Friday, July 1, 2011

K is for Karaoke

Hello there. I haven't posted for a while. Sorry for my absence, I guess.

Today's post, like Voldemort's soul, comes to you in 8 parts!

Horcrux 1: Marvolo Gaunt's Ring
I was getting bored with Arial, so I decided to switch to Georgia. I like it. I hope you do, too.

Horcrux 2: Tom Riddle's Diary
It has come to my attention that there was some confusion as to when Kendall and I would post throughout the rest of the year. So here's a clarification. Blog Every Week Throughout the Year requires us to do just that. Every week starts with Monday. Kendall and I each have to write a blog post every week on any day we deem necessary, it's our choice. I know that we talked about set days before, but we find that it's easier to write blog posts when we don't really have to post, but when we actually want to post. So I suggest you just sign up for the email updates, but if you're fine with just checking back every day, then that's all right, too. Yay for freedom of choice! But remember that we are going to be doing BEDA(ugust) again this year--so you'll have a daily dose of The Chewy & Fruity List!

Horcrux 3: Hebzibah Smith's Hufflepuff Cup
(^I said that up there in a high-pitched little girl voice). My mom went to the Philippines for a while for a quiet visit and vacation. She really misses Nanay (my grandma, whom everyone in the family endearingly calls "mother"). She left after I left for Dallas, so I didn't get to see her until yesterday! 

Horcrux 4: Merope Gaunt's Slytherin Locket
For those of you who haven't seen the girl around school who's always wearing a Mariners cap and an orange vest, carrying a clipboard with one hand and maybe holding a little kid's hand in the other, walking from Lower School to the pool . . . well, that's me. I love my job. You guys know I love kids, right? (Look up my Mie's Mornings post from April 2011!) Basically, I pick up the little kids from Lower School, check them in, walk them over to the pool for their swimming class, then check them off of my list after class. Some kids, I have to walk back to Lower School after their class. It's only four hours of my day but it's four hours of unexpected and cool and funny and "aww" moments. Today is the last day for Session 1 swimming and I'm getting four new groups of kids next week Tuesday when summer school resumes with Session 2. I'm going to miss all of the little kids, the jokes we've had and the stories they've told me.
I'll remember . . . 
-Joeylyn, who thought I was 12 and who always wants to wear my hat,
-Jake, who did NOT think I was 12 but that I was already a college student and who always crouches to hide under my clipboard when I take roll,
-Jase and Jace, who say "Here!" at the same time whenever I call both of their names,
-Michael B., who speaks Japanese, tries to bribe me with money to carry his backpack ("I don't get paid to carry your backpack, dear, just to walk you to the pool."), and then gets little Casey to carry his backpack,
-Casey, who always, for some reason, agrees to carry Michael B.'s backpack no matter how many times I tell him not to and no matter how many times Michael B. fails to give him his promised bribery candy,
-Cade, who knows how to tell time, is proud of his skill, and always does the countdown to 12:30 when we have to start walking,
-Alex, who chases butterflies and climbs trees,
-his sister, Christine, who gives me flowers and "feels good" when she holds my hand,
-Sage, whom I have to remind to go and change into his swimming clothes at least 15 minutes before we have to leave but he always takes FOREVER to change in the bathroom anyway so he always comes running out to catch up with the rest of the kids, 
-Megan and her brother, Jacob, who never fail to do something funky to their goggles and so they always ask me to fix and adjust them,
-Curtis, and his stories about lice, California, his Popo, and his bullying problems,
-Isaac, who can talk and talk and talk about Transformers and Iron Man but will never look anyone in the eye,
-Nicholas, who gullibly believed my story of the Invisible Camera and who makes up his own jokes that aren't really funny but I laugh at them anyway so he doesn't feel bad,
-Erena, who plays a buttload of sports and loves icee,
-Naya, who told me of how her grandmother died and her Moshi monsters obsession,
-the Kojima twins, whom I can now tell apart--Conner wants to be a radiologist, and Carter is a faster walker than Conner, 
-Roel, who wants to be a lawyer but won't ever practice criminal law or family law (because "divorce is wrong") and who is always the last one walking from the tennis courts,
and all of the other kids I failed to mention here but will surely remember!

Horcrux 5: Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem
I've been reading a lot lately. Since summer has started, I have finished:
A Streetcar Named Desire
Fahrenheit 451
The Bully Book
Dash & Lily's Book of Dares (Twice! And I'm rereading it again for the third time this summer! This book deserves a blog post on its own so look for that later on in the summer.)

And right now, I'm working on several books at the same time:
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (In preparation for the movie!)
The Great Gatsby (I'm ahead of the other nerdfighters out there but I'm not sure how I'll do on that quiz. We'll see. Kendall's rereading it, too, because he's awesome and he didn't really like reading it for Am Lit.)
The Shining (Because Cole said so...nah, it's been a long time since I've read a Stephen King book. Am I watching the movie after? Sure, why not?)
21 Proms (Full immersion this summer.)
How They Met and Other Stories (I didn't know that these were gay stories. I mean, I don't have a problem reading them (I've actually read and liked quite a few gay novels), but I just didn't expect it when I got it.)

And I've got a bunch more to read this summer. I will update you as often as possible.

Horcrux 6: Nagini
I have a bunch of catching up to do this summer. Blogs, books (run-on series(-es?-ss?-sii?), YouTube videos, music (new releases!), TV shows, movies. It's like my life has been at a standstill, but not really, for the past three or so years because my past summers have been all about school and the past school years have been all about, well, school. And everything just kept moving without me.
Run, run, run, catch, catch, catch. It sounds tiring, but it's actually quite relaxing.

Horcrux 7: Harry Potter
I told you before of my huge to-do list this summer. I haven't really been checking off a bunch of stuff mostly because most of the things on there are sort of continuous things, I  can't check them off until the end. But I'm working on them! I always try to do multiple projects over the summer just to keep the evil idle hands away. These projects range from research projects, craft projects, playlist-making, baking projects, bookmarking, book immersion projects, clean-up/begin anew projects, things-I-want-to-do-just-so-that-I-can-say-I-did-them projects etc. And a whole lot of writing projects, aiyo.

And, finally, the remaining bit of Voldemort's soul in his body
HARRY POTTER (whoa, funny and weird how this list turned out...)
I am excited. I haven't seen any of the previews or the sneak peeks or the trailers or anything related to the final movie. So stoked. You don't even know.

Since the day is still young, let's do this differently:
I really loved...looking at old baby pictures and family photos.
I smiled because...Dash made me smile.
Lyrics playing in my head right now:
"I never saw a reflection more true until the day I saw myself in you..."
(Mirror Song by Luke Conard, Alan Lastufka and Kristina Horner)
Hours of sleep last last night: 6.5
Friend of the yesterday: Josh

- Jen :)


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