Sunday, May 26, 2013

When Rome's In Ruins

Hey guys!!!

Sorry for the temporary lame post. I was busy last night doing a photo project. It was a nighttime assignment, but the problem is that it doesn't get fully dark until like 10 here and I hate it, it's ridiculous.

But yeah, I was kind of sick today which was lame because I couldn't eat anything for a while, but all is good now. 

The three day weekend was definitely well needed. Only two more weeks of school!!!!!! And finals too I guess. But yeah, fun times. 

Umm oh god, I can't even think right now. Today has been such a lazy day. I have so much stuff due tomorrow, but YOLO, you know? I can't even. Oh, what I did do this week was a lot of figuring out what I plan on doing with my life. It's really exciting and stuff, but eh, still have a few more years of life and stuff. 

Ummmmm so, I'ma go watch more GoT..... BAI!

Why This Week Was Awesome: Starting to Read Again
Books Read: 4
Times Eaten At Chipotle: 7.... Guys, like, what is life. 
Song Stuck In My Head: "Young Volcanos" and "Phoenix" by Fall Out Boy


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