As Jen has said, this week was our last Homecoming and it was fun. I don't really want to go over the details because Jen pretty much said all that needed to be said. There are still a few things that I want to add though:
First, I only found ONE egg, not two.
Secondly, my favorite part about all the pictures that were taken this week was the massive amount of amazing photobombing that occurred. Good times.
Thirdly, Jen had to leave early from the dance, but she really didn't miss anything. The only thing of real interest during those lackluster 30 minutes was when they played "Party Rock Anthem". Good stuff man.
By the way, I'm trying to watch the new Pirates movie whilst typing this, so if it seems inadequate or lacking substance, don't blame it on me, blame it on Jack Sparrow.
I'm still trying to read Brisingr by the way, I'm about halfway through right now. Slowly but surely... I have until next week Tuesday. Easy right?
Back to the rehashing, so on Saturday, we had to go in for our Bio project in the morning. After that, I helped out with the Haunted House that they were making in the SAO for this Monday (tomorrow). Let me just say that it is SOOOOO legit. It really is amazing and it will be so much fun to see everyone going through it.
Today, I spent the whole day procrastinating when I said that I was going to do college stuff. On top of that I have a bunch of homework that needs to be done for this week. I didn't do anything. Oh well. I will get it done eventually.
Okay, I can't do this anymore, I have to go now. Have fun with life!
Books Read: 22
Why Today Was Awesome: (It wasn't really today but still...) Homecoming and Haunted House.
Something I Learned: Sleeping at 8 at night = good times.
Song Stuck in My Head: "Wannabe" by The Spice Girls
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Coming Home for the Last Time
Homecoming Week 2011: Coming Home for the Holidays! is over. Last year was amazing (save the whole fighting thing) but this year, our last Homecoming, is, I think, the best one I've had. Maybe Kendall's too. For Kendall's Homecoming post last year, click here.
As I type, I am uploading the last photos from Homecoming onto Facebook. Anyway, the theme's point was to allow us to celebrate holidays we usually can't celebrate in school because we always have the day off. Before I forget, there was also a week-long Easter egg hunt all around campus. Sadly, I did not find any eggs but Kendall got two, I believe.
In keeping with tradition, we started off with Fashion No-No dress day of course! We And, like we do every year, the SAO Family greeted students early in the morning at the Upper School autoline, proudly displaying our garish outfits and waving at all the cars. Kelsey kicked on of the footballs for the symbolic Homecoming Kick-Off! The Fashion No-No Fashion Show at lunch was funny and so memorable (I got it all on video! Haha!). The energy was amazing. It was a great way to start what I knew would be an amazing week. (Also, we had great timing for signing psychosis! Thank you, John, for signing all of the books!)

We celebrated St. Patrick's Day on the third day so....GREEN GARMENTS GALORE! Leprechauns, clovers, rainbows and pots of gold were everywhere! I think it was Rachel who commented that we all looked liked we were going to the Quidditch World Cup...minus the Bulgarians, of course! GO IRISH! I felt home because of all the green--I just pretended it was a Slytherin party, and you know how those go. The dungeons can get pretty crazy. In the morning, they served some Lucky Charms and green milk. While Kendall trotted off to a Light Green (his team from Senior Camp) pizza "gathering", the rest of us went to Seto Hall for the magic show. Blew my mind, man. We had fun trying to figure it all out. Some tricks we've seen before and we had some creative ideas as to how it happened. But the other tricks were just--well, it's magic. Especially that last one with the box illusion--we are all convinced that they hit it with an Expanding Charm before the show. That's the only viable explanation. We love magic. We also helped to build the I after school!
On the fourth day, we celebrated Thanksgiving! The day's colors were orange and brown but this was probably the day in which mostly everyone dressed up in costumes rather than simple colors. Indians and pilgrims roamed the halls. Even Turkeys! The SAO served some cranberry juice and pie in the morning. The lunch assembly was hilarious--they had an apple bobbing contest. Mr. Park did not fail to amaze and wow everyone with his skills--he was slipping and sliding and spraying water everywhere. Luke broke the container and gah, it was so fun. The mashed potato and marshmallow portion of the contest was good, too, and of course, Mr. Park, again, was the highlight of the show.
At the end of the day, we watched the Lip Sync performances. I thought the juniors and the sophomores delivered clear and smooth performances. The seventh graders' love story was cute and they had us singing along with T-Swizzle! Eighth and ninth graders were also good. As for the senior performance, there were some parts that confused a whole lot of people (me included) and I could not hear/understand the dialogue that I assumed was supposed to tie the whole thing together although I was in the front row so I spent most of the time trying to figure out how it was all connected. One thing is for sure: the Katy Perry bit in the senior lip sync? PRICELESS and the BEST segment out of all the grades.
It's all about the Red, Black and White. That's what we all bleed. Not just Red--RED, BLACK, AND WHITE. Hopefully, our class got the 100% dressed-up percentage we'd been wanting all week. For the past few days, we had been at 98-99%, constantly urging everyone to set a record of 100%. We'll find out on Monday.
The most exciting part during the school day? The Kikaida flash mob! Kendall and I are both in Mr. Park's math classes (Precalc Honors for Kendall and AP Calc AB for me) and for the past three days before Friday, we've been doing nothing but correcting homework and practicing the Kikaida dance in class. Mr. Park even videotaped himself doing the dance and posted it online just for us to watch and use for practice at home. He organized the flash mob, which was scheduled to happen during lunch at the Fair (booths set up for students to challenge teachers in games like chopsticks games, mental math, staring contests, thumb wars, etc.). I'm pretty sure that most of the senior class found out about it because everyone was just milling about, waiting for it to happen. But for the faculty and the underclassmen, it was a nice surprise. At about 12:20pm, the music quickly changed from Michael Jackson to the Kikaida theme song and that was our cue. Walking away after like nothing happened was the best part! Check out the Imua article and video here.
Friday is also Cheerfest day--the day for which we had been practicing for weeks. All of the seniors met in the Athletic Courtyard to prep for our entrance. Although we weren't allowed to walk into the gym as a part of our cheer, we still wanted to announce our presence in a big way. So we filed into the gym, chanting "Ruh! Roh! Seniors!" over and over again. We fit everyone on the bleachers, I believe, which was key because sitting down was necessary for the beats. We went second and there were some similar songs used here and there between the grades but I think we did it perfectly. Josh asked me after, "How did you guys make sure everyone was doing the same thing, that you guys were all in the same page?" I told him that in the past, our class hadn't been like that. On Cheerfest, some people wouldn't be into it, some would be pushing other people down (like last year...) and jumping or just saying the wrong words on purpose. But I think being seniors makes us all BAM! Focused and ready to win. I felt the all-out quality we radiated. My head hurt after all the screaming and cheering, but it was so worth it.
Then there was the game. Uhh, it wasn't a very fun game to watch because we slaughtered the other team. But it was a fun game to go to for us because Kelsey and Bryan both played! When Kelsey kicked the second time, she made it in! I made leis for some of the seniors on the football team and after giving those out, taking pictures and congratulating Kelsey and Bryan, some of us headed straight to Ho'olaulea and some went to shower in the locker rooms. Kendall and Sid helped to clean up after the game.
