Thursday, July 28, 2011

My Proclivity for Losing Things is a Curse

Hola y'all. This week's blog post is here early just because I am so proud of myself right now. Ish.

I've been quite productive these past couple of days. 

1) Bookmarking sesh? Check.
I collect bookmarks. I like them, and when I use one, I make sure to choose one that matches the book for which I use it (As in, creepy bookmark for creepy book/ get it.). Anyway, buying bookmarks for myself would be wrong because, well, it would be like cheating and cheating is dirty so I would feel dirty if I did it and I like feeling clean and citrus fresh all the time. So, no buying bookmarks for myself. Other people, however, give me bookmarks which make me happy because 1) it's not cheating and 2) yay for new bookmarks! My dad goes to Guam a lot and he and his coworkers always stay at the Marriott so he's pretty much best friends with the hotel now. Anyway, the Marriott always has some sort of keepsake that guests get to keep (duh) every time they stay there and in Guam they have bookmarks. There are six in the whole set. Each one represents a major city or area in Guam, I think, and they have 1) a drawing representing each city/area and 2) information about the history or whatever about the area. They also each have this raffia ribbon tag which gives you a Pacific Island feel. Anyway, my dad always brings these home which is great because I have two complete sets now and I'm working on my third and fourth ones. It's always like a surprise because I never really know if I'll get what I need or if I'm gonna get my fourth Hagatna or something like that. Shayne and Josh also get me bookmarks whenever they can. And, of course, I make bookmarks too. Whenever I hear or find a clever quote or line that I think should either be on a t-shirt or a bookmark, I write it down so that I can remember to design some kind of corresponding graphic for it or whatever. It's been a while since I've made any because I really have to feel like I want to make bookmarks. Kendall was actually bugging me this past school year to make him at least one because the one I made for him in 9th grade was dying. But I didn't really feel like it so I kept saying no. I only make bookmarks for myself and very rarely do I make them for special people, but even then I have to be in the mood. Anyway, I felt bad because I gave Kendall six new bookmarks on his birthday (and they were really cool ones that I wanted to keep for myself, too, because they were actually pieces of three different puzzles, and I made them) but they were more like props for his 17th Birthday Scavenger Hunt, not an actual "Hey, so here's the bookmark that you've been bugging me to make you!" kind of thing. So I've been bookmarking and he'll be able to choose ONE (or maybe two...) of them when I'm all done. This whole thing relaxes me. It takes me, on average, about an hour and a half for each bookmark. Here are my two favorites right now: 

Top: "Let's fight crime with mangos and limes."
Bottom: "These lines of lighting mean we are never alone."

2) Butterbeer win? Check-erino.
It was raining yesterday and I thought it would be the perfect time to make some butterbeer. It's a fan-made recipe, of course, so it's not authentic but it was...all right. I would definitely not make it again, though. Maybe with a few tweaks, yes. Josh looked up at me after his first sip and said, "People can GET HIGH from drinking this stuff." He didn't finish his butterbeer. It was very sweet and rich and, had I not added a couple of drops of food coloring, looked more like Polyjuice Potion with Crabbe's essence in it (go look it up!). After adding the food coloring, it turned out to be more like Goyle's (fiiiiiiiine, you lazy is the book's description). 

3) Playlist crazy? Check-ooligan.
I finished two "new" playlists! Well, three actually. No, wait, five. One is called "Summer Rains" and it's inspired by, no surprise, summer rains. The other one is called "This Playlist Used to Be What We Are Now Not" and it's a break-up playlist. It's not a new playlist, but I recently just "perfected" it, complete with actual Stages of a Break-Up and descriptions. I'm quite proud of these two. Then, I created three more obscure but really fun ones that I will not explain to you called, "Who Wouldn't Jump in Nerdfighterlike?", "Do the Ets" and "8teens" (I'm going to add something here so I can avoid the circular dilemma caused by the " and . next to each other). I'm now working on ones called "SHERMAN! What? Water!" (which has a matching speech and which has been complete since the end of sophomore year--I just have to physically make the playlist and put all the songs together, in the right order), "We Could Happen?" and "The Summer We Were in Love" (I tried doing this one during not-summer and I couldn't do it). I've been trying to get a lot done for the sole purpose of putting something substantial in my individual blog (more on that later on in this post) and playlists seem to be the only thing I have at the moment.

