Sunday, June 30, 2013


I've been saying that a lot lately--"And yet!", I mean. 

"Life kinda sucks at this very moment...AND YET! I'm happy."
"I'm so broke, I don't have any money...AND YET! Here I am in the middle of Express..."
"I'm so hungry...AND YET! I don't want tacos JUST KIDDING I LOVE TACOS."

Yep. Speaking dem truths left, right, and center with those "And yet!"s...

Hey. I actually remembered to blog on time this week. I AM GETTING THERE GUYS.

Speaking of getting there (but not really), Shayne, Josh and I realized today that we all have a serious addiction to takoyaki. I'm not joking. Every single time we are at Ala Moana together--which is often, because it's literally our backyard--we end up at Shirokiya with a boat of warm takoyaki between us. At first, you know, it was just something that we enjoyed sharing together. "Oh hey let's have some takoyaki. We haven't had that in a while." And then it got to a point where we couldn't say "We haven't had that in a while" anymore because WE JUST HAD SOME YESTERDAY. And we try to walk into Shirokiya with firm resolve NOT to eat takoyaki. We do! We enter and we tell ourselves, "No takoyaki today. Grab something else. Anything. Anything but takoyaki." And then we end up ordering the 10-piece boat. It's like we don't even know how we end up there...We need help. We need serious help.

This past week was tiring at work, as usual, but it's always a fun time. This week is actually my last official week at 'Iolani. I go back to working for Grad Div next week, but I will only be there in the mornings. I can work at 'Iolani in the afternoons, and at first I was like, "Mmm maybe when I don't have other plans" but now I'm like "WAIT I NEED THE MONEY LET ME WORK" so I am probs gonna be working at 'Iolani all summer in addition to my Grad Div hours.

Oh and guys. I'm fat. I'm trying to fix that.

Ok I actually have some work to do to night so ciao bellas.
Oh, but before I say goodbye, HOW AMAZING was Kendall's video from last week? :) Heart all around! Lurves you Kerms!

Risks: 48
Books Read: 10 
Thank You Notes Written: 15 

We Are The Lions, Free of The Colosseum

Hey guys!

Umm, so what are life? I don't even know. I'm so dead right now. I don't even know, but I'm really tired. Doing things is so weird. Like, honestly, what happened to waking up at 9 or 10 and going to a class or two then just chilling for the rest of the day? Good times man, good times. 

Something, you know, exciting this week was the video that I posted. Umm, yeah, I don't know, I just kind of felt like there was no question that I needed to make it. I'll link to it. It was a fun time to make. 


And yeah, just more work fun times, as usual. Erm, yeah, I don't know, I feel like I'm going to need to write a decent blog post someday. Today's not that day. #SorryI'mNotSorry? Yeah. I don't know, I'll just see you guys next week. This week was a fun time. Glad that there's still a decent amount left in summer.

Times Eaten At Chipotle: 12 (so many da feels....)
Why This Week Was Awesome: 
Books Read: 6 
Song Stuck In My Head: 

Monday, June 24, 2013

This is Getting Ridiculous


I even ended my last week's post with a little thing that would remind me what I was supposed to write about for the next post. But no. I just had to forget. 

I actually opened and set up my laptop kinda early on in the evening and I even opened a specific tab for Blogger. But I ended up cooking and baking for hours last night, and it was good because I always get lost in the moment when I cook and bake. Someone pointed out to me last night as well that maybe I cook better when I am cooking to feel better--which I've never really considered before, but now that I think about it, I'm like, "Actually..."

Kendall mentioned how happy I am at the moment, and I am. There have been many reasons not to be over the past several weeks, and yet here I am, confidentily attesting to my joy. Life is good, as Kendall said. Too good to let the bad things dictate its overall quality. Instead, focusing on the good--the people that surround us, the jokes we share, the new things we learn about ourselves and our world, the good that we do for others, etc--is just so much easier. And so much more enjoyable. 

