Sunday, March 24, 2013

This is the Song Nobody Sings


But I didn't...Javert would be proud of my memory skills.

Forgive the lame formatting, I was all settled to sleep and then I was like, "Wait a minute. Tomorrow is Monday. So that's Sunday night! BEWTY?!?!?"

And here I am.

See, this is what being on break does to me.

This past week was the slowest week ever. Not only was it stressful, it was also emotionally taxing. I actually cried on Monday and Tuesday, and I came cripplingly close to breaking down in tears the rest of the week after that. It was just...there was a lot of stuff. And because I couldn't wait for spring break, the week went by excruciatingly slowly.

But in times like these, I realize how lucky I am to have amazing people in my life. Two friends gladly helped me with homework on a moment's notice because my "health and sanity are more important than any class," refused baked goodies as a thank you, and sent me links to One Direction Adventures videos just to remind me to smile and "not kill (my)self this week." 

A friend randomly texted me to let me know that they miss me more than I miss them (which I still doubt!). 

A friend Snapchatted me to prove that she can make funny faces, too. 

Friends stayed up late with me many times this week. 

And so much more. Thank you, thank you, and thank you.

Kendall mentioned the letters to ourselves that we wrote at the end of BEDApril last year in his post this week. I am glad to see that he is excited to read them simply because things are so different now. Are they though? For me, I guess things have changed in more ways than one. And some things have stayed the same. I think I am still very much the same person--still stressed and overly-analytical, still eager to change the world and to take risks, but still so very afraid of what's to come. Still filled with the sadness that sits in my bones but still finding myself on upward rollercoasters more often than not. Still Jen. 

I kind of wonder if I have really changed over the past year, and if I have, have I changed for the better? I am also excited to read the letters, but mostly because I think I want to see if I have actually changed, if things have really changed. It isn't as clear to me as it is for Kendall. 

So I guess we'll wait and see.

(Bottom tallies and reformatting to be done tomorrow....for now, more reading and then sleep!)

3/30/13, 6:21pm ADD-ON:
(...what a liar)

Risks: 44 (Taco-Adventure Night!)
Thank You Notes Written: 11 


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