Monday, October 10, 2011

Why Don't You...?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know I messed up....YET AGAIN. 

I didn't have Internet last night so I couldn't post my weekly BEWTY update. But, whatever, what's not done is not done so all excuses aside, I'm getting my poor taste buds ready for that horseradish. If, that is, my punishment is to eat horseradish. 

I'm sorry.

To make up for it, I will....nope, I'm not making up for it. Kinda. I mean, I'll post now, and then I'll post later on in the week so you'll get two updates from me this week. But, nothing special. I don't have the time...

I went to the very first speech tournament of the season last Saturday. My friend Tiff and I realized that that tournament was our very LAST FIRST TOURNAMENT OF THE SEASON. Ohhh, the memories. I still can't believe this is the end. SENIOR YEAR: THE YEAR OF LASTS. 

Anyway, I also realized on Saturday just how much I've missed speech. I didn't do speech at all last season because I was focused on debate and school and I just didn't have the time for another event. So after a one-year hiatus, I'm back and it felt so good. There is a lot of pressure though because of the whole no-debate thing this season and I'm dealing. Just dealing.

Okay, well, I'm off to wrap a bajillion Christmas presents for Homecoming Week---which reminds me: SENIOR CAMP AND HOMECOMING WEEK. Those two are getting pretty close. And it's cool and sad at the same time 'cause it's our last Homecoming at 'Iolani. I'm a co-captain for the Dark Green team for Senior Camp...and I'm defs gonna work hard to win this year. :)

Anyway, tootles.

I really loved...stuff.
I smiled...because of more stuff.
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog:
"...Why don't you tell her? Why don't you let her see the feelings that you hide? She'll never know if you never show..." (Why Don't You Kiss Her by Jesse McCartney)

Hours of sleep last night: 8
Risks: 6 (I wore a dress to school earlier this week...................................)


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