As I type, I am uploading the last photos from Homecoming onto Facebook. Anyway, the theme's point was to allow us to celebrate holidays we usually can't celebrate in school because we always have the day off. Before I forget, there was also a week-long Easter egg hunt all around campus. Sadly, I did not find any eggs but Kendall got two, I believe.
We have been ready for Christmas for quite some time now and I've actually been listening to Christmas song for the past month or so. I AM SO READY FOR CHRISTMAS! Anyway, Tuesday was a little teaser for everyone, which was a bit mean, but it was okay because it was still fun. Plus, we know that Christmas is on it's way. So everyone dressed up in their Christmas-y outfits and everyone shared Christmas-in-October holiday cheers with tinsels, bells, and a wave of red and green. I was amazed at how creative some costumes were--angels, gingerbread men, elves, Santas, the Grinch, the Spirit of Christmas (Bogs!), snowmen, and, of course, Zalman came as a rabbi! We had some milk and cookies in the morning, courtesy of the SAO, and Christmas music serenaded senior benches. At lunch, students played an exciting game of Gimme Gimme (in which we weren't really allowed to participate because we helped wrap the "presents" and knew where and what some of the gifts were.
Wednesday: ST. PATRICK'S DAY
At the end of the day, we watched the Lip Sync performances. I thought the juniors and the sophomores delivered clear and smooth performances. The seventh graders' love story was cute and they had us singing along with T-Swizzle! Eighth and ninth graders were also good. As for the senior performance, there were some parts that confused a whole lot of people (me included) and I could not hear/understand the dialogue that I assumed was supposed to tie the whole thing together although I was in the front row so I spent most of the time trying to figure out how it was all connected. One thing is for sure: the Katy Perry bit in the senior lip sync? PRICELESS and the BEST segment out of all the grades.
It's all about the Red, Black and White. That's what we all bleed. Not just Red--RED, BLACK, AND WHITE. Hopefully, our class got the 100% dressed-up percentage we'd been wanting all week. For the past few days, we had been at 98-99%, constantly urging everyone to set a record of 100%. We'll find out on Monday.
The most exciting part during the school day? The Kikaida flash mob! Kendall and I are both in Mr. Park's math classes (Precalc Honors for Kendall and AP Calc AB for me) and for the past three days before Friday, we've been doing nothing but correcting homework and practicing the Kikaida dance in class. Mr. Park even videotaped himself doing the dance and posted it online just for us to watch and use for practice at home. He organized the flash mob, which was scheduled to happen during lunch at the Fair (booths set up for students to challenge teachers in games like chopsticks games, mental math, staring contests, thumb wars, etc.). I'm pretty sure that most of the senior class found out about it because everyone was just milling about, waiting for it to happen. But for the faculty and the underclassmen, it was a nice surprise. At about 12:20pm, the music quickly changed from Michael Jackson to the Kikaida theme song and that was our cue. Walking away after like nothing happened was the best part! Check out the Imua article and video here.
Friday is also Cheerfest day--the day for which we had been practicing for weeks. All of the seniors met in the Athletic Courtyard to prep for our entrance. Although we weren't allowed to walk into the gym as a part of our cheer, we still wanted to announce our presence in a big way. So we filed into the gym, chanting "Ruh! Roh! Seniors!" over and over again. We fit everyone on the bleachers, I believe, which was key because sitting down was necessary for the beats. We went second and there were some similar songs used here and there between the grades but I think we did it perfectly. Josh asked me after, "How did you guys make sure everyone was doing the same thing, that you guys were all in the same page?" I told him that in the past, our class hadn't been like that. On Cheerfest, some people wouldn't be into it, some would be pushing other people down (like last year...) and jumping or just saying the wrong words on purpose. But I think being seniors makes us all BAM! Focused and ready to win. I felt the all-out quality we radiated. My head hurt after all the screaming and cheering, but it was so worth it.
Ho'olaulea was great as usual. I always love watching Stage 3, and Rebecca and Gavin were there. Josh had told me that Rebecca would sing in one of the concerts, but I don't think she did on Friday (we missed the first few minutes of the show), so I'm crossing my fingers that she will at the Christmas concert. We had to leave a bit early so that we could go to Chapel at 6:45pm for the Burning of the I.
I don't think it hit me then that we were experiencing the Burning, finally as seniors, until it was fully ablaze. In the night, just watching that I burn and burn and burn. It's not a feeling that you can really describe. It's one of those "You just had to be there" things.
All in all, a good night. What made it a great night? I got home, showered, and then I thought, "How can I end this perfect week perfectly?" I picked up The Son of Neptune. I told myself that I didn't have time to read it at all in November (more on that later) so this weekend was the weekend to do it. So I ended my Homecoming Week with an hour of Rick Riordan's awesome storytelling skills.
And now to other things! First, today (it's actually 3am on Sunday, October 30 now, but...) was October 29. Can we just take this moment to appreciate this special day? Okay, now that we've acknowledged and honored this day, on to next week!
So next week is Halloween! And the whole week has a lot more surprises, which you'll hear about later, but one that you are allowed to know about right now is NaNoWriMo! It isn't really a secret, I know, but yeah. I think Kendall is going to finish his 2010 novel for this year (which I'm really excited about because he left me hanging and I really wanted to know what would happen next!), and I'd like to try to do the same to mine but I've decided to start anew this year. The 2010 novel will be finished at one point, but I have a new idea and I just want to see where it goes. I'm also going to be very un-OCD about this story this year just because my OCDness on writing is the number one thing that keeps me from finishing any of my stories. My tendency to keep revising just doesn't go well with NaNoWriMo, so I'm forcing myself to change tactics. Wish us luck! Also, maybe expect shorter and boring posts all month...we are trying to write 50,000 words after all. I'm also blocking myself from Tumblr (like, COMPLETELY) and limiting Facebook time to the weekends. Homework is NOT going to move to the back seat. I will have three focuses--homework, NaNo, and college apps. College apps will mostly be in the weekends. It sounds scary, I know, because I still have speech/debate, clubs, Smalls, and prefection duties. Wish us A LOT of luck.
So it's almost 3:30 and I'd like to get some sleep (though I don't feel tired because I took a 2-hour nap in the afternoon). I have homework and a costume to do/make tomorrow.
I really loved...not being sick anymore.
I smiled...because of Percy, and Frank, and Hazel, and NICO, and Tyson, and GAH. TOO MANY EMOTIONS AND NO WORDS WITH WHICH TO EXPRESS THEM.
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog:
"This is the start of something good, don't you agree? I've never felt like this in so many moons..." (Follow Through by Gavin Degraw)
Hugs: 2
Risks taken: 7 (Only one during Homecoming? Weird?)
Current food cravings: fries...good fries...and orange juice...
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