Sunday, March 31, 2013

Better Get Some Friends

Hey guys!

Here I am again, in my dorm room.... It was actually super nice today, like, t-shirt and shorts weather. Like, what even is life? I don't understand. I'm excited to start a new quarter and school again while at the same time a little timid because I kind of have a lot of things in store for me this quarter. But then again, what would the last quarter be without a little added stress? Yeah, let's go with excited. 

Anyway, this week didn't consist of that much excitement. Tumblr. School. Taco Bell. Plane. Prettiness. And some more food for good measure. It was a good spring break. I'm glad that I was able to spend it the way that I did. 

So, for the whole letter topic, after reading what Jen had to say about it, I guess I want to clarify a little bit. It's not that I think that I changed, more that the things in my life have changed. The things around me have changed while I'm pretty sure that for the most part I've been the same, I've just been doing different things and surrounded by different things. I guess that is what changes people... But no, I did a lot of great stuff last year and I am extremely proud of who I was. Coming into college I knew that I wanted to bring that with me. And 
now that this much time has passed, I can kind of see that I may have lost a little of it, but I also have gained new things. And these new things plus the old ones equals double the awesome. 

Anyway, tomorrow marks the beginning of BEDA!!!! Get ready for that fun time...

Kay... BAI!
Books Read: 4
Why This Week Was Awesome: Miny March was a Success!!!
Song Stuck in My Head: Eh.


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