Saturday, June 11, 2011

And I'm Just Getting Started

What is this blasphemy? Kendall posting a full 24 hours before necessary? Poppycock. Well, yup, here I am, ready to spill my hopes, dreams, thoughts, insights, fears, desires, hungers, and anything else that flows through the seemingly empty void that I call my head, to YOU. YOU. The non-exisitent follower of this oh-so exciting blog. Is that how I address my posts? I honestly don't know. Do I talk to YOU, the reader? Do I talk to Jen? Or do I just talk to myself. Well, I don't want to look back at the rushed, terribly written, teenage angst ridden posts that I have posted in the past, so from now on, I will address these posts to YOU

So, how have you been? Good. That's good. Me too. Do YOU see THAT?!?! That is my failed attempt at small talk. If you weren't aware by now, I am what some people call "awkward." I know right, that's ridiculous. Me, awkward. Psh. But that is what some crazy few think, and that includes small talk. That's the worst right there, small talk. It's so superficial and unnecessary. I mean, you can ask someone how their day was or how they are, but when you do, you have to mean it. Just saying it for the sake of a conversation is outright ludicrous. All conversations should begin with the hard stuff, the juicy stuff, the important stuff. *SLIGHT TRANSITION STARTING NOW!* This reminds me of a quote from John Green, "Random questions are the least random of all questions." Do YOU ever do that? Ask someone a seemingly random question, but you are really asking it just to see what their answer would be? Sneaky, but obvious. Don't worry, I am guilty of it too, but it just seems like something interesting, another way for us to be more indirect than we already are. 

Anywho, did YOU read Jen's post yesterday? It was kind of amazing. Just saying. I don't know about YOU but I thought that it was one of the best pieces of work that I have seen in a while. Speaking of pieces of work, I am currently reading "The Bully Book" which is a terribly sad and depressing story about a kid who is bullied in 5th grade. I'm sure it will have a happy ending, but still. Sad. 

I start Summer School on Monday. Yay. Four and half hours of pure Physics fun. Oh and six and a half hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Meh. I think it will be fine. Right? It's only six weeks. Twenty-nine days. One-Hundrend Fifty-Four and a half hours. Nine-Thousand Two-Hundred Seventy minutes. Easy. Well, uhhh, bye. 

That wasn't an awkward outro was it? 

Awkward Moments: 30 (Oh boy) 
Pages Read: 1131 (Do online pages count? Because I have been reading an e-Book. Nope, they don't.) 
Why Today Was Awesome: LEGO HARRY POTTER.....
Something I Learned: I'm Dumb. Not that's new or anything.
Song Stuck in My Head: Still Alive by Luke and Ryan (NOT the Portal song) and Ruckus by The Young International
Email Subject of the Day: "AHH! Report cards!" (June 11, 2009) 


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