Sunday, October 2, 2011

Scribbling Furiously at 5:37 AM on a Saturday Morning

Should I start off this blog with a question? Ope, too late. Anyway, hello all you gorgeous people! Have you ever been to Electric Ladyland? No?! YOU SHOULD GO. That is all.

Okay, Week 1 of the BOOM-BOOM-BOOM Week Series is over and we're starting Week 2. We're getting there, guys, getting there. We have another Extended Schedule week this week. Weird--didn't we just have one?! Oh well, I shouldn't complain.

I'm trying to think of something interesting to tell you guys but I don't really have anything. Hmmm...well, I said that Dance With Me, Will You? will be up and completely running by the end of September and--oh, well, hello there OCTOBER. Yeahhhhh....that's on hold for now. 

I am at a good place on my homework, surprisingly. I'm trying to get it all done so that I can watch "Aladdin" tonight with my mom! So Shayne's all-time favorite Disney movie (well, all-time favorite movie in general, actually) is "Lion King" and mine is "Aladdin" (but you guys already knew that because y'all are creepers).



That was a good episode yesterday. REALLY GOOD EPISODE. I always need a huge hug after I watch DW episodes because I just have SO MANY EMOTIONS. GAH.

I'm reading Scarlet Letter for English. That's fun.

I'm also trying to read The Lost Hero at the same time so that I'll be ready for The Son of Neptune (which is coming out soon!) but I can't seem to get myself to do it because I know that Percy ain't in it. And also because I'm not a huge Piper fan. Like, I'm really not a Piper fan. I'm also not that big of a Jason fan for that matter. Actually, I only like Leo. That's it. I NEEDS ME SOME ANNABETH AND PERCY NOW NOW NOW.

I really loved....eating some homemade guacamole (the avocados are here!!!!!) and salsa combo with lime chips and CHOCOLATE COVERED DONUTS (yeah, I ate them together--quite heavenly, my friends. ABSOEFFINGLUTELY.)
I smiled...because I was going through some old posts of these two food porn blogs.
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog:
"Wait, they don't love you like I love you...." (Maps by Yeah Yeah Yeah)
Hours of sleep last night: 8 (I stayed up late, trying to find a good website with the GU Episode 5 live stream, but I gave up after three hours and just waited for someone to put it up on replay--IT WAS WORTH IT.)
Hugs: 3
Risks taken: (still) 5 <-- this needs to change soon!

P.S. Just an update on our "World Domination" plan--we got one view each from Brazil, Argentina and Mexico just this week. Yay South America! Still waiting on an African country...


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