Just. Yeah. Life is good. That's all I can say at this point. And at this point, that is more than enough.

Risks: 48
Books Read: 10 
Thank You Notes Written: 15 

Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Taste of Summer

Hey guys!

So, I am good. Like, personally, mentally, physically, I just feel GOOD. You know? Life is good. There's so much good in all of it. I feel like I've finally just gotten to a point where I'm just happy. With myself, with what's around me. And that's awesome. Jen and I had a story date yesterday and she was telling me about how she's happy, which makes me happy, and there's just so much happiness all around, I can't. 

I spent the week back at the SPO, which has been the best, as usual. Being home has just been a good time. I don't know, just everything is awesome right now. I mean, not that it ever isn't, but you know. 

I don't know what I'm saying right now, but I am, do I ever? Umm yeah, I'm sorry, my mind doesn't like to work sometimes. Right now is one of those times. Summer 2013 has gotten off to a good start, and I'm not gonna let silly things get in the way of me having one of the best summers ever. Yup. Okay, off to cry. BAI!

Why This Week Was Awesome: All of it
Times Eaten At Chipotle: 12 (INTERNAL TEARS!!!!)
Books Read: 6 
Song Stuck In My Head: Whale, I mean, I am listening to Under the Booty right now...

Sunday, June 16, 2013

After Tonight

It was during Spring Break. Actually, I think I even remember the specific point in time this memory took place. It was the Friday night, the night of the last day of classes before school was off for an entire week starting the following Monday. 

Kendall had picked us all up at the dorms. I had my duffel bag of things because he was gonna drop me off at home later that night. We had plans--Gavin, Rebecca, Shannon, Kendall and I--but, at the same time, we didn't really. I mean, yes, we had planned to go to Marukame but ended up ordering two rounds of tacos and whatnot at Taco Bell in McCully. Then, when we couldn't sit there without the TB workers awkwardly staring at our loud and nerdy group any longer, we walked out and Shannon and Kendall both said, "Guys, it's only 8:30. The night is young. What do we do?" 

And just like that, Rebecca and I looked at each other and had the same exact thought. We piled into the cars--Gavin and Rebecca in Shannon's and me in Kendall's--and headed up to St. Louis Heights. Hawaii nights can sometimes put a spell on you--maybe not so often in the city as they may amidst nature--which is why walking through Wa'ahila in the moonlight not only reinforced our youth, and the feeling of invincibility that often comes with it. It also reminded me that life can be at its most beautiful when you're traipsing through a dark forest, and you can't see beyond two feet in front of you, and the only thing that exists is the silence in the space between you and your friends. And looking over the city lights, we felt small, reminded of our insignificance, but also of our ironic simultaneous significance. And the beauty in it is not in the contentment of the realization of such a feeling, it's the urge to feel it over and over again. Which is why, I think, we were so eager to drive up Tantalus just a valley over from where we stood, immediately after.

It seems as if Tantalus is going to be a thing between Kendall and I now whenever he comes home--is it? Both Thanksgiving and Spring Breaks tooks us up there, and on both occassions, with our eyes glued to what lay ahead as the road twisted and turned--maybe because Kendall didn't want to take his eyes off the precarious road, maybe beacuse I always seem to be able to speak my greatest fears and doubts without eye contact--we haltingly spoke of things that we feared, things that were on our minds, and assured ourselves, really, more than each other, that everything is going to turn out all right in the end, that we are going to turn out all right in the end.

It was in this drive up that night, at past ten at night on a Friday of new freedom, when Kendall and I had been discussing something that led him to exclaim, "OH GOD JEN, WHAT ARE YOU DOING? GET YOUR LIFE TOGETHER MAN." And at that time, all I could do was shake my head and say, "I know okay? I know. I'm trying."

And I think it's still part of what I can say at this point--but it's not the only thing I can say. I  am slowly getting back to where I was.

