Sunday, June 2, 2013

Look Bubbles, Go Back To Your Habitat

Hey guys!

So, umm, only a week left of my first year of college (two if you include finals). I don't know, it's weird. It's basically just a cluster poop of emotions especially since Iolani graduated yesterday. I'm really bummed that I wasn't able to be there, but you know, that's alright. I'm really happy for all of them. I've also just thought a lot lately about how things have been changing. Changing from how they were a week ago, a month ago, and even a year ago. It's just crazy, you know?

This week, I did, as always, a whole lot of nothing. Okay, that's not entirely true. I had a midterm on Thursday and a bunch of assignments due. I also spent a lot of time in Deme's room, unsurprisingly. Oh, on Friday, Deme, Connie, and I went to go see Star Trek and it was really good. I'm glad we got to go see it. 

I've been having a lot of feels recently. I mean, I always have a lot of feels, but just in particular these past few weeks. They aren't bad feels though. They're good ones. If that's even possible. I know that I've used this quote before, but I still like it. It's like in the third Harry Potter when Ron is reading Harry's cup thing. He says "You're going to suffer but be very happy about it". I mean, I know that he was completely off, but I feel like that's surprisingly accurate.

I don't know. What is life. What are life. What are burrito. Sweet potato? Yes.

Why This Week Was Awesome: Not going to most of my classes. (#caught)
Times Eaten At Chipotle: 8 (Seriously, I have a legitimate problem...) 
Books Read: 4
Song Stuck In My Head: 


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