4) Vlogbrother catch up? Check-issimo.
I am now up to speed (finally!). And I promise to keep up during the school year! Yessss. I shimply musht. I spent two whole days watching three-ish months' worth of YouTube videos. Doesn't that sound unhealthy? Ahh, the things we nerdfighters do. I can't wait for The Fault in Our Stars to come out (I have literally listened to John Green reading the first chapter about a billion times) and I think the album Ellen Hardcastle is an awesome, awesome, awesome album. Hank Green's songs always make me smile but this one is genius. Darling, fetch the bear axe, guys. 

5) HPDHII trailers, sneak-peeks, interviews and specials? Check-erson.
Since I did not watch any trailers, sneak-peeks, interviews, specials and/or featurettes about the final Harry Potter film before it came out on July 15, I took the time to watch everything I "missed" pre-premiere. I watched the CNN and Bio specials. I watched the sneak-peeks and exclusives. I watched the interviews and the premiere in London. I watched a lot of B-rolls. And I cried. I can't believe I'm still crying. Am I the only one still crying? Anyway, Kendall likened the end of the film franchise to having a close friend die but having already come to terms with the idea of losing said friend. But even if you've come to terms with it, I'm sure you still find yourself tearing up, remembering it all, right? On a lighter HP note, I was on tumblr and I saw a video that I had been dying to watch because Josh had told me about it although he hadn't watched it yet himself. So I clicked on it but it didn't work because of copyright issues. However, Josh found one just like it and it is obviously fan-made. We watched it together in its entirety and it was so awkward and wrong and hilariously uncomfortable and I wanted to share it in its many-splendored discomforts:

We couldn't stop laughing and saying "eww" at the same time. I challenge you to watch it a second time. We couldn't do it. 

6) Random stuff? Check-erick.
I looked at this Physiological find-a-word thing on Hank Green's tumblr and the first three words you find are supposed to describe you. I found 1) "beautiful" (Why, thank you.), 2) "broken" (I guess, what with the surgery and all.) and 3) "funny" (Really?! I am?! I always try to be funny but no one ever laughs.)

7) Lose something important? Sadly, check-errific.
I lose everything--erasers, flashdrives, headbands, my sanity, everything! They just disappear! I mean, before I used to blame gnargles and hobgoblins (usually hobgoblins) but this is getting out of control! Remember that planner I had last year where I wrote down all of my assignments and meetings and stuff and I even had a title for each week? It's gone. I don't know where it is. I hope it shows up soon.

So that's it. Actually, there's one more thing. In the last 48 hours, I have experienced crying bouts for a total of 4 times: 1) Harry Potter stuff, 2) Boy Meets World (and it wasn't even a sad episode, in any way), 3) Jersey Girl (it was on, there was nothing else on TV, and it wasn't even a good movie, 4) Project Runway (they surprised the designers with a visit from their moms!). That's 4 more than the average number of times I cry every 48 hours. I mean, I'm a crier, but I'm not that big of a crier. I'm gonna do some research about overactive tear ducts being a side effect of ovarian surgery...and if I find something, I just might have something new to put under the "Today...." section of my blog posts.

I really homemade blueberry sauce (I made some for the first time because my mom made blueberry pancakes and I thought, "Well, I've made cranberry sauce before and it shouldn't be much of a difference!")
I smiled because...of ITV. And my fedora (which I am wearing as I type).
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog:
"I know that pride and summer time come before fall. Almost missed the bus but Jesus gave me a wake up call." (Benediction - Relient K) THE SAME TWO LINES OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN. I like this song.
Friend of the day: Lappy
Hours of sleep last night: 6.5
(Waterwork Count: 4)

P.S. It's almost BEDA(ugust) 2011!


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