See, in preparation for and during Relay, and with the added pressure of my course overload during the last semester--not to mention that I barely ever saw Rebecca or Anyssa or Daniel, and that Daisy was off-island for most of the time--I think I automatically went into Isolation Mode. I knew I had to focus on finishing the semester, and I could not wait for it to end. I had felt so spent and exhausted that all the energy I had left, I channeled into getting by and getting everything done and over with. Which is why I am so thankful for the handful of new fast best friends I made during the last three weeks of school. Because they've made it so much easier for me to be able to say "I am getting there" rather than just "I know, I'm trying"--and these people will be my topic next week!

'Night y'all!

Risks: 48
Books Read: 10 
Thank You Notes Written: 15 

No Question

Hey guys!

I know that I've talked about this year a lot this year and in a lot of places, so I want go on, but just to sum up Freshman year = good times.

I'm back home now!!! I came back yesterday and I've basically spent the last two days doing nothing. It's been a good time especially since I start work tomorrow (which I'm really excited about, but yeah). I spent earlier this week doing finals, packing, eating, repeat. It was sad saying goodbye to everyone, but, you know, three months isn't that long. 

I finished two books this week! I read "Boy Meets Boy" by David Levithan. I can't. Just, I can't. I loved it for the wrong reasons. Also, I finished the second Game of Thrones book. Finally..... YUP! 

Also, I was so bored on Friday night, I made another video. It was actually a legit video video and it was really fun to make so I'm going to link to that. I don't really feel like talking about anything else, cause, you know, there isn't much else to say other than get ready for a crazy summer?! 

BAIIII!!!! <3!

(Also, how amazing was that post by Jen last week??? Thank you so much!!!!!! Don't worry about the scavenger hunt, I'm sure it will be awesome whenever it comes!)

Why This Week Was Awesome: PPP
Times Eaten At Chipotle: 12 (..... I'm still gonna leave this here all summer......)
Books Read: 6 (GUYS, LIKE, IMPROVEMENT!!!!)
Song Stuck In My Head: 

Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Now is Right Now

I logged onto Blogger tonight not really knowing what I was going to discuss in my post today but determined to make sure that I write not only to my heart's content but also that what I write will be worth reading. 

As per usual, I read Kendall's most recent post at the end of which he included a link to a new vlog that he shot today. So I went ahead and watched that too, and I was reminded just how much I love him. 

So this post is for you, Kendall. 

There are people in our lives who will love us no matter what. And they really mean "no matter what." BUT this does not mean that they will not push and prod and poke and nag you constantly until you make appropriate changes in your life, until you get up with your chin held high after you fall down, until you get to a point where you can look in the mirror and really be happy with everything that you are and everything that you are not. 

Not a lot of people have a friend like Kendall. Not only is he so incredibly thoughtful and fiercely sweet to all those he loves, a group of people of which I feel incredibly lucky to be able to say I am a part, but he has also been one of the few people who have made me so much better, and will continued to do so for as long as we're friends (which basically means "for as long as we are alive"...).

I have mixed feelings about Kendall coming home in about a week. As much as I am excited to see him, I also feel a tinge of sadness that he has to come home from college because he has been having such a great and enriching time at UW, both academically and personally, and I am genuinely happy for him. 

I also feel guilty because I haven't finished his scavenger hunt. Which I should have done THE WEEK AFTER HIS ACTUAL BIRTHDAY. But I never did and the next thing I know it was Finals Week and then it was the end of the semester and then it was time to work at SPO. And I am definitely not making excuses, there are no excuses when it comes to Kendall, but I do feel incredibly bad. This summer is basically gonna be a birthday party for him from me. Honestly. It's gonna be huge. (I hope).

Thank you, Kendall, for being in my life!

Risks: 48
Books Read: 10 
Thank You Notes Written: 15 

What Are Life?!?

Hey guys! 

