Sunday, October 23, 2011

Day 'N Nite

¿Qué pasta?

So a lot of things happened in this past week. From making soup for 100 people, granting someone's wish of hearing teacher impressions, talking about honor codes, being spirited, to going to camp, a lot of cool and fun things happened. 

I guess the most predominant one of those would be Senior Camp. I could go into all the boring details of what happened every minute of camp, but I don't want to, so I will give a summary of the things that I thought were cool and or fun. 

1) The cold. I freaking love the cold. Where we stayed was kind of elevated, so the regular daytime temperature was a cool/chilly air. At night time, it got significantly colder and it was amazing. This is one of the reasons why I'm excited to go to the mainland for college, the cold weather. I hate the heat and I can't wait to indulge myself in colder temperatures.

2) Losing. I was on the Light Green team for camp. We were awful. Okay, we weren't that bad, but we were in last place. We lost seven of the eight games, and tied one. It wasn't that we were a bad team, we were all able to work together really well, it was just that we were all really average. We didn't have anyone who was exceptionally spectacular. At the end, they gave out awards to all the teams. Some of them, you could tell that they were just giving them the award to give them an award. For us, they pitied us so much that they gave us two awards. The Golf Score award and the Most Participation award (which doesn't make that much sense....). I still did have fun though, so even though we lost, it's alright because it served its purpose of bringing us closer together. 

3) This one probably won't make much sense unless you were there, but the time that we spent in the theater. It was there where we practiced our class cheer, gave out awards, and thanked all the chaperones and such. The atmosphere in that room was probably the best I have ever felt from my grade. Usually, when we all get together as a grade, it sucks. No one really wants to be there and everyone is just making trouble. I could be wrong, I could be the only who felt like this, but when were all in there together, it felt as if we had finally come together as a class. I hope that we can keep that morale and feeling up because that is the type of note that I hope to end our high school careers together on (that probably didn't even make any sense).

4) Everything else. There is a lot that I'm missing and failing to mention, but I guess those are the immediate highlights that I think about when I think of Senior Camp as a whole. It was fun, and it was a good predecessor to our last homecoming ever next week. 

Books Read: 22
Why Today Was Awesome: Camp
Something I Learned: Nail-polish is difficult to remove. 
Song Stuck in My Head: Both the Light Green team cheer and our Class cheer. 


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