Sunday, March 17, 2013

We Regular

Hey guys!

What is up though! This week, like every other week I guess, went by like crazy. It was the last actual week of the quarter, so I had three finals in the past few days. My last one is tomorrow and then I'm done! I actually barely went to any classes this week, but I think that I've done pretty well on my finals so far. I'm just ready to go home, you know? 

This week I ate outside of campus way too much. I've been spending way too much real money. On Wednesday  night we went to get burgers. On Friday night we got Asian food. Saturday for lunch we ate at the same place and then for dinner that night it was burgers again. Then today I had Chipotle for lunch and it was so amazing, as always, but really, Chipotle is so goooooood. Then I just got back tonight from eating noodles. It's honestly not a good thing that we live right on the Ave, where all the food places and stuff are. Not healthy. 

I also watched a lot of movies this week. What even is my life? I don't know. I'm just really excited to go home. Ahh, warmth. Kay, I need to go study for my chemistry final. BAI!

Books Read: 3
Why This Week Was Awesome: Last Week of Quarter!
Song Stuck in My Head: Pretty Much Empty...


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