Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Taste of Summer

Hey guys!

So, I am good. Like, personally, mentally, physically, I just feel GOOD. You know? Life is good. There's so much good in all of it. I feel like I've finally just gotten to a point where I'm just happy. With myself, with what's around me. And that's awesome. Jen and I had a story date yesterday and she was telling me about how she's happy, which makes me happy, and there's just so much happiness all around, I can't. 

I spent the week back at the SPO, which has been the best, as usual. Being home has just been a good time. I don't know, just everything is awesome right now. I mean, not that it ever isn't, but you know. 

I don't know what I'm saying right now, but I am, do I ever? Umm yeah, I'm sorry, my mind doesn't like to work sometimes. Right now is one of those times. Summer 2013 has gotten off to a good start, and I'm not gonna let silly things get in the way of me having one of the best summers ever. Yup. Okay, off to cry. BAI!

Why This Week Was Awesome: All of it
Times Eaten At Chipotle: 12 (INTERNAL TEARS!!!!)
Books Read: 6 
Song Stuck In My Head: Whale, I mean, I am listening to Under the Booty right now...


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