Ho'olaulea was great as usual. I always love watching Stage 3, and Rebecca and Gavin were there. Josh had told me that Rebecca would sing in one of the concerts, but I don't think she did on Friday (we missed the first few minutes of the show), so I'm crossing my fingers that she will at the Christmas concert. We had to leave a bit early so that we could go to Chapel at 6:45pm for the Burning of the I.
I don't think it hit me then that we were experiencing the Burning, finally as seniors, until it was fully ablaze. In the night, just watching that I burn and burn and burn. It's not a feeling that you can really describe. It's one of those "You just had to be there" things.
And, finally, to cap it all off--the dance. Which was crazy. Partly because I don't think the school had ever seen so many people at an 'Iolani dance as they did on Friday night. The line was extremely long, but the wait was worth it because it was pretty fun in there. Yes, it got rowdy, I gotta admit. But being with friends and everything, as a senior, in the last Homecoming dance we would ever have? Man. I had to leave half an hour early because of my mom. In the beginning of the week, she had said yes, but I was actually sick for most of Homecoming so she told us on Thursday night that we couldn't go to the dance so we could get some much-needed sleep. At the very last minute, she yielded to my pleas but said that if we were to go, we had to leave at 10pm. Perfectly fine with me because I was so thankful that I was able to go at the very least.
All in all, a good night. What made it a great night? I got home, showered, and then I thought, "How can I end this perfect week perfectly?" I picked up The Son of Neptune. I told myself that I didn't have time to read it at all in November (more on that later) so this weekend was the weekend to do it. So I ended my Homecoming Week with an hour of Rick Riordan's awesome storytelling skills.
And now to other things! First, today (it's actually 3am on Sunday, October 30 now, but...) was October 29. Can we just take this moment to appreciate this special day? Okay, now that we've acknowledged and honored this day, on to next week!
So next week is Halloween! And the whole week has a lot more surprises, which you'll hear about later, but one that you are allowed to know about right now is NaNoWriMo! It isn't really a secret, I know, but yeah. I think Kendall is going to finish his 2010 novel for this year (which I'm really excited about because he left me hanging and I really wanted to know what would happen next!), and I'd like to try to do the same to mine but I've decided to start anew this year. The 2010 novel will be finished at one point, but I have a new idea and I just want to see where it goes. I'm also going to be very un-OCD about this story this year just because my OCDness on writing is the number one thing that keeps me from finishing any of my stories. My tendency to keep revising just doesn't go well with NaNoWriMo, so I'm forcing myself to change tactics. Wish us luck! Also, maybe expect shorter and boring posts all month...we are trying to write 50,000 words after all. I'm also blocking myself from Tumblr (like, COMPLETELY) and limiting Facebook time to the weekends. Homework is NOT going to move to the back seat. I will have three focuses--homework, NaNo, and college apps. College apps will mostly be in the weekends. It sounds scary, I know, because I still have speech/debate, clubs, Smalls, and prefection duties. Wish us A LOT of luck.
So it's almost 3:30 and I'd like to get some sleep (though I don't feel tired because I took a 2-hour nap in the afternoon). I have homework and a costume to do/make tomorrow.
I really loved...not being sick anymore.
I smiled...because of Percy, and Frank, and Hazel, and NICO, and Tyson, and GAH. TOO MANY EMOTIONS AND NO WORDS WITH WHICH TO EXPRESS THEM.
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog:
"This is the start of something good, don't you agree? I've never felt like this in so many moons..." (Follow Through by Gavin Degraw)
Hugs: 2
Risks taken: 7 (Only one during Homecoming? Weird?)
Current food cravings: fries...good fries...and orange juice...
As I type, I am uploading the last photos from Homecoming onto Facebook. Anyway, the theme's point was to allow us to celebrate holidays we usually can't celebrate in school because we always have the day off. Before I forget, there was also a week-long Easter egg hunt all around campus. Sadly, I did not find any eggs but Kendall got two, I believe.
We have been ready for Christmas for quite some time now and I've actually been listening to Christmas song for the past month or so. I AM SO READY FOR CHRISTMAS! Anyway, Tuesday was a little teaser for everyone, which was a bit mean, but it was okay because it was still fun. Plus, we know that Christmas is on it's way. So everyone dressed up in their Christmas-y outfits and everyone shared Christmas-in-October holiday cheers with tinsels, bells, and a wave of red and green. I was amazed at how creative some costumes were--angels, gingerbread men, elves, Santas, the Grinch, the Spirit of Christmas (Bogs!), snowmen, and, of course, Zalman came as a rabbi! We had some milk and cookies in the morning, courtesy of the SAO, and Christmas music serenaded senior benches. At lunch, students played an exciting game of Gimme Gimme (in which we weren't really allowed to participate because we helped wrap the "presents" and knew where and what some of the gifts were.
Wednesday: ST. PATRICK'S DAY
At the end of the day, we watched the Lip Sync performances. I thought the juniors and the sophomores delivered clear and smooth performances. The seventh graders' love story was cute and they had us singing along with T-Swizzle! Eighth and ninth graders were also good. As for the senior performance, there were some parts that confused a whole lot of people (me included) and I could not hear/understand the dialogue that I assumed was supposed to tie the whole thing together although I was in the front row so I spent most of the time trying to figure out how it was all connected. One thing is for sure: the Katy Perry bit in the senior lip sync? PRICELESS and the BEST segment out of all the grades.
It's all about the Red, Black and White. That's what we all bleed. Not just Red--RED, BLACK, AND WHITE. Hopefully, our class got the 100% dressed-up percentage we'd been wanting all week. For the past few days, we had been at 98-99%, constantly urging everyone to set a record of 100%. We'll find out on Monday.
The most exciting part during the school day? The Kikaida flash mob! Kendall and I are both in Mr. Park's math classes (Precalc Honors for Kendall and AP Calc AB for me) and for the past three days before Friday, we've been doing nothing but correcting homework and practicing the Kikaida dance in class. Mr. Park even videotaped himself doing the dance and posted it online just for us to watch and use for practice at home. He organized the flash mob, which was scheduled to happen during lunch at the Fair (booths set up for students to challenge teachers in games like chopsticks games, mental math, staring contests, thumb wars, etc.). I'm pretty sure that most of the senior class found out about it because everyone was just milling about, waiting for it to happen. But for the faculty and the underclassmen, it was a nice surprise. At about 12:20pm, the music quickly changed from Michael Jackson to the Kikaida theme song and that was our cue. Walking away after like nothing happened was the best part! Check out the Imua article and video here.
Friday is also Cheerfest day--the day for which we had been practicing for weeks. All of the seniors met in the Athletic Courtyard to prep for our entrance. Although we weren't allowed to walk into the gym as a part of our cheer, we still wanted to announce our presence in a big way. So we filed into the gym, chanting "Ruh! Roh! Seniors!" over and over again. We fit everyone on the bleachers, I believe, which was key because sitting down was necessary for the beats. We went second and there were some similar songs used here and there between the grades but I think we did it perfectly. Josh asked me after, "How did you guys make sure everyone was doing the same thing, that you guys were all in the same page?" I told him that in the past, our class hadn't been like that. On Cheerfest, some people wouldn't be into it, some would be pushing other people down (like last year...) and jumping or just saying the wrong words on purpose. But I think being seniors makes us all BAM! Focused and ready to win. I felt the all-out quality we radiated. My head hurt after all the screaming and cheering, but it was so worth it.
Ho'olaulea was great as usual. I always love watching Stage 3, and Rebecca and Gavin were there. Josh had told me that Rebecca would sing in one of the concerts, but I don't think she did on Friday (we missed the first few minutes of the show), so I'm crossing my fingers that she will at the Christmas concert. We had to leave a bit early so that we could go to Chapel at 6:45pm for the Burning of the I.
I don't think it hit me then that we were experiencing the Burning, finally as seniors, until it was fully ablaze. In the night, just watching that I burn and burn and burn. It's not a feeling that you can really describe. It's one of those "You just had to be there" things.
All in all, a good night. What made it a great night? I got home, showered, and then I thought, "How can I end this perfect week perfectly?" I picked up The Son of Neptune. I told myself that I didn't have time to read it at all in November (more on that later) so this weekend was the weekend to do it. So I ended my Homecoming Week with an hour of Rick Riordan's awesome storytelling skills.
And now to other things! First, today (it's actually 3am on Sunday, October 30 now, but...) was October 29. Can we just take this moment to appreciate this special day? Okay, now that we've acknowledged and honored this day, on to next week!
So next week is Halloween! And the whole week has a lot more surprises, which you'll hear about later, but one that you are allowed to know about right now is NaNoWriMo! It isn't really a secret, I know, but yeah. I think Kendall is going to finish his 2010 novel for this year (which I'm really excited about because he left me hanging and I really wanted to know what would happen next!), and I'd like to try to do the same to mine but I've decided to start anew this year. The 2010 novel will be finished at one point, but I have a new idea and I just want to see where it goes. I'm also going to be very un-OCD about this story this year just because my OCDness on writing is the number one thing that keeps me from finishing any of my stories. My tendency to keep revising just doesn't go well with NaNoWriMo, so I'm forcing myself to change tactics. Wish us luck! Also, maybe expect shorter and boring posts all month...we are trying to write 50,000 words after all. I'm also blocking myself from Tumblr (like, COMPLETELY) and limiting Facebook time to the weekends. Homework is NOT going to move to the back seat. I will have three focuses--homework, NaNo, and college apps. College apps will mostly be in the weekends. It sounds scary, I know, because I still have speech/debate, clubs, Smalls, and prefection duties. Wish us A LOT of luck.
So it's almost 3:30 and I'd like to get some sleep (though I don't feel tired because I took a 2-hour nap in the afternoon). I have homework and a costume to do/make tomorrow.
I really loved...not being sick anymore.
I smiled...because of Percy, and Frank, and Hazel, and NICO, and Tyson, and GAH. TOO MANY EMOTIONS AND NO WORDS WITH WHICH TO EXPRESS THEM.
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog:
"This is the start of something good, don't you agree? I've never felt like this in so many moons..." (Follow Through by Gavin Degraw)
Hugs: 2
Risks taken: 7 (Only one during Homecoming? Weird?)
Current food cravings: fries...good fries...and orange juice...
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Alphabet Soup, Red Arrows, Senior Camp, Hobgoblin Attack and Hallelujah Day = BEST WEEKEND EVER
First of all, HALLELUJAH! I've said that with great emotion TWICE today so today is Hallelujah Day. I will explain later.
Let's recap the week! Kermit already mentioned a lot of the things that I wanted to say, so I'm sorry if this is repetitive.
1) Awesome Alliterative Name Noodles = SUCCESS
We served chicken noodle soup with alphabet pasta for all of the students in Upper School who had alliterative initials (Sammy Salamander, Thomas Taylor Thomas, Fergus Frederick Ferguson, etc.). That was tiring yet very rewarding. Homecoming Week is a break week (kinda) for us so the Spirit Smalls Dream Duo (You see what I did there?) won't be doing any new stuff until after the craziness dies down.
2) If You Could Have One Wish = SUCCESS
Two Spirit Smalls projects in one day?! Crazy, but doubly amazing. In the beginning of the year, the Proconsuls emailed all of the students, and one of the questions on the survey was "If you could have one wish, what would it be?" A male junior wished to see Mr. Duval do teacher impressions. So we had him follow red arrows that we put up and surprised him with a mini show. Tiring, but again, very fun.
These two projects wouldn't have been possible without the help of a lot of people. Special shouts outs to Rebecca, Jaime, Kelsey, Mr. U, and Mr. Wada.
3) Dark Green Get Buck in Senior Camp = SUCCESS
Senior Camp was fun. They made the hike sound harder than it really was. Hiking was so much fun! I was in Dark Green (YOUNG MONEY!) and we didn't win overall, but we did get the Best Banner Award because of Stephen and Rachel's amazing art skills (IN P.TOM WE TRUST). I loved our cheer (WE GET BUCK IN HERE!) and I thought everyone did a great job with theirs. The games were fun and I liked that they had little twists in them to make everything unusual and exciting. It was COLD up there in Kilauea. So many noms on the coffee table...
So much stuff happened and I could tell you about every single thing but the details aren't necessary to let you know how camp showed us just how much fun and amazing and spirited our senior class really is. Kermit already said that the time we spent in the theater was amazing, and I couldn't agree more. All the jokes and the cheering and the stomping and the tears--that whole time we were in the theater stands for the success of senior camp. That last night, after all the games and competition, we came together, and everyone wanted to be there, everyone wanted everyone to be there, everyone was full of energy, school spirit and class pride, and everyone was so thankful to those who worked hard to make the magic happen. I could feel the love, Class of 2012. Every time I think back on this past weekend, I just remember sitting in that theater and just feeling the electricity in the air as we all cheered for the chaperons, practiced the beats, and GAHH. TOO MANY EMOTIONS.
4) Hobgoblin Attack and Hallelujah Day = SUCCESS
So I don't know if I mentioned this before but there's a Hobgoblin living with us. For reals. I believe that he is a Hobgoblin, but Josh insists that he's actually a Brownie. Josh doesn't know what he's talking about. Anyway, this little Hobgoblin takes things from around the house and moves them around so we would have trouble finding our things later on. Sometimes, he also unscrews lids and moves bookmarks and unfolds clothes. He frequents my room, especially now that Shayne's not here. I'm pretty sure he's scared of Shayne because she gave him hell last year for taking a pair of her jeans and a blouse. He hid them for quite a while. Anyway, you might have one in your house too!
