Sunday, March 2, 2014

All She Wants Is a Funky Rock and Roller

Hey guys!

Ugh, so this week was crazy stupid busy. I had two nights where I was up till like 5. I had countless homework assignments. I had to make a presentation for work. I had to eat. I had a concert on Wednesday night. There was just a lot going on, but it was worth it in the end I think.

The concert on Wednesday was New Politics. It was honestly one of the most fun concerts that I've been to (this was now the 7th of all time) and I'll explain why. 

So we got there about two hours early (Jaime, Alec, Deme, and I) and right as we got there, the band was coming out to go back into their tour bus. So, David, the lead singer, came down and met everyone who was in line and gave us all hugs and we got a picture. He was super nice and awesome. (the link for pictures will be at the end).

Then once we got into the super small venue, the opening act began playing. Their name was Magic Man and I regret not listening to them earlier because they were actually really really good and the lead singer was BOMB. I got a picture with him afterwards and he was super nice. 

By the time New Politics came out, we had like one person between us and the stage. Which basically meant that for over half of the whole concert we had the ability to touch David whenever we wanted because he was that close. 

Overall, it was just super fun, great music, a really awesome crowd. Ugh. Sorry, it's just that's why I love concerts so much. Not only do you get to experience someone's passion in person, but also you get to experience it with a crowd of people who love it as much as you do. Now I sound weird but whatever.

Okay, yeah, I only have two more weeks left of school, so that's exciting. These next two weeks are gonna be blegh, but stay tuned for after that. I just realized that BEDA this year is gonna be pretty great cause I'm actually doing a lot this April. Yup. Prepare your bodies for that one. 

Oops, sorry, the link to the pictures is:

Why This Week Was Awesome: The fact that it's over/happened
Books Read: 4
Times Eaten At Chipotle: 10
Airplanes Riden: 2
Concerts Attended: 3 


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