Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Beginning's Just Another End It's Not Too Late to Start Again

Hey guys!

I am literally sitting here, typing this post in Florida. Like, first of all, what the heck even is Florida?? Like... What?

Anyway, let me go over what has gone down for the remaining part of this Spring Break. First, on Tuesday, Jaime came to my school and we went to go see Divergent. It was good, kind of long, but I mean, it was just as good as the book. Take that to mean what you will but yeah.

Then, on Wednesday, we got up at like 6 and went down to the airport and flew. And waited. And flew. And waited. Essentially, we didn't make it to our hotel in Orlando until like 1 in the morning, but we made it none the less.

The next day, we got up at like 6 again, hopped on a bus, actually 2, and made it Universal Studios Orlando. Yup. We went to the Wizzarding World of Harry Potter. Wooo! That whole day was a fun time, we literally spent the whole thing at the park, so we did pretty much everything. We went on the Castle ride twice, which was super cool. We went on the dragon ride twice (the Hungarian Horntail was better in my opinion), we had a multitude of Butter Beer (the frozen one was better in my opinion), we ate at the Three Broomsticks, and we went into Olivander's. On top of that we did all the other stuff, the Hulk ride was super cool and kind of terrible at the same time. While I did like everything, Universal is still kind of sub par in my opinion to Disney. Like, they just don't have the same amount of attention to detail that Disney has.

Soooo cut to Friday, where we got up at like 6 with only like 4 hours of sleep to go to Disney World. Now, Disney World has 4 different parks. We had one 16 hour day, and we went to ALL of them. It was cool. I mean, it was really weird how a lot of it was the same as Disney Land but just different. We managed to go to all the parks, but most of the time was spent waiting in lines or walking to different places or waiting or taking shuttles to the other parks. One cool part was the fireworks show where they projected a bunch of scenes from different movies onto the castle. Then, when they showed a scene from Frozen, everyone basically lost it. Overall, Disney was cool, but we needed a few more days there in order to really experience it. 

After about 8 hours of sleep over two days and over 20 hours of theme park time, we were a little tired. Lucky for us, after getting out of the park at 12, our shuttle for the airport left at 2:30. So we got plenty of sleep....... Ugh.

It was a struggle, but we made it to the airport and got on a plane to Atalanta. Then on a plane to Pensacola. Pensacola is a small town in the pan handle of Florida. It's so freaking far that it's in the next time zone already. Like, what? We got lucky and were able to check into our hotel early and we got to sleep a little bit. Then, we walked over to the concert venue a few hours early and waited in line. It was weird and really chill, but I kind of expected a different concert attitude then what we were used to.

The concert itself was great, as always. The first opening band was a local band that was super adorable and actually decent. The next two bands were good too. The bad part was the hoard of five year old girls that wouldn't stop saying the stupidest things ever. Ugh. Stupid children.

Then We the Kings came out and it was amazing. There were so good and being able to see Charles, someone who I have been watching on the internet for like four years, was completely surreal. It didn't really make sense but it was amazing none the less. At one point, when I was recording with my phone, Charles took my phone and recorded with it on stage. Ugh, it was so good. Here's a link. After the concert, we got to meet them and take a picture with them. They were all super nice and friendly. I am a little disappointed because I didn't really say all the things that I wanted to or hoped I would, but that's alright. I feel extremely happy and grateful for the whole experience in the first place. 

This trip was stupid and dumb but amazing and I wouldn't really trade it for anything. These are the types of things I will be able to look back and and be happy that I did. While it may not always be the smartest choices, it's definitely things that will make me happy in the end. 

Now, we are in the hotel in Pensacola, we don't go back to Seattle until Tuesday, but you guys will get to hear all about that seeing as BEDA starts then. I'm really excited about next month and I can't wait to share the whole thing here. 

Why This Week Was Awesome: FLORIDA!
Books Read: 5 
Times Eaten At Chipotle: 13 (this is probably the first week in forever where I didn't eat at Chipotles...)
Airplanes Riden: 6 (yeah, a lot)
Concerts Attended: 4! (8 total)


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