Sunday, March 24, 2013

It's Been Totally Awesome

Hey guys! 

This has been kind of a crazy week, but, I mean, what week isn't I guess. It was finals week this week, except I only had one final this week and my other 3 were the week before. It wasn't too bad. I'm just glad to be done with winter quarter and ready to start fresh. 

On Wednesday I left with Gavin to come home. We flew standby, which was really stressful and took a really long time since we had to go to San Francisco first, but it was fun and totally worth it. I got like no sleep that night because we were just chilling in the airport, but was a tornado machine maker thing, so that was fun. If you want to see more from that adventure, I posted a vlog while I was in the airport. I would just like to say that I was so awkward because literally the entire population of San Francisco was in that airport and they were ALL SLEEPING!!!! 

Yeah, so that happened. And then on Friday, I went with Jen, Gavin, Rebecca, and Shannon to get tacos and adventure. Slender forest? Scary as hell... Kind of. Eh at first it was. 

But, um, yeah. I don't know. Remember how a year ago during BEDA last year, we wrote ourselves letters to ourselves a year from then? Well, I keep on thinking about that letter and what I might have wrote in it. I mean, I know that I can go back and read it any time, but I can't because I have to wait until the end of April. I think about how things were a year ago and I can't believe how much things have changed. But even though those things have changed, overall, I feel like things are kind of the same. It's just really weird. Also, I'm really excited to write this year's letter. I have seen how much as changed in this past year and I am excited for things to be able to change in the next upcoming year.

I don't know.... I'm gonna go now..... BAI!

Books Read: 3
Why This Week Was Awesome: Home!
Song Stuck in My Head: "I've Got What It Takes" by Alex Day


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