Sunday, March 17, 2013

That Moment When Everyone Suddenly Breaks Into a Pitch Perfect Song

It's a Sunday night and I'm not in my dorm room. Whaaattt? Because, unlike previous Sunday nights, it's not Sherlock Night with Daisy tonight. I felt too lazy to get my stuff packed up and ready earlier today and there wasn't any real need for me to go back tonight anyway so I was like, "Can I just stay here?" So here I am!

Anyway, yes, Daisy and I watched both "A Scandal in Belgravia" and "The Reichenbach Fall" (we had already mistakenly watched "Hounds of Baskerville" earlier in the semester) on Friday night because I stayed in the dorms that night instead of coming home because I had a debate tournament on Saturday. 

Oh yeah, did I mention that? I competed in a debate tournament on Saturday after, like, almost two years of no debate. It was weird. I mean, it was different, of course, because it was Worlds style, and the format and the rules are different from Policy (and LD and PFD, for that matter). But still. And, of course, with my luck, my team got paired against JLowe's team. See, I was hoping we'd be able to avoid them until the third round at the very least but the Universe didn't comply. Instead it was like, "NOPE TOO BAD JEN YOU LOSE TODAY." Which was totally fine, I liked that going against them brought me back to high school. And we definitely deserved to lose that round, hands down. But, overall, it was a good experience. However, I don't think I'm gonna be dropping everything going on right now to go and try out for my school's team. 

Yeah, so right now I am working on a blog post on a separate platform for school about Joss Whedon's movie, "Serenity." One of my political science classes watched it throughout this past week, but because I missed two of the three days of class, I had to watch it on my own yesterday so that I can do the blog assignment. 

Let me just say this: I've never been much of a sci-fi space-stuff kind of nerd-geek. More like weird-word-nerd-oh-hey-I-love-school-and-learning-and-reading-and-writing type of geek. But, honestly, I have been missing out on so much. Sci-fi can touch you in ways that no other genre can, I think. Well, to me, anyway. Pick up a fairy-tale-romance type thing and you're guaranteed a happy ending and tons of sweet-toothache cliches. Watch a comedy and, of course, you're gonna laugh (provided you a) get the jokes and b) actually do enjoy whatever type of humor is on there). If it's adventure, it'll be thrilling and there will be explosions and at least one scene when one character ALMOST dies. But for sci-fi, the only thing that you know about it for sure is the very thing it's called. It's science fiction, so you know it's science fiction. It isn't real and it's probably got some futuristic stuff on it. But you can have everything else on it too and you don't know unless you watch the whole thing. It can be funny and clever and hellishly freaky and scary and downright wrong and yet lighthearted at times. But it is a bundle of paradoxes in so many good ways. (Yay for use of paradox to understand something way less complicated. Except no, not really. Bad. Way to confuse everyone, Jen.)

Anyway, in the same class, we've watched Star Trek and The X-Files. We watched Doctor Who as well, and we were supposed to watch The Walking Dead, I think, but now I don't remember if I just skipped that class or if the prof decided not to, but hey it's on my syllabus. And now Serenity. So I really want to watch Firefly now. Also, Castle because of Nathan Fillion. And if we end up watching Star Wars later on this semester, oh Lord help me...

Speaking of changes, you guys know how I mentioned what I've been listening to lately? Like, Skrillex and Macklemore and dirty rap music (honestly, some of the music from our generation is just flat out disgusting...)? It's still happening. I keep thinking it's a phase. I am hoping it's a phase. Maybe it's because they're such good music to NOT fall asleep to, and because I've been pulling late night after late night lately...

What is this, "Let's Change Jen's Ways and Make Her Question Her True Identity" Month? Seriously, Universe, what are you even doing with your life?

On a more serious note, I just found out that the dining hall had "vegan sloppy joes" today. What even? In the words of a friend of mine, "That's like an airplane without wings, a lead pencil without lead. Or a Mac. Useless. " To which I enthusiastically nod and add what I always say in times like these: "That's like a dance party without the music. Or a college campus without a Taco Bell. Useless. And definitely NOT fun." 


Risks: 43 (God, 3 in one week. Geez Jen, who even are you anymore... #YOLOgurl)
Books Read: 8 (I PUT ONE UP! But I still have to put up one more...I'll make sure to do it during break...)
Thank You Notes Written: 11 (none this week...)


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