I've always been understanding of our little Hobgoblin "friend" because I know he does it out of love and our things always turn up. And, always, I know that the Hobgoblin does his little mischief to teach us all a lesson--put things back where you found them, keep your things neat and organized, label your things, always have a plan B, etc. When I got back from camp, a brown shirt and a brown woven belt was missing--my Pocahontas-ish costume for Thanksgiving Day this Homecoming. At first, I was all, "Aww, you little Hobgoblin, you!" and I started looking for it. After two whole hours of literally turning my whole room upside down, I finally gave up and started whimpering and crying and bawling because I was so sure that I left it folded and neat on my desk before I left on Thursday morning so there was no reason for the Hobgoblin to punish me because I had done nothing wrong. And I knew that the Hobgoblin knew that I was so excited because I was going to work on it when I got back from camp so his taking my things was just plain mean and cruel. So I was crying and crawling around, looking under beds and couches and dressers, and usually my mom would just be all, "What are you crying about?! They're just clothes!" but this time, she actually helped me look and she checked her own room and she even called my Dad and Shayne (who was home for the weekend but was already gone before I came back) and demanded to know if they had anything to do with the missing costume. It was pretty terrible. I went to sleep all grumpy and sad and frustrated. Then I woke up this morning with a new-found determination to search everywhere again. And I found the brown shirt and the belt neatly folded in my shorts drawer. HALLELUJAH!!! (That was the first time I said that today.). I was so overjoyed that I ran downstairs to tell my mommy that the Hobgoblin returned my things and she just shook her head and said, "Riiiight. That Hobgoblin." I love my mom.
The second time I said "HALLELUJAH!"? When I fixed my camp drawstring bag. My blue one broke *cough*Kendall*cough* (yeah, it's not your fault it broke, you're just a magnet for these things...) during the hike so I was elated when we all received bags from the camp committee! Then the zipper broke...but it's all good again!
5) Avocado Ice Candy = SUCCESS
My parents made some before I left and I asked for them to leave me some for when I got back. And they did! Gonna go munch on some now.
I really loved...the two HALLELUJAH moments!
I smiled...because of that picture from camp that Tiff hates but everyone else loves.
Lyrics playing as I type this portion of the blog:
No lyrics playing right now but I do have part of our Dark Green Cheer stuck in my head: So what we get loud? So what we get mean? We're just having fun....
Hugs: 3
Risks taken: (still) 6
Current food craving(s): oyster chicken (I had some in Hilo Town this weekend and it was soooooo good...)
Let's recap the week! Kermit already mentioned a lot of the things that I wanted to say, so I'm sorry if this is repetitive.
1) Awesome Alliterative Name Noodles = SUCCESS
We served chicken noodle soup with alphabet pasta for all of the students in Upper School who had alliterative initials (Sammy Salamander, Thomas Taylor Thomas, Fergus Frederick Ferguson, etc.). That was tiring yet very rewarding. Homecoming Week is a break week (kinda) for us so the Spirit Smalls Dream Duo (You see what I did there?) won't be doing any new stuff until after the craziness dies down.
2) If You Could Have One Wish = SUCCESS
Two Spirit Smalls projects in one day?! Crazy, but doubly amazing. In the beginning of the year, the Proconsuls emailed all of the students, and one of the questions on the survey was "If you could have one wish, what would it be?" A male junior wished to see Mr. Duval do teacher impressions. So we had him follow red arrows that we put up and surprised him with a mini show. Tiring, but again, very fun.
These two projects wouldn't have been possible without the help of a lot of people. Special shouts outs to Rebecca, Jaime, Kelsey, Mr. U, and Mr. Wada.
3) Dark Green Get Buck in Senior Camp = SUCCESS
Senior Camp was fun. They made the hike sound harder than it really was. Hiking was so much fun! I was in Dark Green (YOUNG MONEY!) and we didn't win overall, but we did get the Best Banner Award because of Stephen and Rachel's amazing art skills (IN P.TOM WE TRUST). I loved our cheer (WE GET BUCK IN HERE!) and I thought everyone did a great job with theirs. The games were fun and I liked that they had little twists in them to make everything unusual and exciting. It was COLD up there in Kilauea. So many noms on the coffee table...
So much stuff happened and I could tell you about every single thing but the details aren't necessary to let you know how camp showed us just how much fun and amazing and spirited our senior class really is. Kermit already said that the time we spent in the theater was amazing, and I couldn't agree more. All the jokes and the cheering and the stomping and the tears--that whole time we were in the theater stands for the success of senior camp. That last night, after all the games and competition, we came together, and everyone wanted to be there, everyone wanted everyone to be there, everyone was full of energy, school spirit and class pride, and everyone was so thankful to those who worked hard to make the magic happen. I could feel the love, Class of 2012. Every time I think back on this past weekend, I just remember sitting in that theater and just feeling the electricity in the air as we all cheered for the chaperons, practiced the beats, and GAHH. TOO MANY EMOTIONS.
4) Hobgoblin Attack and Hallelujah Day = SUCCESS
So I don't know if I mentioned this before but there's a Hobgoblin living with us. For reals. I believe that he is a Hobgoblin, but Josh insists that he's actually a Brownie. Josh doesn't know what he's talking about. Anyway, this little Hobgoblin takes things from around the house and moves them around so we would have trouble finding our things later on. Sometimes, he also unscrews lids and moves bookmarks and unfolds clothes. He frequents my room, especially now that Shayne's not here. I'm pretty sure he's scared of Shayne because she gave him hell last year for taking a pair of her jeans and a blouse. He hid them for quite a while. Anyway, you might have one in your house too!
I've always been understanding of our little Hobgoblin "friend" because I know he does it out of love and our things always turn up. And, always, I know that the Hobgoblin does his little mischief to teach us all a lesson--put things back where you found them, keep your things neat and organized, label your things, always have a plan B, etc. When I got back from camp, a brown shirt and a brown woven belt was missing--my Pocahontas-ish costume for Thanksgiving Day this Homecoming. At first, I was all, "Aww, you little Hobgoblin, you!" and I started looking for it. After two whole hours of literally turning my whole room upside down, I finally gave up and started whimpering and crying and bawling because I was so sure that I left it folded and neat on my desk before I left on Thursday morning so there was no reason for the Hobgoblin to punish me because I had done nothing wrong. And I knew that the Hobgoblin knew that I was so excited because I was going to work on it when I got back from camp so his taking my things was just plain mean and cruel. So I was crying and crawling around, looking under beds and couches and dressers, and usually my mom would just be all, "What are you crying about?! They're just clothes!" but this time, she actually helped me look and she checked her own room and she even called my Dad and Shayne (who was home for the weekend but was already gone before I came back) and demanded to know if they had anything to do with the missing costume. It was pretty terrible. I went to sleep all grumpy and sad and frustrated. Then I woke up this morning with a new-found determination to search everywhere again. And I found the brown shirt and the belt neatly folded in my shorts drawer. HALLELUJAH!!! (That was the first time I said that today.). I was so overjoyed that I ran downstairs to tell my mommy that the Hobgoblin returned my things and she just shook her head and said, "Riiiight. That Hobgoblin." I love my mom.
