Friday, July 22, 2011

LROCs Don't Rock

I'm posting, not because I really want to, but because I must for this week.

I am very much alive.

Now, I say that because for the past couple of days, Kendall sent me a message yesterday that said, "I bet you died. That's what happened right? You died..." (For the record, my laptop is on lockdown and I have limited Internet access/time, but even if I could respond, I wouldn't have. So yeah, I was ignoring you.)

So, no, I did not die.

I had surgery on Monday. Laparoscopic right ovarian cystectomy (look it up). This is a long story and I've had to tell it several times to different people and it still irritates me to do it just because so I won't go too much into detail. Okay, here goes: When I came back from Dallas, I complained to my mom about feeling pains over my lower right abdomen whenever I used the bathroom. The two of us went to see my pediatrician and she suggested that I have a pelvic ultrasound done. So I did. And the ultrasound showed a fluid-filled (not solid, so not cancerous) cyst, 6.4cm, in my right ovary which was then stretched to about 8cm. Then I went to see my mom's gynecologist and the next think I know, they're scheduling me for surgery. All of this happened in a matter of days. There's no real cause for cystic growth in women's ovaries. If you took biology, you would know that follicles grow into cyst-like things as a part of the menstrual cycle. It's just that sometimes, little things don't go as planned. Anyway, my mom and her gynecologist felt it best to get all of this over with now so that I can have the remaining weeks of summer to recover because if anything goes terribly wrong during the school year, I would be a) in lots and lots of unbearable pain and b) missing out on a lot of days in school.

Anyway, I had surgery just this past Monday and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be because you know, I was asleep (duh). Everyone was SUPER nice. The terrible thing was that, during the surgery, they found another smaller cyst, solid-filled this time, on my left ovary. The doctor didn't have time to take it out because 1) she had another surgery scheduled right after mine and 2) my surgery was already running a bit late. But they did take a sample and ordered a biopsy to determine whether it's cancerous or not. It's not.
This is what went through my head when they told me about it after I woke up:
Dear Cysts, Kindly stop growing and please leave me alone. I want three baby boys and for that to happen, I need both of my ovaries to be happy. Thank you. Sincerely, Jen

After only a couple of hours in the recovery room, they told me I could go home because my vitals were picture perfect. The anesthesia didn't make me all loopy at all; I was quite awake and alert after the whole ordeal. So now I'm several days into my required 4-week long recovery time. I didn't think recovery would be a big deal but let me tell you, the past few days have proven to be the worst days I've had this whole summer. I won't weird you out with the details but I've been gingerly walking around the house, taking things slowly, like a pregnant woman because I have three cuts in my belly. I can't even laugh or sneeze normally--I have to put pressure on my stomach so that I don't rip open my wounds (Josh told me a hilarious joke yesterday and I had to think of dead puppies to stop laughing). So the doctors and the nurses all told me to be careful with what I eat for the first week or so. Maybe light soup, saimin, no fried foods or heavy foods or anything that will upset my stomach. So I had soup for the first day at my parents' insistence. But you know me; food is my true love. After that first day, I've eaten ate pork chops, steak, baked spaghetti, cake, etc. Haha, I'm such a fatty.

And that's the story of my not-so-incredible journey. It's not even college essay-worthy.

Anyway, I didn't tell a lot of people about this. But I did tell Kendall. (So thanks for calling and checking up on me to make sure I didn't die or anything. Oh wait, I take that back because you didn't. But no big deal. It's not like we're best friends or anything like that. Do you remember when I got to school and I didn't see your bag where it usually is and I literally freaked out and was so worried that I called you to make sure you weren't bleeding to death in a ditch in the middle of nowhere? Yeah, I think that happened twice. The first time, we were sophs. I called you immediately at 6:40ishAM and you answered and groggily told me you weren't feeling well and you weren't coming to school that day. The second time, just this past school year, I believe, I think I actually waited for the first bell to ring before I actually called you, just in case you were running late or you were in a computer lab or something like that. Yeah, no big deal. But I'm kinda done being salty and/or bitter, not because I think that you deserve to be let off the hook because you don't, but because we have a scavenger hunt to plan and work out, just in case I'm not able to come to the sleepover. I know you've had to worry about Physics for the past couple of days and that you're probably stressed out about tests and stuff so I don't expect you to have done anything. I've only had to worry about not bleeding profusely and avoiding infections for the past couple of days after all so I will call you as soon as I come up with any ideas and an actual working format and maybe a couple of clues. And don't bother calling, your number is on my phone's Auto Reject list, so just wait for mine. And I almost forgot: You are awesome.)

Yes, World, Kendall is awesome. You can roll your eyes at me all you want. I get like this when I'm hormonal and cranky and in pain, all in one.

Because I'm off my feet and don't really have access to a computer, I have a lot of time in my hands. I have been writing, making bookmarks, listening to music, trying not to read my summer reading books, but mostly indulging myself in watching marathons on TV (ANTM and Project Runway are only a couple of my obsessiones whenever they're on).

Oh and also: This is why I'm not working anymore. I miss the kids. And no, I haven't finished Gatsby yet (though I should, before I start my summer reading books). I hope you're having a better summer than I am!

I'm going to participate in a yet another passivity now. Ciao, bellas.


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