Sunday, May 12, 2013

No Words!

Guys. I have no words. No. Words. None whatsoever.

It's summer and the first year of college is done and I know Kerms doesn't finish for another month or something like that but can I just take this itty bitty paragraph to say, "IT IS DONE GUYS THE COLLEGE FRESHMAN YEAR IS FINISHED FOR ME AND CAN WE ALL JUST PLEASE YELL WHOOOOO AT THE SAME TIME OKAY ONE TWO THREE WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO."

Kerms was right--I do miss blogging every day. See that's the thing: we do BEDA for 30/31 days and we get so attached and then, poof, it's goodbye. We go from "Bubbies-Runs-at-Midnight" type of friends to "Good-Enough-Friends-to-Say-Hi-in-Between-Classes-But-That's-It" type of friends. And that sucks.

But this is why we're gonna step it up and move away from the latter type and instead upgrade our relationship to maybe not to the point where we'll go on random Bubbies runs at midnight, but maybe, we could like, go and walk to Starbucks together if we happen to run into each other between classes at Campus Center or something and we could catch up and stuff.

Okay, it's official: I'm crazy. Oh wait, that was official a long time ago.

All right, time to be serious here. Ok. All right, no, who am I kidding? It is SUMMER. SUMMER. GUYS. IT'S MY SECOND FAVORITE SEASON OF THE YEAR. And it's gonna be three months' worth of bare shoulders and tanks, flip-flops, and short denim shorts, three months' worth of shabu shabu and ramen dates, three months' worth of friendventures (mostly food-related), three months' worth of splurging on movie-lounge-days and all-day shopping (okay, maybe not shopping, I have to save money), and three months' worth of no stress and no worries. Granted, I'm working all summer and I have to start serious one-hour-a-day LSAT prep starting tomorrow-ish but STILL. IT IS SUMMER. This is the season I always feel the most invincible, because we are. Nothing can touch us.

And to add to that, life is good right now. Life is really good. I'm on a rollercoaster that only goes up and I am determined not to get scared when it gets too high and jump off unlike previous times. I'm trying, I'm doing, and I'm living. And I'm very thankful for the handful of new people I get to spend my days with--my family and friends, and a whole lot of love I have for all of them.

Risks: 48 (I have Brandon and Quintin to thank for #48. Love you both!)
Books Read: 10 
Thank You Notes Written: 15 


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