Sunday, June 9, 2013

What Are Life?!?

Hey guys! 

So, umm yeah, this week (my second to last week of my first year of college) was kind of amazing, for a lot of reasons.

I hung out with friends a lot and just did a lot of fun and crazy things. On Friday I got to see an advanced screening of Monsters University and it was amazing. Like, guys, ugh, it was so good. Umm and then on Saturday, I went to Vloggerfair. Okay, guys, like, I can't, I'm sorry, I just can't. It was amazing. Let's just leave it at that, okay. I actually made a vlog today that kind of talked about it and other emotiony stuff. I'm going to link to that at the end. Because you should watch it if you actually care about what's going on in my life. Or if you just want to see me be awkward. (I would go with the second one if I were you). 

And then today, I kind of went on an adventure. I had to take pictures for my photo project, and I started walking. And then I kept walking for four hours. I'm pretty sure I ended up walking about five or six miles. Maybe more. Who knows. I walked to downtown Seattle. Like, I walked. A LOT. I can't even begin. But anyway, I got some good shots and saw some really cool things, so I'm happy.

These week in general has just been so great and as excited as I am to go home, I don't want to. But yeah. Okay, I'm gonna go now and probably die. BAI!


Why This Week Was Awesome: Every part of it was awesome. I can't pick one instance.
Times Eaten At Chipotle: 10 (Guys, I have one week left with the 'potle....)
Books Read: 4 (I started a new one....)
Song Stuck In My Head: Anna Sun by "Walk the Moon"


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