Sunday, March 16, 2014

Depression is a Little Bit Like Happy Hour, Right?

Hey guys!

So, yup. Ha ha yeah, this was the last week of the quarter. I have three finals next week as well as a butt ton of work and then some fun stuff too. But then Spring Break! And then it's BEDA already, which is honestly really crazy. 

But yeah, this past week was actually really nice. It was like sunny a bunch of days and almost like 60 degrees. I went on a run. I ate way too much. And yup.

I've been watching too many shows lately too. Good use of my time I'm sure. Ugh, I just want it to be like a week from now already. I am really ready for this quarter to be done cause life. But next quarter will be amazing for so many reasons. Yup. 

Okay, now I should probably go study or something for my exam. Yup. Let's do that. 

Why This Week Was Awesome: 7 YEARS
Books Read: 4
Times Eaten At Chipotle: 12
Airplanes Riden: 2 (SOOOOOOOOON)
Concerts Attended: 3 since January (7 total) 


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