Monday, May 27, 2013

You Were Late, #48

Okay so here's the deal guys.

I live and breathe stories. I read them, I listen to them, and I tell them myself. We are living and breathing stories ourselves. So what better way to learn about someone than by telling them stories, right? Storytelling makes us who we are--it is what shows others what we are, it is what helps form what we become to us and to others.

And yet this is another late story, another overdue blog post. My head has been filled with...something else...for the past couple of weeks and I do apologize. I still think that blog-writing is an enjoyable and marvelous form of storytelling, just as much as reading and living and dancing with others through words, but it hasn't been a top method of storytelling for me recently and for that I apologize. In fact, I've been finding new ways to tell stories, and I'm making new stories as I go along as well. And, really, if you know me--if you really know me--then you should be assured that I have never been the happiest than I am right now with these new stories.

A lot has happened in the past couple of weeks and not only am I getting to know new people, I am also getting to know myself again, something that I didn't get to do much for the most part, really, in my first year of college--which is odd because college is supposed to be this "journey to find yourself" deal. But it's not to late for it to be that for me--or, rather, it is not too late for it to be more of that for me. I certainly know it, and I certainly am acting on it.

Sometimes, various responsibilities muddle not only my thoughts but also the lens through which I see myself and my life. During the school year, my classes and activities and other duties are the only ones that are clear and sharp--that's how I get what I need to get done done. But the other thoughts--those get lost in the crowd. And summer is the perfect time for me to refocus on those often forgotten thoughts. Though I have been working full-time at 'Iolani for the past two weeks now, I have had more time not only for myself but for others as well. And the other thoughts--simple questions and considerations that ask me if I'm happy, if I'm challenging myself, if I'm enjoying life in general--become clearer and more defined by the day.

Risks: 48
Books Read: 10 
Thank You Notes Written: 15 


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