Sunday, October 16, 2011

Wonderfully Wondering Alone

This week, I was particularly productive because I finished two whole freaking books!!! The first of which was The Son of Neptune by Rick Riordan, the second book in the Heroes of Olympus Series. Okay, I always kind of feel embarrassed or ashamed when I talk about or mention that I read these books, they are kind of like my own guilty pleasure. It's because they are obviously geared towards a younger audience, and I realize that while I'm reading, but I have been reading these books since 8th grade, and I will continue to do so throughout college. As for how the book was? I enjoyed it. A lot. It was really similar to the last one just because it kind of started fresh. I am excited for the next one though, The Mark of Athena (and NO, that is NOT a spoiler!!!)

Also, I finished The Death Cure last night, the third and final book in the Maze Runner series. It was good. I mean, it could have been better. It kind of focused more on the action and fighting instead of the characters. I felt like he introduced interesting character relationships, then just forgot about them. Although it was not the most ideal ending, I am satisfied with it. I mean, how else are you supposed to end a zombie book? 

Now, I started re-reading Brisingr. I must say that I am enjoying it. I have always enjoyed this series, and I guess I'm kind of sad that it's gonna be over soon. Hopefully I can finish the book before November 7 comes around. 

Despite the fact that this week is a three day week, it is going to be extremely stressful. I have a plethora of tests and assignments that need doing, and on top of that, it seems like all of my available free time is being taken up by something. There is a lot of fun stuff coming up though, so I am excited. Also, this Thursday, we leave for Senior Camp. More on that later I suppose. 

Okay, I am going to go read more Brisingr, study a little bit more for my AP Bio test, study for the vocab test, eat, and party. 

Books Read: 22 (TWO books in one week? WHAT!?!?)
Why Today Was Awesome: SOUP!!!! 
Something I Learned: Christopher Paolini is such a nerdy writer, it makes me lol. 
Song Stuck in My Head: "Losing My Mind" by Luke Conard


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