So, umm yeah, this week (my second to last week of my first year of college) was kind of amazing, for a lot of reasons.

I hung out with friends a lot and just did a lot of fun and crazy things. On Friday I got to see an advanced screening of Monsters University and it was amazing. Like, guys, ugh, it was so good. Umm and then on Saturday, I went to Vloggerfair. Okay, guys, like, I can't, I'm sorry, I just can't. It was amazing. Let's just leave it at that, okay. I actually made a vlog today that kind of talked about it and other emotiony stuff. I'm going to link to that at the end. Because you should watch it if you actually care about what's going on in my life. Or if you just want to see me be awkward. (I would go with the second one if I were you). 

And then today, I kind of went on an adventure. I had to take pictures for my photo project, and I started walking. And then I kept walking for four hours. I'm pretty sure I ended up walking about five or six miles. Maybe more. Who knows. I walked to downtown Seattle. Like, I walked. A LOT. I can't even begin. But anyway, I got some good shots and saw some really cool things, so I'm happy.

These week in general has just been so great and as excited as I am to go home, I don't want to. But yeah. Okay, I'm gonna go now and probably die. BAI!


Why This Week Was Awesome: Every part of it was awesome. I can't pick one instance.
Times Eaten At Chipotle: 10 (Guys, I have one week left with the 'potle....)
Books Read: 4 (I started a new one....)
Song Stuck In My Head: Anna Sun by "Walk the Moon"

Sunday, June 2, 2013


Totes does....

....and I'm back! To edit and make this more legit...than it already was! Which wasn't much. Okay.

I don't think I've said this here on the blog actually but...I AM GOING TO BE IN D.C. FOR THE FALL SEMESTER WHAT WHAAATTTT. 

Yep. Long story short: I got a Congressional internship...not sure with whom yet, but I've had two phone interviews and they're still going through the placement process I guess. I am not sure who else is going though...except for myself...about which I am stoked!

Ok I will be back to finish this again later!

Ok back! So yes, about the DC thing: it's still a new idea to me because it happened so quickly and I didn't really have time to be excited for it when I was applying for the position nor when I found out about it because I got the phone call in the middle of finals week, it was, I think. Anyway, yes, I am going to DC in the fall. I haven't felt excited for it in a while either because my head has been filled with stuff about summer school. Which reminds me tomorrow is FACULTY ORIENTATION!

Which means I have to sleep now.


Risks: 48
Books Read: 10 
Thank You Notes Written: 15 

Look Bubbles, Go Back To Your Habitat

Hey guys!

So, umm, only a week left of my first year of college (two if you include finals). I don't know, it's weird. It's basically just a cluster poop of emotions especially since Iolani graduated yesterday. I'm really bummed that I wasn't able to be there, but you know, that's alright. I'm really happy for all of them. I've also just thought a lot lately about how things have been changing. Changing from how they were a week ago, a month ago, and even a year ago. It's just crazy, you know?

This week, I did, as always, a whole lot of nothing. Okay, that's not entirely true. I had a midterm on Thursday and a bunch of assignments due. I also spent a lot of time in Deme's room, unsurprisingly. Oh, on Friday, Deme, Connie, and I went to go see Star Trek and it was really good. I'm glad we got to go see it. 

I've been having a lot of feels recently. I mean, I always have a lot of feels, but just in particular these past few weeks. They aren't bad feels though. They're good ones. If that's even possible. I know that I've used this quote before, but I still like it. It's like in the third Harry Potter when Ron is reading Harry's cup thing. He says "You're going to suffer but be very happy about it". I mean, I know that he was completely off, but I feel like that's surprisingly accurate.

I don't know. What is life. What are life. What are burrito. Sweet potato? Yes.

Why This Week Was Awesome: Not going to most of my classes. (#caught)
Times Eaten At Chipotle: 8 (Seriously, I have a legitimate problem...) 
Books Read: 4
Song Stuck In My Head: