Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I Like the Word "Hooligans"

We have two big things coming up real soon, but before I dive in, let me show you my senior schedule.

Period 1: AP English (Longo)
Ehh, I was hoping maybe for Lagory but I think Ms. Longo is nice.
Period 2: AP Spanish (Melo)
Same classmates, same teacher for the past two years...
Period 3: AP Calculus AB (Park)
This made my day when my schedule came home. YES I HAVE PARK WHAATT.
Period 4: Maybe free? Or scholarship?
Period 5: AP Gov (Milks)
Period 6: Maybe free? Or scholarship?
Period 7: Maybe free? Or scholarship?
Remember Cole? The one with that weird complex? Yeah, that Cole. We help make the Main Office rock more than it usually does.
Period 8: AP Bio (Shimamoto)
Biology, oh, how I have missed you!!! Kendall and I are having a competition. I am going to win.

Sadly, Kendall and I do not have any classes together. Except homeroom with Mama Hall. And, maybe, hopefully, period 6 party-slash-free period?

[Evan insert starts here]
All right, I'm super sad that I do not have my English 9 class with Dr. Won. We were the craziest, most sexually perverted class ever...and I loved every minute of it. Many of our jokes were about me...unfortunately...but I will always remember my BFFs: ZACHARIAH, SEAN MICHELLE, and DELIRIOUS.
[Evan insert ends here]

Just a side note, the only reason that the jokes were all about me in English 9 was that I was apparently "too innocent at the time" and everyone laughed whenever they thought I didn't get any of Shakespeare's dirty jokes (I understood them, I just didn't feel like it was necessary to laugh out loud or make annoying comments...except for that bench-pressing question...). Oh, and uh "flying ham"? Or was it "frying spam"?

Anyway, our two big things: Our anniversary and Harry Potter! And they're on the same day! Not really, but kind of.

First off: OUR ANNIVERSARY. So, let me tell you the story of the summer of '09, a boy named Kendall, a girl named Jen and the birth of this blog.

It all started in the summer of 2009. We were in summer school. I was taking Geometry B and, although Kendall registered late for a summer class because he only realized sometime during the last several weeks of that school year that he had nothing to do for the summer, he managed to get in one of the morning Write Right! classes (he was an idiot back when we were freshmen, he says so himself). Kendall's class finished at 10 and I usually got out of class at 12:30. I took the bus home almost every day after class and Kendall sometimes walked with me to the bus stop (Notice how he didn't "walk me" but "walked with me"? I love syntax.)

Jen: Walk with me to the bus stop?
Kendall: No.
Jen: What if I get raped?!
Kendall: Uhh...what if I get raped on my way back?
*flashback ends*

Maybe it was on July 12 or 13 when I showed Kendall my bucket list, a list of things that I would like to do before I die, as we walked to the bus stop. He decided to take it home for the day just to look at it (it was a long list) and he came back the next day with a paper filled with his comments about my list. He starred the things that either he also wanted to do or simply made him smile to know that I wanted to do them. But on July 14, 2009, as Kendall waited for my class to finish (he hung out in the library during those two hours like all cool people do), he created an account here on Blogger because one of the things on my bucket list was to "create a blog". As I walked toward our usual morning bench after my class, he came and met me halfway and handed me a piece of paper. He had printed out a page from the blog he had created for me. 

But something happened with that one (maybe he forgot the password, or he couldn't get in anymore or whatever) so the first try FAILed. 

So on July 15, 2009, we tried again in the computer lab during the half-hour recess before my geometry class. And our very first post was born on that day. 

I don't think we were really thinking, or planning anything special: we just wanted to create a blog because, well, because we had never done it before. I don't remember a conversation between us, agreeing that we would share this blog and that we would do all of the things on Kendall's list (his list of comments and starred items and smiley faces, a response to my bucket list) together, hopefully before we physically separated for college. There was no planning, no laying out of what we were going to do and how this was all going to work. Things just sort of happened, and we felt them happening, so we let them happen because we knew, or at least guessed, that if we hadn't, if we had tried to control things, we would not be the people we are now and we would not be the best friends we are now.

If you read our earliest posts, you can tell we were quite young and immature back then. We posted random things (even more so than our usual dose of randomness) and updated irregularly. There were long bouts of neglect and occasional  spurts of posts. The first blog didn't look like this little beauty you're looking at now either. I did a lot of the remodeling last summer when I had a lot more time in my hands. 

Kendall also helped, I think, but his biggest concern was that he didn't like the maroon color of the title header (I kept it anyway so HA!). 
We did BEDA(ugust) for the first time that year, and we updated more and more and more during our junior year to make up for our sophomore year.

And here we are. 

I think I've said this in a previous post, but I honestly cannot say when Kendall and I became best friends (probably because you can't really pinpoint a specific moment in time like that because becoming best friends isn't like turning a page in a book). But in my mind, it all started with this blog. With who(m?) else in the whole wide world would I share a blog and a bucket list? We became good friends when we were freshmen, but I didn't start thinking of him as my best friend until the summer of 2009. I had a pretty harsh sophomore year (we don't need to get into that) and he was one of the people who made it better and stayed with me. So I guess you could say that it all started with this blog. 

Maybe Kendall has a different angle to this story, but this is my angle. Maybe he'll share his with you later, if it's any different from mine (KENDALL, I'M SURE YOU DID NOT THINK OR FEEL THE SAME WAY AS I DID, SO DO IT. YOU BETTER.)

The cool thing is that, here we are, two years later. And on the same day, the final movie of something we both hold very dear to our hearts, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, comes out. And what better way to celebrate our two years of awesome bestfriendship and ten years of our lives engulfed in a magical whirlwind of spells, Hogwarts, gingers, house elfs and more than to GO TO THE MIDNIGHT MOVIE PREMIERE TOGETHER?! That would have been the coolest thing, if only we were doing exactly that, RIGHT?!?!

Kendall will explain because, you know, it's all because of him that it's not happening. And because I actually have to go work now...

I really loved...the air conditioning in the CCO.
I smiled because...I got a pretty rose from the Kapiolani Women's Center.
Lyrics playing at this very moment:
"I'll take you higher in the clouds..." (Evan...)
Friend of the day: Evan
Hours of sleep last night: 6


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