Sunday, March 3, 2013

Kendall Should Be Banned from Using the Word "Cray" 5EVER

Said every living creature, object, abstract concept, etc. in all of the universes. Right? RIGHT.

In all seriousness though, "cray" seems to be the one and only adjective you have been using for the past two month or so. I mean, it's not even word. But that's not why I disapprove. I think it's fine. I even say "cray" sometimes. You can say "This week has been cray" every now and then. But once you start being all, "This is cray" or "That was sups cray" or "EVERYTHING was a cray time" this is when the madness needs to stop. Please. I went back to read all of your posts so far this year and came up with this:

> Cray: 10 (Sometimes even 3+ times in one post...and given that your posts are not that long in the first place, that says a lot...Your posts have a high concentration of "cray"...)
> A good/fun time: 6 (This is fine, I guess, I just noticed it when I was reading...)
> This has been real. We should do it again sometime...:
> Da [insert word here]: 5-ish (I think. I lost count and then I didn't wanna go back and count them again...)

Also, you used "high and tight" twice in that last post and that definitely perked up my Word Nerd Radar and I predict that it is going to become your new thing. Just like how I unofficially banned you from using "Your face" comebacks when we were juniors (or maybe sophomores?), and just like how I am unofficially banning you from using "cray" now, I predict that "high and tight" will get out of hand and I will be forced to do the same to your use of this phrase. 

Really, Kendall, I like you and all, and I think you're really cool and stuff, but if this is the real you, I...I can't. If you start actually talking/writing like this, I don't think we can go on being best friends anymore. I'm sorry, but I can't. It's not you, it's me. JK, it's actually you, not me. Just you. Yep, all you.

Hope you all have a wonderful week! Listen to some Peter Bjorn and John--it's good for the soul.

Loves to all!

Risks: 39 
Books Read: 8 (Note to Jen: Update your Book Tumblr!)
Thank You Notes Written: 9 (I am about to write one, so I will count that on the next post.)


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