The second time I said "HALLELUJAH!"? When I fixed my camp drawstring bag. My blue one broke *cough*Kendall*cough* (yeah, it's not your fault it broke, you're just a magnet for these things...) during the hike so I was elated when we all received bags from the camp committee! Then the zipper broke...but it's all good again!
5) Avocado Ice Candy = SUCCESS
My parents made some before I left and I asked for them to leave me some for when I got back. And they did! Gonna go munch on some now.
I really loved...the two HALLELUJAH moments!
I smiled...because of that picture from camp that Tiff hates but everyone else loves.
Lyrics playing as I type this portion of the blog:
No lyrics playing right now but I do have part of our Dark Green Cheer stuck in my head: So what we get loud? So what we get mean? We're just having fun....
Hugs: 3
Risks taken: (still) 6
Current food craving(s): oyster chicken (I had some in Hilo Town this weekend and it was soooooo good...)
Day 'N Nite
¿Qué pasta?
So a lot of things happened in this past week. From making soup for 100 people, granting someone's wish of hearing teacher impressions, talking about honor codes, being spirited, to going to camp, a lot of cool and fun things happened.
I guess the most predominant one of those would be Senior Camp. I could go into all the boring details of what happened every minute of camp, but I don't want to, so I will give a summary of the things that I thought were cool and or fun.
1) The cold. I freaking love the cold. Where we stayed was kind of elevated, so the regular daytime temperature was a cool/chilly air. At night time, it got significantly colder and it was amazing. This is one of the reasons why I'm excited to go to the mainland for college, the cold weather. I hate the heat and I can't wait to indulge myself in colder temperatures.
2) Losing. I was on the Light Green team for camp. We were awful. Okay, we weren't that bad, but we were in last place. We lost seven of the eight games, and tied one. It wasn't that we were a bad team, we were all able to work together really well, it was just that we were all really average. We didn't have anyone who was exceptionally spectacular. At the end, they gave out awards to all the teams. Some of them, you could tell that they were just giving them the award to give them an award. For us, they pitied us so much that they gave us two awards. The Golf Score award and the Most Participation award (which doesn't make that much sense....). I still did have fun though, so even though we lost, it's alright because it served its purpose of bringing us closer together.
3) This one probably won't make much sense unless you were there, but the time that we spent in the theater. It was there where we practiced our class cheer, gave out awards, and thanked all the chaperones and such. The atmosphere in that room was probably the best I have ever felt from my grade. Usually, when we all get together as a grade, it sucks. No one really wants to be there and everyone is just making trouble. I could be wrong, I could be the only who felt like this, but when were all in there together, it felt as if we had finally come together as a class. I hope that we can keep that morale and feeling up because that is the type of note that I hope to end our high school careers together on (that probably didn't even make any sense).
4) Everything else. There is a lot that I'm missing and failing to mention, but I guess those are the immediate highlights that I think about when I think of Senior Camp as a whole. It was fun, and it was a good predecessor to our last homecoming ever next week.
Books Read: 22
Why Today Was Awesome: Camp
Something I Learned: Nail-polish is difficult to remove.
Song Stuck in My Head: Both the Light Green team cheer and our Class cheer.
So a lot of things happened in this past week. From making soup for 100 people, granting someone's wish of hearing teacher impressions, talking about honor codes, being spirited, to going to camp, a lot of cool and fun things happened.
I guess the most predominant one of those would be Senior Camp. I could go into all the boring details of what happened every minute of camp, but I don't want to, so I will give a summary of the things that I thought were cool and or fun.
1) The cold. I freaking love the cold. Where we stayed was kind of elevated, so the regular daytime temperature was a cool/chilly air. At night time, it got significantly colder and it was amazing. This is one of the reasons why I'm excited to go to the mainland for college, the cold weather. I hate the heat and I can't wait to indulge myself in colder temperatures.
2) Losing. I was on the Light Green team for camp. We were awful. Okay, we weren't that bad, but we were in last place. We lost seven of the eight games, and tied one. It wasn't that we were a bad team, we were all able to work together really well, it was just that we were all really average. We didn't have anyone who was exceptionally spectacular. At the end, they gave out awards to all the teams. Some of them, you could tell that they were just giving them the award to give them an award. For us, they pitied us so much that they gave us two awards. The Golf Score award and the Most Participation award (which doesn't make that much sense....). I still did have fun though, so even though we lost, it's alright because it served its purpose of bringing us closer together.
3) This one probably won't make much sense unless you were there, but the time that we spent in the theater. It was there where we practiced our class cheer, gave out awards, and thanked all the chaperones and such. The atmosphere in that room was probably the best I have ever felt from my grade. Usually, when we all get together as a grade, it sucks. No one really wants to be there and everyone is just making trouble. I could be wrong, I could be the only who felt like this, but when were all in there together, it felt as if we had finally come together as a class. I hope that we can keep that morale and feeling up because that is the type of note that I hope to end our high school careers together on (that probably didn't even make any sense).
4) Everything else. There is a lot that I'm missing and failing to mention, but I guess those are the immediate highlights that I think about when I think of Senior Camp as a whole. It was fun, and it was a good predecessor to our last homecoming ever next week.
Books Read: 22
Why Today Was Awesome: Camp
Something I Learned: Nail-polish is difficult to remove.
Song Stuck in My Head: Both the Light Green team cheer and our Class cheer.
Enjoy these random tags:
All I need
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Wonderfully Wondering Alone
This week, I was particularly productive because I finished two whole freaking books!!! The first of which was The Son of Neptune by Rick Riordan, the second book in the Heroes of Olympus Series. Okay, I always kind of feel embarrassed or ashamed when I talk about or mention that I read these books, they are kind of like my own guilty pleasure. It's because they are obviously geared towards a younger audience, and I realize that while I'm reading, but I have been reading these books since 8th grade, and I will continue to do so throughout college. As for how the book was? I enjoyed it. A lot. It was really similar to the last one just because it kind of started fresh. I am excited for the next one though, The Mark of Athena (and NO, that is NOT a spoiler!!!)
Also, I finished The Death Cure last night, the third and final book in the Maze Runner series. It was good. I mean, it could have been better. It kind of focused more on the action and fighting instead of the characters. I felt like he introduced interesting character relationships, then just forgot about them. Although it was not the most ideal ending, I am satisfied with it. I mean, how else are you supposed to end a zombie book?
Now, I started re-reading Brisingr. I must say that I am enjoying it. I have always enjoyed this series, and I guess I'm kind of sad that it's gonna be over soon. Hopefully I can finish the book before November 7 comes around.
Despite the fact that this week is a three day week, it is going to be extremely stressful. I have a plethora of tests and assignments that need doing, and on top of that, it seems like all of my available free time is being taken up by something. There is a lot of fun stuff coming up though, so I am excited. Also, this Thursday, we leave for Senior Camp. More on that later I suppose.
