Friday, July 15, 2011

To Those Who Stuck With Harry, Until the Very End

Once again, there are massive spoilers in this post, so if you have not yet seen Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, then please, do not read this. 

I don't really know where to start with this. I saw the movie with my family right after school today and I think that I'm still kind of processing it. Hmm, well, today began with me dressing up to school and getting weird looks, but I just knew that they were jealous that I was cooler than them, right? Tiffany gave me some more Harry Potter silly bands (after Jen gave me a Dobby yesterday) so now I kind of have a butt load, so thanks! 

After watching the movie, I felt satisfied, I felt as if it was like an old friend dying, but I had come to terms with it. Harry Potter has become such a bigger and bigger part of my life over the past few years and I am really okay with the fact that it is all over. 

Now for some random thoughts about the movie:
(Oh but first, I have to say, I HATE people who don't like movies JUST because they aren't like the book. I mean, if it's a crappy movie, than go ahead and hate it, but if it is a perfectly terrific movie, and you just don't like it because your favorite character wore a green dress instead of a red one, then too bad. You pay a movie theater to watch a MOVIE, not a book. The way that movies work is so different than the way that books do, and to have to compare the two, is unwise. I learned a long time ago that if I want to enjoy a book movie, than I have to treat it as its own separate piece of work, because otherwise, it's gonna suck for you.)
Sorry about that rant, now for my actual random thoughts of the movie. 

-I thought the beginning felt off, like they were rushing into things, and this was probably because it was split into two. So if I were to watch the two movies side by side, it wouldn't feel like this. 
-I LOVE McGonagall!!! "I've always wanted to use that spell." Oh. My. God. AHH.
-I agree with Jen, the Fred looking scared in the beginning, too much for me too handle. 
- I REALLY loved the dragon, I thought that it was terrible, the way he was treated, so it felt good for him to be set free.
- Harry and Ron stripping? Ha ha I wasn't expecting that, but I enjoyed the spinny-long-cut.
- Hermione and Ron kiss, I liked it seeing as they couldn't have made it the same as it was in the book (even though I really LOVE how it is done in the book)
- I like how they showed the Chamber of Secrets, and how each Horcrux reacted to being killed. 
- I didn't like how the Diadem was destroyed by Harry instead of the Fiend Fire, ONLY BECAUSE I liked how in the book no one destroyed more than one Horcrux. (For the record, I was NOT upset because they didn't follow the book, I was upset that they didn't follow a pattern, so I got all OCD.)
- Ron running and yelling in the Room of Requirement = Awesome.
- I love Filch, just saying. 
- I liked how the hammocks in the Room of Requirement were high up like that. 
- I like how Cho got to speak again. 
- All of the fight scenes were amazing, INCLUDING the final one with Voldemort because I always thought that that was too short in the book. 
- I liked how you could see Voldemort getting weaker. 
- (Now on to the sad stuff) Preparing for battle = 1
- Fred/Lupin/Tonks = 2
- Snape = 3
- Ginny and everyone else seeing Harry dead = 4
- "He was the bravest man I ever knew" and that entire scene (especially the music) = 5
- 5 times. (Although there were a lot that were almosts.)
- It was really sad seeing Lavender.
- I LOVE Luna SOOOOOO MUCH!!!!! I mean, the part where she is all like "Harry Potter listen to me!" Oh. My. God. Do not get me started. 
- Neville!!!!! (Wait, just out of curriosity, that whole Neville/Luna thing never really happened right, like in the book? 'Cause if it didn't, it should have.)
- One thing I didn't like was how no one was around to see Harry and Voldy fight in the end, I wanted there to be cheering. 
- One thing, what was with the boat dock thing? I was like, where the eff is that? But, I think it worked well with the scene. 
- Wait, that Draco-Voldy hug was so weird/awkward ha ha ha.
- Mrs. Weasley, I love you.
- Seeing Snape crying over Lily's body. Oh. My. Freaking. Dead. Wizard. God. Too much for words. 
- Just ONE book related thing, where was Harry's wand in the end? Would he really want to use Draco's for the rest of his life? 
- Neville's speech? Ahhhhh.
- Okay, I'm sure that there is more, but I just can't think of it right now. 
So overall? AMAZING.

Anyways, like Jen has said, it is our "Anniversary" and she said mostly everything correctly, there is only one tiny thing that I disagree with, and that is that our best-friendship began with this blog. Like she said, that is not something that you can pinpoint to one exact moment, but I think that it began before that, or at least it did for me. I don't know, I still like the idea of this being the day to celebrate our friendship. 

Yup, I am going to go to my corner, laters. 

Awkward Moments: 44
Pages Read: 2321
Why Today Was Awesome: Harry!
Something I Learned: People aren't as excited for a movie when you don't see it at the premiere...
Song Stuck in My Head: "Harry Potter is Dead" by MoM
Email Subject of the Day: None...


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