Saturday, July 9, 2011


This blog post comes to you in 7 parts. 

PART 1: Moar Harry!
I finished Half-Blood Prince this week, and started Deathly Hallows and now I am over halfway done with it. Since last time I watched Order of the Phenix, and it was amazing, as always, and I plan on watching Half-Blood Prince tonight. Something that I noticed: people were freaking out over the fact that they didn't have that fight scene at the end of the sixth movie, but when I read the book, there was practically no fight scene! The only thing that they left out was the few lines mentioning that Ron, Hermione, and Ginny were fighting, but I mean, honestly, was it THAT big of a deal? People get too worked up over that kind of stuff. And I really liked in the movie when they all are crowding around Dumbledore and they raise up their wands. One more thing: I like how Ginny and Harry kiss in the book better, I don't really like their relationship as much in the movie. Anyways, less than a week to go, so I will probably try to blog very soon after I see the movie. EXCITED!

PART 2: Hogwarts Letter!!
I wish... Nah, I got my schedule for my senior year in the mail, so let's discuss. 
Homeroom:          Mama Hall (Same as last year) 
Period 1:               Free (1st Semester) / Writing for Media (2nd Semester) [Meh, I didn't really              pick that class...]
Period 2:               AP Bio (I am really excited for this class, but no one is in it with me....)
Period 3:               Shakespeare (1st Semester) [W00T!!!] / Free (2nd Semester)
Period 4:               Photo 2 (1st Semester) / Free (2nd Semester) [Double Free?!?!]
Period 5:               Precalculus Honors (W00T!!! Mr. Park!!! I'm excited!!! And I promise to be a Snape!)
Period 6:               Free (1st Semester) [W00T!] / Bible (2nd Semester) [Meh, I should have taken it before.]
Period 7:               Asian American Experience (1st Semester) [Easy class with a lot of friends in it] / Photo 2 (2nd Semester)
Period 8:               Spanish 4

Overall, it seems like it is going to be a good year and I am excited. 

PART 3: Free Slurpee day?!?!?
Since when!!?!??!?! I am FREAKING EXCITED!!! (Even if it is a baby cup...)

PART 4: The Hectic Glow
So I have been holding out on you guys. I have a secret obsession that I have been hiding for a long time now. It's a band, called "The Hectic Glow", and I love them so much that I just can't not talk about them anymore. The reason that I have been keeping it a secret is because they are such an underground band. No one knows when any of their concerts are going to be, until the night of, and if you are lucky to hear about one, GO! They had one in Hawaii a few weeks back, but I missed it. 
I would try to share some of their music with you guys, but it isn't available online. Their last album was released on a cassette tape, and the one before that was on vinyl. It's hard enough to get a hold of their music, I just can't let it get out there. Something the we fans say is "They're so underground, even I haven't heard of them." Seriously, they are just so awesome that they cannot become mainstream, that would be awful. 
I had to talk about them now because they just released the sheet music for their new single. I can't tell you the title of it, but I can say that they sang it with the AMAZING Paige Railstone! Anyways, if you ever get a hold of anything of theirs, don't pass it up, they are awesome!

PART 5: Anniversary!
It is almost our two year anniversary!!! You know, you and me!! On July 15 (DH!!!) of 2009, I made this blog (kind of). I'll save the story for later, but I just wanted to let you know. Get ready for a party. 

PART 6: Reading
What should I read next? I have a bunch of things that I need to read, but I'm not sure what should come after HP. Help me?

PART 7: Tumblr!
I can't stop posting HP stuff on my tumblr!! There's just too much of it!!!

Awkward Moments: 41
Pages Read: 2561
Why Today Was Awesome: The part when Ron and Hermione were holding hands in DH (Or at least, assumed to be holding hands)
Something I Learned: You can't buy spray paint if you are under 17.
Song Stuck in My Head: "Come and seek us where our voices sound..." (I just caught this part on ABC Family)
Oh and "The Hectic Glow"'s new single!
Email Subject of the Day: "Are you aware of the wizard rock community on youtube?" (July 9, 2010) (This is where it all started.)


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