Saturday, July 2, 2011

Watch Me As I Fall

My post tonight, unfortunately, will, unlike Jen's latest post, come in an undisclosed number of parts, seeing as I have no clue what I am going to write about.

Part One: I am still in a Potter Phase. 
This week, I managed to finish Order of the Phoenix in under 8 days. I would try to put in a few pages every moment when I wasn't worrying about Physics (more on that later). I don't think that I told you guys this, but last weekend, I was able to watch the first three movies again. This was espically hard for me though, because I kind of hate the first two movies and books... Anyways, I also watched Goblet of Fire again, and the part when Harry comes back with Dead Cedric did nonetheless then make me want to cry. I am about 200 pages into Half-Blood Prince now, I just need to finish it by the end of the week, and I should be set for the premier in 13 days (W00T!!!).

Part Two: The first video I have legitly directed.
Two of our friends, Rebecca and Gavin, who are like the perfect couple, have their two year anniversary today. As a present to Gavin, Rebecca decided to cover a song for him. This alone was AMAZING! The song was really good and I was really excited for her when I heard it. Then, she told me that she wanted to make a music video for it, I offered to help, and next thing I knew, we were filming for three hours yesterday. Now, I think that it isn't perfect, there are a lot of things that could be improved, but given the equipment that we have, I think that it turned out really well! (Despite that stupid audio fail in the middle!) If you want to watch it (which you do) you may click here! I used to be really into video production and such, but ever since high school, I haven't really been able to do it that much (other than our P4A video, of course), so this was really fun for me. 

Part Three: I saw Transformers this morning. 
Now, I know that they aren't the best movies in the world. And I know that they aren't the type of movies that you watch to be mentally stimulated. But they are fun to watch, and I must say that I did enjoy it. I found myself freaking out in my head when they *SPOILER* almost killed Bumblebee.  I was about to yell "NO! BUMBLEBEE!!!" *Sigh* No one gets it.......

Part Four: I'm tired. 
I stayed up past 1 o'clock in the morning last night, editing. So I think it's off to bed for me. BY!!!! (There was no "E" there on purpose...)

P.S. My favorite part of Jen's last post was when she was talking about the little kids. That was amazing. 

Awkward Moments: 37
Pages Read: 1812
Why Today Was Awesome: Transformers...
Something I Learned: Trash cans are pretty cool.
Song Stuck in My Head: "Always Remember Me" by Rebecca (As amazing as this song is, I have heard it like a billion times in the past 24 hours...)
Email Subject of the Day: There isn't one...


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