Okay, I am going to go read more Brisingr, study a little bit more for my AP Bio test, study for the vocab test, eat, and party.
Books Read: 22 (TWO books in one week? WHAT!?!?)
Why Today Was Awesome: SOUP!!!!
Something I Learned: Christopher Paolini is such a nerdy writer, it makes me lol.
Song Stuck in My Head: "Losing My Mind" by Luke Conard
Also, I finished The Death Cure last night, the third and final book in the Maze Runner series. It was good. I mean, it could have been better. It kind of focused more on the action and fighting instead of the characters. I felt like he introduced interesting character relationships, then just forgot about them. Although it was not the most ideal ending, I am satisfied with it. I mean, how else are you supposed to end a zombie book?
Now, I started re-reading Brisingr. I must say that I am enjoying it. I have always enjoyed this series, and I guess I'm kind of sad that it's gonna be over soon. Hopefully I can finish the book before November 7 comes around.
Despite the fact that this week is a three day week, it is going to be extremely stressful. I have a plethora of tests and assignments that need doing, and on top of that, it seems like all of my available free time is being taken up by something. There is a lot of fun stuff coming up though, so I am excited. Also, this Thursday, we leave for Senior Camp. More on that later I suppose.
Okay, I am going to go read more Brisingr, study a little bit more for my AP Bio test, study for the vocab test, eat, and party.
Books Read: 22 (TWO books in one week? WHAT!?!?)
Why Today Was Awesome: SOUP!!!!
Something I Learned: Christopher Paolini is such a nerdy writer, it makes me lol.
Song Stuck in My Head: "Losing My Mind" by Luke Conard
Thursday, October 13, 2011
It's 2pm, and I'm supposed to be in Calculus but I'm blogging instead because I'm like those rebels to the Empire at Echo Base!
Naaaahhhhhhttttttt. My teacher warned us on Monday that he felt like he was going to catch a cold today and tomorrow. And whaddayaknow? He caught a cold. Ohhh, Mr. yes, I have a free period instead of Calculus class today because Mr. Park isn't here. Instead, I'm sitting here in the computer lab, blogging, because I just finished printing out a bajillion invitations (and when I say "a bajillion," I mean, like, 91...) for a party to which you are not invited unless you have a cool alliterative name! It's for a student council project. And my title refers to this--we're not lying to students with these invites, we're just not sure if we're going to be able to give what we promised in the invites. HOPEFULLY, WE CAN. Kendall and I are doing our best.
Moving on, we went to a Doctor Who club meeting today. It's amazing to see just how weird the people around me really are...and even more amazing when I realize that I AM NOT ALONE IN THIS WORLD!! :)
Just reminding you: this is BLOG NUMBER TWO OF THE WEEK due to my failure to post last week....BAD JEN BAD JEN BAD JEN.
The first quarter is slowly coming to an end. Oh, what sadness......
Remember how I said that Tiff and I realized that last Saturday's tournament was our LAST FIRST TOURNAMENT OF THE SEASON? Before walking up our rooms for the first round, we were like, "WAIT, THIS IS OUR LAST FIRST ROUND OF THE LAST FIRST TOURNAMENT OF THE SEASON OF OUR LIVES." And the next round was THE LAST SECOND ROUND OF THE LAST FIRST TOURNAMENT OF THE SEASON OF OUR LIVES. And the round after that get the idea. Anyway, that kind of opened a whole new can of LASTs--the last sandwich of the last first tournament of the season of our lives, the last ballots of the last first tournament of the season of our lives, the last judges of the last third round of the last first tournament of the season of our lives, etc., etc.,
It's pretty ridiculous.
This week is the last cycle 7 week of the first quarter.
As in, the last last cycle 7 week of the last first quarter of our lives.
I ate a bowl of mochiko chicken for lunch today.
As in, the last mochiko chicken of the last last cycle 7 week of the last first quarter of our lives.
The period 3 bell just rang. As in, the last period 3 bell on a Thursday of the last last cycle 7 week of the last first quarter of our lives.
Yeah, it's pretty ridiculous. But it's also true.
Anyway, time to go and HANDWRITE all of the names on the invites....
I really loved...DAVID.
I smile....because of DAVID.
Lyrics playing in my head at this moment as I type this portion of the blog:
It's not really a song, but I just keep going all, "OMG DAVID OMG DAVID" in my head, over and over again...
Hours of sleep last night: 6?
Hugs: 3
Risks taken: 6
Current food craving(s): root beer, couscous
Naaaahhhhhhttttttt. My teacher warned us on Monday that he felt like he was going to catch a cold today and tomorrow. And whaddayaknow? He caught a cold. Ohhh, Mr. yes, I have a free period instead of Calculus class today because Mr. Park isn't here. Instead, I'm sitting here in the computer lab, blogging, because I just finished printing out a bajillion invitations (and when I say "a bajillion," I mean, like, 91...) for a party to which you are not invited unless you have a cool alliterative name! It's for a student council project. And my title refers to this--we're not lying to students with these invites, we're just not sure if we're going to be able to give what we promised in the invites. HOPEFULLY, WE CAN. Kendall and I are doing our best.
Moving on, we went to a Doctor Who club meeting today. It's amazing to see just how weird the people around me really are...and even more amazing when I realize that I AM NOT ALONE IN THIS WORLD!! :)
Just reminding you: this is BLOG NUMBER TWO OF THE WEEK due to my failure to post last week....BAD JEN BAD JEN BAD JEN.
The first quarter is slowly coming to an end. Oh, what sadness......
Remember how I said that Tiff and I realized that last Saturday's tournament was our LAST FIRST TOURNAMENT OF THE SEASON? Before walking up our rooms for the first round, we were like, "WAIT, THIS IS OUR LAST FIRST ROUND OF THE LAST FIRST TOURNAMENT OF THE SEASON OF OUR LIVES." And the next round was THE LAST SECOND ROUND OF THE LAST FIRST TOURNAMENT OF THE SEASON OF OUR LIVES. And the round after that get the idea. Anyway, that kind of opened a whole new can of LASTs--the last sandwich of the last first tournament of the season of our lives, the last ballots of the last first tournament of the season of our lives, the last judges of the last third round of the last first tournament of the season of our lives, etc., etc.,
It's pretty ridiculous.
This week is the last cycle 7 week of the first quarter.
As in, the last last cycle 7 week of the last first quarter of our lives.
I ate a bowl of mochiko chicken for lunch today.
As in, the last mochiko chicken of the last last cycle 7 week of the last first quarter of our lives.
The period 3 bell just rang. As in, the last period 3 bell on a Thursday of the last last cycle 7 week of the last first quarter of our lives.
Yeah, it's pretty ridiculous. But it's also true.
Anyway, time to go and HANDWRITE all of the names on the invites....
I really loved...DAVID.
I smile....because of DAVID.
Lyrics playing in my head at this moment as I type this portion of the blog:
It's not really a song, but I just keep going all, "OMG DAVID OMG DAVID" in my head, over and over again...
Hours of sleep last night: 6?
