Friday, July 8, 2011

Meet Creepy McCreeperson

Hey all! Hmm...what have I been up to lately?

I've fallen into a routine. And I thought that I would have more time in my hands this summer, but I actually don't. A normal day for me, now, goes like this:

7:00AM - Wake up, work out, eat breakfast, shower, etc.
8:30AM - Start walking 1.6 miles from house to closest bus stop (buses aren't allowed where I live)
9:10AM - Arrive at said bus stop
9:19AM - Board bus (if I miss this one, I'm screwed because the next one doesn't come for a loooong time)
9:35AM - Get off bus at a transit center
9:45AM - Board yet another bus
11:05AM - Get off bus and walk 0.4 miles to school, have lunch
11:30AM - My shift starts
3:15PM - My shift ends
At this point, I could do several things. I could take the bus to Ala Moana and wait for my mom, or my sister. Or, sometimes, I go to the state library and wait for my sister there so we can take the bus home together. But I almost always get home at around 6:30PM-ish. Then we eat dinner and clean up in the kitchen. Then I watch, maybe an hour of, TV. Then I get ready for bed and go to sleep at around 10:30PM/11:00PM-ish?

And then I lie there in the dark and think, "WHERE DID THE DAY GO?!?!"

I read throughout the day, of course. I try not to while I'm in transit to avoid straining my eyes, though. And I, of course, don't dare to read Stephen King at night. I save my fluffy books for that.

I also think about HP-related stuff a lot. But you already knew that because you are, too!

Yeah. My summer's okay. I think that once summer school ends, I can break the routine and be spontaneous every day. And finally get stuff done (not that I'm doing nothing or anything).

I have not forgotten about Cammi or Jay or Cam and I am constantly thinking about them and their story and finally writing most of it out.

Um, what else? I love walking throughout my neighborhood. I enjoy my walks to and from the bus stops. Usually, the mornings are a bit drizzly but the sun shines at the same time. It's been a bit windy lately, too (Which reminds me: I didn't wear pants today and I'm constantly hitting myself in the head for it. "WHY DID YOU NOT WEAR PANTS JEN?!" But, hey, it's summer, and it's the season for shorts so whatever.)


I just read what I wrote above and realized that I sound really bland. Bleh.

I loved...sharing cinnamon raisin bagels.
I smiled...when Kendall looked like he was about to cry because he's reading Deathly Hallows now.
Lyrics playing in my head:
"...a body lifeless before us on the ground (ground). Minerva is screaming and all the children join in: NO, HARRY, NOOOOOOO..."
(Harry Potter is Dead by Ministry of Magic)
Hours of sleep last night: 7? Who cares, it's summer!
Friend of the day: St. Clair! ("That was PANTS."--Hahahaha! This turns everything pants into not pants.)

P.S. I don't have to put "Jen" anymore because it should already say so at the bottom since Kendall and I got separate accounts.


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