Sunday, October 30, 2011

Makes It Up As He Goes Along

As Jen has said, this week was our last Homecoming and it was fun. I don't really want to go over the details because Jen pretty much said all that needed to be said. There are still a few things that I want to add though:

First, I only found ONE egg, not two. 

Secondly, my favorite part about all the pictures that were taken this week was the massive amount of amazing photobombing that occurred. Good times. 

Thirdly, Jen had to leave early from the dance, but she really didn't miss anything. The only thing of real interest during those lackluster 30 minutes was when they played "Party Rock Anthem". Good stuff man. 

By the way, I'm trying to watch the new Pirates movie whilst typing this, so if it seems inadequate or lacking substance, don't blame it on me, blame it on Jack Sparrow. 

I'm still trying to read Brisingr by the way, I'm about halfway through right now. Slowly but surely... I have until next week Tuesday. Easy right? 

Back to the rehashing, so on Saturday, we had to go in for our Bio project in the morning. After that, I helped out with the Haunted House that they were making in the SAO for this Monday (tomorrow). Let me just say that it is SOOOOO legit. It really is amazing and it will be so much fun to see everyone going through it. 

Today, I spent the whole day procrastinating when I said that I was going to do college stuff. On top of that I have a bunch of homework that needs to be done for this week. I didn't do anything. Oh well. I will get it done eventually. 

Okay, I can't do this anymore, I have to go now. Have fun with life!

Books Read: 22
Why Today Was Awesome: (It wasn't really today but still...) Homecoming and Haunted House.
Something I Learned: Sleeping at 8 at night = good times.
Song Stuck in My Head: "Wannabe" by The Spice Girls


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