Hugs: 3
Risks taken: 6
Current food craving(s): root beer, couscous
Enjoy these random tags:
i love nerdy jokes,
i needs me some couscous,
Monday, October 10, 2011
Why Don't You...?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know I messed up....YET AGAIN.
I didn't have Internet last night so I couldn't post my weekly BEWTY update. But, whatever, what's not done is not done so all excuses aside, I'm getting my poor taste buds ready for that horseradish. If, that is, my punishment is to eat horseradish.
I'm sorry.
To make up for it, I will....nope, I'm not making up for it. Kinda. I mean, I'll post now, and then I'll post later on in the week so you'll get two updates from me this week. But, nothing special. I don't have the time...
I went to the very first speech tournament of the season last Saturday. My friend Tiff and I realized that that tournament was our very LAST FIRST TOURNAMENT OF THE SEASON. Ohhh, the memories. I still can't believe this is the end. SENIOR YEAR: THE YEAR OF LASTS.
Anyway, I also realized on Saturday just how much I've missed speech. I didn't do speech at all last season because I was focused on debate and school and I just didn't have the time for another event. So after a one-year hiatus, I'm back and it felt so good. There is a lot of pressure though because of the whole no-debate thing this season and I'm dealing. Just dealing.
Okay, well, I'm off to wrap a bajillion Christmas presents for Homecoming Week---which reminds me: SENIOR CAMP AND HOMECOMING WEEK. Those two are getting pretty close. And it's cool and sad at the same time 'cause it's our last Homecoming at 'Iolani. I'm a co-captain for the Dark Green team for Senior Camp...and I'm defs gonna work hard to win this year. :)
Anyway, tootles.
I really loved...stuff.
I smiled...because of more stuff.
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog:
"...Why don't you tell her? Why don't you let her see the feelings that you hide? She'll never know if you never show..." (Why Don't You Kiss Her by Jesse McCartney)
Hours of sleep last night: 8
Risks: 6 (I wore a dress to school earlier this week...................................)
I didn't have Internet last night so I couldn't post my weekly BEWTY update. But, whatever, what's not done is not done so all excuses aside, I'm getting my poor taste buds ready for that horseradish. If, that is, my punishment is to eat horseradish.
I'm sorry.
To make up for it, I will....nope, I'm not making up for it. Kinda. I mean, I'll post now, and then I'll post later on in the week so you'll get two updates from me this week. But, nothing special. I don't have the time...
I went to the very first speech tournament of the season last Saturday. My friend Tiff and I realized that that tournament was our very LAST FIRST TOURNAMENT OF THE SEASON. Ohhh, the memories. I still can't believe this is the end. SENIOR YEAR: THE YEAR OF LASTS.
Anyway, I also realized on Saturday just how much I've missed speech. I didn't do speech at all last season because I was focused on debate and school and I just didn't have the time for another event. So after a one-year hiatus, I'm back and it felt so good. There is a lot of pressure though because of the whole no-debate thing this season and I'm dealing. Just dealing.
Okay, well, I'm off to wrap a bajillion Christmas presents for Homecoming Week---which reminds me: SENIOR CAMP AND HOMECOMING WEEK. Those two are getting pretty close. And it's cool and sad at the same time 'cause it's our last Homecoming at 'Iolani. I'm a co-captain for the Dark Green team for Senior Camp...and I'm defs gonna work hard to win this year. :)
Anyway, tootles.
I really loved...stuff.
I smiled...because of more stuff.
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog:
"...Why don't you tell her? Why don't you let her see the feelings that you hide? She'll never know if you never show..." (Why Don't You Kiss Her by Jesse McCartney)
Hours of sleep last night: 8
Risks: 6 (I wore a dress to school earlier this week...................................)
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Ams't I Bovvered, Forsooth?
Why hello there? I had another productive week. I freaking finished another book, W00T!!! It was Lola and the Boy Next Door and before you judge me on that deceptively effeminate title, I have to say: ...... yeah there really isn't anything that I can say. What I can say though, is that the book was amazing. I thoroughly enjoyed it and I am excited for her third book which is coming out next year.
Fun fact: today I went to a local book store and got Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children for freaking nine dollars!!!! Not only did I really want to read that book, but I got it for soooo cheap!!! If you haven't noticed, I am stoking on life right now.
Something that I'm not stoking on is college though. As time goes on it seems to get closer and closer to the fact that we are freaking going to college next year. (Well, that might be because we ARE going to college next year.... I need to choose my words better) I'm beginning to stress about getting apps done and what colleges might accept me/what college I want to go to. Also, the fact of leaving and going somewhere brand new is scary enough. Oh well, at least we are all going through the same thing, right?
Senior camp is in two weeks, that's exciting right? Meh. I don't really have that much time to think about it because the next two weeks are extremely stressful and packed weeks of things and such. I love things. Sometimes.
Okay, I think that that has been enough for our weekly installment of BEWTY. Until next week?
Books Read: 20 (AWWWW YEAH)
Why Today Was Awesome: Obsidian. And smoldering.
Something I Learned: Bath and Body.
Song Stuck in My Head: "Mean" by Taylor Swift.
Fun fact: today I went to a local book store and got Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children for freaking nine dollars!!!! Not only did I really want to read that book, but I got it for soooo cheap!!! If you haven't noticed, I am stoking on life right now.
Something that I'm not stoking on is college though. As time goes on it seems to get closer and closer to the fact that we are freaking going to college next year. (Well, that might be because we ARE going to college next year.... I need to choose my words better) I'm beginning to stress about getting apps done and what colleges might accept me/what college I want to go to. Also, the fact of leaving and going somewhere brand new is scary enough. Oh well, at least we are all going through the same thing, right?
Senior camp is in two weeks, that's exciting right? Meh. I don't really have that much time to think about it because the next two weeks are extremely stressful and packed weeks of things and such. I love things. Sometimes.
Okay, I think that that has been enough for our weekly installment of BEWTY. Until next week?
Books Read: 20 (AWWWW YEAH)
Why Today Was Awesome: Obsidian. And smoldering.
Something I Learned: Bath and Body.
Song Stuck in My Head: "Mean" by Taylor Swift.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Exploding Tissues
I was THIS close to not blogging this week. THIS FREAKING CLOSE. But ALAS, here I am, blogging for you. This week, I finally finished a book (WHEWWWWWWW!!!!) it was Anna and the French Kiss which I did read before, but it was still just as amazing. I re-read it because Stephanie Perkins' new novel Lola and the Boy Next Door came out this week and I have been reading that and it is made of awesome, of course.
Nothing else new is really happing. My life is just as boring as ever.
Okay, that was all the fan-girling that was necessary for that one. It was freaking awesome though, I must say.
I have pretty much been procrastinating all day. Again. I actually didn't really do nor do I plan to do any homework. Psh. Homework. I was supposed to see Lion King in theaters this weekend, but I did not. I am sad. I really want to see it. Like, I REALLY want to see it.
