be able to check off TWO things on The List within the week! We will post as necessary, of course. And don't worry, I will make up for Blogger's mistake in the coming posts . . . 

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Happy Hank-O De Mayo!!!!

Oh hey blog that I have managed to neglect for almost a full week. Are you ready for something that is a thousand more times awesome than BEDA? It's called BEWTY!! Blog Every Week Throughout the Year!!!!! W00T!!!! Yup, Jen and I will be doing weekly posts!!! Mine will come every Thursday, and hers every Wednesday, so be excited!!!

So it's been a while since I've seen you, how've you been? I've been pretty good. Nothing too exciting happened. I went to prom, got elected Senior Prefect, got chosen for the Spirt Small Things committee, you know, the uss (as in usual, but shortened). Okay, yes, this has been a very good week and I am very excited for the great things to come, but other than that it has been a normal, boring (not that school is boring) week. 

BOOK UPDATE: I am still trying to get through The Red Pyramid because The Throne of Fire came out this week and I really want to read it, but I can't until I finish the first one, so I must get on that. Once I finish those, then I plan on finishing up the Harry Potter series, and then I'm not sure what comes next. 

Today is Cinco de Mayo, which I don't really care about, but I do care that it is also Hank-O de Mayo!! Hank Green's birthday is today, and he turned 31 today. Wow, that means that I have been watching the vlogbrothers for over a year now, because I remember last Hank-O de Mayo, where John asked everyone to plant trees and stuff. 

So, uhh, Curse of the Black Spot in two days, that's pretty exciting. I'm pumped--are YOU pumped? Yeah, me too. Tomorrow Jen has her AP US History AP exam, so send her some awesome vibes? Not that she needs them or anything. 

Wanna hear a cool story? One time, I was hanging out in the counseling office at school, and there was this sign, and behind it was a little envelope with a dollar bill in it. It was pretty freaking amazing. Just thought that I would share that story with you. Wait, after this week, there's only three more weeks of school. Only three more weeks of my junior year. That means that I have been through 34 weeks of school this year. Dayum. Can't wait for next year.

Awkward Moments: 21
Pages Read: 543
Why Today Was Awesome:
This and This
Something I Learned: Don't go typing random URLs.....
Song Stuck in My Head: Black Santas by Lauren Fairweather
Email Subject of the Day: "Birthdays/Senor U" (May 5, 2010)