Sunday, March 23, 2014

There's No Going Back

Hey, so remember when I said I promised? HA! Here I am. 

Anyway, sorry about that. Things were kind of crazy this weekend but that's because Spring Break started. It's only Monday yet things are already crazy. 

But first, this past week was finals week. I mean, honestly, I didn't do too well in my classes this quarter. But that's okay because I am coming back strong next quarter, I feel it. 

Then on Friday I got to do something really cool, I was able to shadow my Aunt's boss. I don't really know how much I can say cause I had to sign like an agreement, but I just want to say that it was a really cool experience to see a big company at work. I went to a few meetings and I was able to see how much attention to detail they have and how much they care about fixing things even when a lot of the public sometimes thinks that they don't. A lot of work goes into things, sometimes people can forget that. 

Then, I stayed the night at her house that night and the next day was her birthday. So, we went and visited my Grandpa and then went out to eat. It was a fun day. 

But then things turned up that night when I was picked up by my friend from school, Deme, who is from here in Washington. I got to go home with him and see what his life was like outside of school. It was really really cool and fun actually. I hung out with his friends (some of which I already knew) and go to see his house and interact with his family. On Sunday, we went to his church and then went out to eat down by the waterfront in Tacoma and it was really pretty. Then, we went to a bubble tea place that was playing Fall Out Boy (old FOB too, I died). Then we went bowling and then out to Denny's.

Today, I came back and then got to relax in my room cause my roommate went home. It's only been like 4 days, but it's been really fun and crazy. Things will really turn up on Wednesday, but you have to wait to hear about that...

Why This Week Was Awesome: Phase 1 and 2!
Books Read: 5 (Wooo! Hollow Cities! It was actually really good) 
Times Eaten At Chipotle: 13
Airplanes Riden: 2
Concerts Attended: 3 since January (7 total) 


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