Sunday, May 12, 2013

Take a Power 30

Hey guys!

Can we just talk for a sec. I miss you guys. Like, seriously. It's been WAY too long and it makes me sad. Like, 12 days without talking to the Internet? That's too long.

Anyway, wanna know what's been going on lately? Me neither, but I guess I'll tell you about it anyway. The past few weeks, I've definitely been spending way more time with friends. Like, I've been spending an excessive amount of time in other people's rooms. And it's been super fun and I love it and it's definitely something that I'm going to miss this summer. 

All my shows are ending and it makes me sad. Okay, How I Met Your Mother season finale tomorrow. Death. 90210 SERIES finale tomorrow. WHAT!?!?!? SUPER DEATH. Doctor Who season finale this weekend. DEATH. The Office SERIES finale this Thursday? OMEGA DEATH. ALL THE DEATHS!!!! I just can't, like, I just can't. 

Oh, and something else that has been plaguing my life is Chipotle. From last Friday to today I've had Chipotle 5 times. What is my life. It's honestly an addiction. That's why I'm adding it to the bottom count things because it's getting so ridiculous I just can't. And, I tried the quesadilla burrito and I can honestly die happy now. Like seriously. It's too much. I love it so deeply and I just want to hug all the Chipotles everywhere but there are too many and I just can't.

Yeah, that's pretty much my life. There was way more that happened in the past week, but I'm tired, and I just wanna go play some Zelda, so YOLO. 

BAI <3!

Why This Week Was Awesome: THE QUESADILLA BURRITO!!!!
Books Read: 4
Times Eaten At Chipotle: 2 (Starting from Monday)
Song Stuck In My Head: "Losing a Future" by Alex Day


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