Sunday, March 31, 2013

Di "Hola" A Mi Amigo Pequeño

It's official. I like rap. There. I said it. Ok, to be fair, not all of rap. Just...some.

Spring break is over! Nooooo! SADFACES ALL AROUND. I kept telling people when break started that I wished I could just lie down and sleep for an entire week without waking up at all, and then wake up and have spring break. But no. Ask me how my break was and I'll say, "What break?"

Okay, okay, so it wasn't that bad. I definitely had a lot of stuff on my to-do list and I was constantly checking my email throughout the entire week and I had to be at specific places here and there every day and had to run errands and I didn't get to sleep in until Friday morning---BUT! There were good moments of "break time" throughout the week that I would not have gotten had we been still in school. For example, I got way more reading than usual done. But then again, I get, like, absolutely no reading in at all during regular school time, so that's not really saying much, but hey, give me a break. Literally. In addition, I actually went running for once. Legit running. And, okay, I only had time to go once the entire week...but that's one more time than I usually have the time for during regular school! I also watched some movies...which is always a good thing. Movies are a good thing, whether you really have time for them or if you're just procrastinating on something that you should be doing, because they make you better. Even the terrible ones. There was also quite a bit of just me on my phone, either just scrolling endlessly on Tumblr or updating and creeping on Facebook or editing and posting photos on Instagram or playing word games. And then there was the baking. And eating, of course. Who doesn't like eating?

Anyway, all in all, despite all of the stressful times, break was pretty good.

But I can't help but think that this is the calm before the storm, you know? You guys should see my Google calendar right now for April. I color-code a lot of my classes, assignments, and activities, so it's a rainbow-striped masterpiece. It's like Joseph's amazing technicolor dreamcoat...hehe. (I crack myself up, no?)

Why does April always have to be so busy and stressful and gah? I know why. Because it's BEDA(pril)! I like to think that some things exist at a specific time because that's when we need them the most. Like BEDA. This year, I am going to make an extra special effort so that BEDA(pril) will not be a chore. Instead, it will be an escape from all of the chores. It will be fun like always. It's been a while since we've BEDA'ed because August seems such a long time ago from where we stand now. Which I guess brings us back to the whole Letters thing again. I agree with Kendall wholeheartedly about still being the same person but in a different environment and under different circumstances. And these things really are what makes a person who they are. And it's also the people. We've been separated from the people we've spent our past four years with, people who have helped make us who we are. We now have new friends, new influential people in our lives, new mentors and teachers. And that's a good thing. It's just, I don't know. I want the Letters to be a confirmation, I guess, just because this past year has been so full of new things and uncertainty and just a bunch of stuff we aren't really used to so I feel like I've been second guessing everything and doing things half-blindly. And the Letters telling us that things are different now are one of the few things I'm sure of. So I want that to be true; I want something that I'm sure about to be true. If that even makes sense. It does in my head, so...yeah.

Okay, I gotta go figure out my registration schedule because I haven't gotten around to doing that yet...then maybe I can get some sleep?

BTDUBS, not in my dorm tonight. Going back tomorrow because...I really don't want break to end...

Risks: 44 
Books Read: 8
Thank You Notes Written: 13 (Note: You need to write two more!)


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