Friday, June 24, 2011

Potter Pastille?

So this week I found myself in an overwhelming sense of Potter Pride. It all kind of started when I watched the final trailer for DH Part 2. It was simply amazing and I can't wait to watch it in a few weeks. I then went on to finish up my re-reading of Goblet of Fire since I started it and the other books a few months ago, but school got in the way. This week I finished it and then promptly began Order of the PhoenixI have been talking to all my friends about the premier and re-reading books and re-watching movies. It seems like I fell from my normal life of boring routines to thinking about Harry and his amazing world near 20+ hours a day. 

Oh, and let's not forget about the craziness of the highly-anticipated "Pottermore." I have a confession to make. I was up at 11:30, waiting as that countdown went closer and closer to the zero mark. I eventually realized that I had to get some sleep, seeing as I had school in the morning. I was sooo close though, only 1 and a half more hours... Anyway, I woke up the next morning, watched Jo's announcement video, and thought what everyone else was thinking "What the f#$@?!" 

I continued to ponder this exciting, yet, uninformative declaration, and didn't seem to fully understand the scope of it until I came home and watched THIS video. It seemed to make more sense to me, and it seems as if it as the potential to be a genuinely new and cool idea. But, I guess we just won't know for sure until we ACTUALLY see it for ourselves. 

It's ending. The final chapter is finally coming. I haven't really become a dedicated fan since recently, and I guess that has caused me to appreciate it even more now. I think that we should all take this short time we have left, and just completely nerd out as much as we can because, what other chance will we get? 

Awkward Moments: 35
Pages Read: 1419 
Why Today Was Awesome: Movie Day
Something I Learned: Rocks are Heavy
Song Stuck in My Head: "Always Remember Me" 
Email Subject of the Day: "660!!!" (June 24, 2011) This is, of course, in reference to my Bio SAT Subject Test Score. 


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