Sunday, June 2, 2013


Totes does....

....and I'm back! To edit and make this more legit...than it already was! Which wasn't much. Okay.

I don't think I've said this here on the blog actually but...I AM GOING TO BE IN D.C. FOR THE FALL SEMESTER WHAT WHAAATTTT. 

Yep. Long story short: I got a Congressional internship...not sure with whom yet, but I've had two phone interviews and they're still going through the placement process I guess. I am not sure who else is going though...except for myself...about which I am stoked!

Ok I will be back to finish this again later!

Ok back! So yes, about the DC thing: it's still a new idea to me because it happened so quickly and I didn't really have time to be excited for it when I was applying for the position nor when I found out about it because I got the phone call in the middle of finals week, it was, I think. Anyway, yes, I am going to DC in the fall. I haven't felt excited for it in a while either because my head has been filled with stuff about summer school. Which reminds me tomorrow is FACULTY ORIENTATION!

Which means I have to sleep now.


Risks: 48
Books Read: 10 
Thank You Notes Written: 15 


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