Which brings me to my next point/thought: have you ever gone to see a movie by yourself? I really want to do it. I mean, despite the fact that you look like a social outcast, there are a lot of perks to seeing a movie by yourself. I hate going to the movies with certain friends because all they do is talk during the movie, I mean, if I wanted to talk to you, we wouldn't have gone to see a movie. Also, if you sit by yourself, there is no need to fight over arm rests or cup holders, and if the theater is really empty, you could even take up a few seats and just lie down. I really want to do this someday. Someday.
Well, time for Lola. Until next week hopefully.
Books Read: 19 WOOOOOOT!!!
Why Today Was Awesome: Cleanation.
Something I Learned: How to procrastinate better.
Song Stuck in My Head: It's been going all over the place but of the many, some are "Stereo Heats" by Gym Class Heroes, "Sail" by Awolnation (Nanalew...), also there is a little bit of "When We First Met" by Hellogoodbye.
Nothing else new is really happing. My life is just as boring as ever.
Okay, that was all the fan-girling that was necessary for that one. It was freaking awesome though, I must say.
I have pretty much been procrastinating all day. Again. I actually didn't really do nor do I plan to do any homework. Psh. Homework. I was supposed to see Lion King in theaters this weekend, but I did not. I am sad. I really want to see it. Like, I REALLY want to see it.
Which brings me to my next point/thought: have you ever gone to see a movie by yourself? I really want to do it. I mean, despite the fact that you look like a social outcast, there are a lot of perks to seeing a movie by yourself. I hate going to the movies with certain friends because all they do is talk during the movie, I mean, if I wanted to talk to you, we wouldn't have gone to see a movie. Also, if you sit by yourself, there is no need to fight over arm rests or cup holders, and if the theater is really empty, you could even take up a few seats and just lie down. I really want to do this someday. Someday.
Well, time for Lola. Until next week hopefully.
Books Read: 19 WOOOOOOT!!!
Why Today Was Awesome: Cleanation.
Something I Learned: How to procrastinate better.
Song Stuck in My Head: It's been going all over the place but of the many, some are "Stereo Heats" by Gym Class Heroes, "Sail" by Awolnation (Nanalew...), also there is a little bit of "When We First Met" by Hellogoodbye.
Scribbling Furiously at 5:37 AM on a Saturday Morning
Should I start off this blog with a question? Ope, too late. Anyway, hello all you gorgeous people! Have you ever been to Electric Ladyland? No?! YOU SHOULD GO. That is all.
Okay, Week 1 of the BOOM-BOOM-BOOM Week Series is over and we're starting Week 2. We're getting there, guys, getting there. We have another Extended Schedule week this week. Weird--didn't we just have one?! Oh well, I shouldn't complain.
I'm trying to think of something interesting to tell you guys but I don't really have anything. Hmmm...well, I said that Dance With Me, Will You? will be up and completely running by the end of September and--oh, well, hello there OCTOBER. Yeahhhhh....that's on hold for now.
I am at a good place on my homework, surprisingly. I'm trying to get it all done so that I can watch "Aladdin" tonight with my mom! So Shayne's all-time favorite Disney movie (well, all-time favorite movie in general, actually) is "Lion King" and mine is "Aladdin" (but you guys already knew that because y'all are creepers).
That was a good episode yesterday. REALLY GOOD EPISODE. I always need a huge hug after I watch DW episodes because I just have SO MANY EMOTIONS. GAH.
I'm reading Scarlet Letter for English. That's fun.
I'm also trying to read The Lost Hero at the same time so that I'll be ready for The Son of Neptune (which is coming out soon!) but I can't seem to get myself to do it because I know that Percy ain't in it. And also because I'm not a huge Piper fan. Like, I'm really not a Piper fan. I'm also not that big of a Jason fan for that matter. Actually, I only like Leo. That's it. I NEEDS ME SOME ANNABETH AND PERCY NOW NOW NOW.
I really loved....eating some homemade guacamole (the avocados are here!!!!!) and salsa combo with lime chips and CHOCOLATE COVERED DONUTS (yeah, I ate them together--quite heavenly, my friends. ABSOEFFINGLUTELY.)
I smiled...because I was going through some old posts of these two food porn blogs.
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog:
"Wait, they don't love you like I love you...." (Maps by Yeah Yeah Yeah)
Hours of sleep last night: 8 (I stayed up late, trying to find a good website with the GU Episode 5 live stream, but I gave up after three hours and just waited for someone to put it up on replay--IT WAS WORTH IT.)
Hugs: 3
Risks taken: (still) 5 <-- this needs to change soon!
P.S. Just an update on our "World Domination" plan--we got one view each from Brazil, Argentina and Mexico just this week. Yay South America! Still waiting on an African country...
Okay, Week 1 of the BOOM-BOOM-BOOM Week Series is over and we're starting Week 2. We're getting there, guys, getting there. We have another Extended Schedule week this week. Weird--didn't we just have one?! Oh well, I shouldn't complain.
I'm trying to think of something interesting to tell you guys but I don't really have anything. Hmmm...well, I said that Dance With Me, Will You? will be up and completely running by the end of September and--oh, well, hello there OCTOBER. Yeahhhhh....that's on hold for now.
I am at a good place on my homework, surprisingly. I'm trying to get it all done so that I can watch "Aladdin" tonight with my mom! So Shayne's all-time favorite Disney movie (well, all-time favorite movie in general, actually) is "Lion King" and mine is "Aladdin" (but you guys already knew that because y'all are creepers).
That was a good episode yesterday. REALLY GOOD EPISODE. I always need a huge hug after I watch DW episodes because I just have SO MANY EMOTIONS. GAH.
I'm reading Scarlet Letter for English. That's fun.
I'm also trying to read The Lost Hero at the same time so that I'll be ready for The Son of Neptune (which is coming out soon!) but I can't seem to get myself to do it because I know that Percy ain't in it. And also because I'm not a huge Piper fan. Like, I'm really not a Piper fan. I'm also not that big of a Jason fan for that matter. Actually, I only like Leo. That's it. I NEEDS ME SOME ANNABETH AND PERCY NOW NOW NOW.
I really loved....eating some homemade guacamole (the avocados are here!!!!!) and salsa combo with lime chips and CHOCOLATE COVERED DONUTS (yeah, I ate them together--quite heavenly, my friends. ABSOEFFINGLUTELY.)
I smiled...because I was going through some old posts of these two food porn blogs.
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog:
"Wait, they don't love you like I love you...." (Maps by Yeah Yeah Yeah)
Hours of sleep last night: 8 (I stayed up late, trying to find a good website with the GU Episode 5 live stream, but I gave up after three hours and just waited for someone to put it up on replay--IT WAS WORTH IT.)
Hugs: 3
Risks taken: (still) 5 <-- this needs to change soon!
P.S. Just an update on our "World Domination" plan--we got one view each from Brazil, Argentina and Mexico just this week. Yay South America! Still waiting on an African country...
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math not even once
mayflower goal
my attempt at being deep/vlogbrothersy
new rules
paper towns
short short
summer blah
summer reading
the hunger games