Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Jen's DALLAS Post

All right, before I start typing what I physically wrote out on my notebook last Tuesday, June 14, while I was sitting inside our hotel room in Dallas, Texas, let me just say that I am using Internet Explorer to write this post, something that I haven't done in a long while (I think since the early beginnings of this blog--I like Safari a lot). So this means that there may be some funky errors (which is why I am doing this with the least amount of formatting possible in order to avoid that).

All right, let's do this, I'm just gonna straight up copy what I wrote down, nothing extra and no corrections:

8:51pm (Dallas)
3:51pm (Hawaii)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011



So I feel like this post should not be an update of Nationals at Dallas because I'm sure next week's post will be exactly just that.

So, should this be--what? Gah. I'm tired. I already said that. Huh. (See?!)

Okay, it's list-making-and-everything-in-between time.

#1: Number of times I wanted to just cave in today (we had the first four prelim rounds of debate): Too many times

#2: Number of times I actually did cave in: Never? Maybe a couple of times--but not completely. Never completely!

#3: States we've hit so far: CA, OK, MO, WI

#4: Times I've hated the judge: 468.342222221

#5: Times I've thought it was cold: 2 (That one time by  Gloria's restaurant and that one night we stayed up)

#6: Average number of hours of sleep for the past several days: 5-ish?

#7: Pounds I've gained since I've been in Dallas: 6? 8? I'm fatter!

#8: What I think about Dallas' food: SPICY. AND OH-SO-GOOD.

#9: Today's wish: I wish we could go down to the hotel pool--or the jacuzzi, if there is one--so I can soak my aching feet/legs.

#10: Highest temperature so far: 106°F

#11: Sausage links I've had: 0.5

#12: Times I've listened to music on my iPod: 1 (just this one time):

#13: Cool things I've seen: Too many to count (no worries, I will tell you all about them in a later post!)

I smiled because...these Okalahoma guys were surprisingly nice to us during our Round 2.
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I write this portion of the blog:
"Our relationship is complicated, sometimes it's hard to remember that you're even there..."
(Duet With Myself by Charlie McDonnell)
Friend of the day: Paquito
Hours of sleep last night: 6


And that is it for now. I will post later on this week and give you a summary of what went down in Dallas and that one will be considered my second post for this week. I'm working on it. I really missed Hawaii and its good, clean and tasty tap water.

-- Jen :)

P.S. Thank you for being lenient on the posting rule. I didn't want to come home to horseradish.


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