Sunday, October 23, 2011

Alphabet Soup, Red Arrows, Senior Camp, Hobgoblin Attack and Hallelujah Day = BEST WEEKEND EVER

First of all, HALLELUJAH! I've said that with great emotion TWICE today so today is Hallelujah Day. I will explain later.

Let's recap the week! Kermit already mentioned a lot of the things that I wanted to say, so I'm sorry if this is repetitive.

1) Awesome Alliterative Name Noodles = SUCCESS
We served chicken noodle soup with alphabet pasta for all of the students in Upper School who had alliterative initials (Sammy Salamander, Thomas Taylor Thomas, Fergus Frederick Ferguson, etc.). That was tiring yet very rewarding. Homecoming Week is a break week (kinda) for us so the Spirit Smalls Dream Duo (You see what I did there?) won't be doing any new stuff until after the craziness dies down.

2) If You Could Have One Wish = SUCCESS
Two Spirit Smalls projects in one day?! Crazy, but doubly amazing. In the beginning of the year, the Proconsuls emailed all of the students, and one of the questions on the survey was "If you could have one wish, what would it be?" A male junior wished to see Mr. Duval do teacher impressions. So we had him follow red arrows that we put up and surprised him with a mini show. Tiring, but again, very fun.

These two projects wouldn't have been possible without the help of a lot of people. Special shouts outs to Rebecca, Jaime, Kelsey, Mr. U, and Mr. Wada.

3) Dark Green Get Buck in Senior Camp = SUCCESS
Senior Camp was fun. They made the hike sound harder than it really was. Hiking was so much fun! I was in Dark Green (YOUNG MONEY!) and we didn't win overall, but we did get the Best Banner Award because of Stephen and Rachel's amazing art skills (IN P.TOM WE TRUST). I loved our cheer (WE GET BUCK IN HERE!) and I thought everyone did a great job with theirs. The games were fun and I liked that they had little twists in them to make everything unusual and exciting. It was COLD up there in Kilauea. So many noms on the coffee table...

So much stuff happened and I could tell you about every single thing but the details aren't necessary to let you know how camp showed us just how much fun and amazing and spirited our senior class really is. Kermit already said that the time we spent in the theater was amazing, and I couldn't agree more. All the jokes and the cheering and the stomping and the tears--that whole time we were in the theater stands for the success of senior camp. That last night, after all the games and competition, we came together, and everyone wanted to be there, everyone wanted everyone to be there, everyone was full of energy, school spirit and class pride, and everyone was so thankful to those who worked hard to make the magic happen. I could feel the love, Class of 2012. Every time I think back on this past weekend, I just remember sitting in that theater and just feeling the electricity in the air as we all cheered for the chaperons, practiced the beats, and GAHH. TOO MANY EMOTIONS.

4) Hobgoblin Attack and Hallelujah Day = SUCCESS
So I don't know if I mentioned this before but there's a Hobgoblin living with us. For reals. I believe that he is a Hobgoblin, but Josh insists that he's actually a Brownie. Josh doesn't know what he's talking about. Anyway, this little Hobgoblin takes things from around the house and moves them around so we would have trouble finding our things later on. Sometimes, he also unscrews lids and moves bookmarks and unfolds clothes. He frequents my room, especially now that Shayne's not here. I'm pretty sure he's scared of Shayne because she gave him hell last year for taking a pair of her jeans and a blouse. He hid them for quite a while. Anyway, you might have one in your house too!

I've always been understanding of our little Hobgoblin "friend" because I know he does it out of love and our things always turn up. And, always, I know that the Hobgoblin does his little mischief  to teach us all a lesson--put things back where you found them, keep your things neat and organized, label your things, always have a plan B, etc. When I got back from camp, a brown shirt and a brown woven belt was missing--my Pocahontas-ish costume for Thanksgiving Day this Homecoming. At first, I was all, "Aww, you little Hobgoblin, you!" and I started looking for it. After two whole hours of literally turning my whole room upside down, I  finally gave up and started whimpering and crying and bawling because I was so sure that I left it folded and neat on my desk before I left on Thursday morning so there was no reason for the Hobgoblin to punish me because I had done nothing wrong. And I knew that the Hobgoblin knew that I was so excited because I was going to work on it when I got back from camp so his taking my things was just plain mean and cruel. So I was crying and crawling around, looking under beds and couches and dressers, and usually my mom would just be all, "What are you crying about?! They're just clothes!" but this time, she actually helped me look and she checked her own room and she even called my Dad and Shayne (who was home for the weekend but was already gone before I came back) and demanded to know if they had anything to do with the missing costume. It was pretty terrible. I went to sleep all grumpy and sad and frustrated. Then I woke up this morning with a new-found determination to search everywhere again. And I found the brown shirt and the belt neatly folded in my shorts drawer. HALLELUJAH!!! (That was the first time I said that today.). I was so overjoyed that I ran downstairs to tell my mommy that the Hobgoblin returned my things and she just shook her head and said, "Riiiight. That Hobgoblin." I love my mom.

The second time I said "HALLELUJAH!"? When I fixed my camp drawstring bag. My blue one broke *cough*Kendall*cough* (yeah, it's not your fault it broke, you're just a magnet for these things...) during the hike so I was elated when we all received bags from the camp committee! Then the zipper broke...but it's all good again!

5) Avocado Ice Candy = SUCCESS
My parents made some before I left and I asked for them to leave me some for when I got back. And they did! Gonna go munch on some now. 

I really loved...the two HALLELUJAH moments!
I smiled...because of that picture from camp that Tiff hates but everyone else loves.
Lyrics playing as I type this portion of the blog:
No lyrics playing right now but I do have part of our Dark Green Cheer stuck in my head: So what we get loud? So what we get mean? We're just having fun....
Hugs: 3
Risks taken: (still) 6
Current food craving(s): oyster chicken (I had some in Hilo Town this weekend and it was soooooo good...)


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