Monday, March 31, 2014

I Swear If Lucas Gets Chopped

I don't wanna go back to school! As boring as my week has been compared to Kendall's exciting adventure (ahhhh so jelly!), I am still sad to say goodbye to Spring Break. Part of it is because it has been so restful and I really needed GAHHHHHHHHH HE GOT CHOPPED WHAT NOOOO THE OTHER GUYS OVERCOOKED HIS LOBSTER TAIL WHAT ARE YOU THINKING SADFACE!!!

Yeah, so I really needed the rest that I got this spring break because things have been a lot crazier than I needed them to be. Most of the time before spring break, all I really wanted was for time to stop so that I could catch up to things and then start back up again. And that was what spring break was. I prepped a lot of things because the other reason why I don't wanna go back to school is because things are gonna be BAM BAM BAM and then DONE END OF SEMESTER once school starts again.

This is only the beginning. On top of that, I forgot it was BEDA this Tuesday! I hope you guys are ready because I totally was not!


3.31.14 10.08PM


Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Beginning's Just Another End It's Not Too Late to Start Again

Hey guys!

I am literally sitting here, typing this post in Florida. Like, first of all, what the heck even is Florida?? Like... What?

Anyway, let me go over what has gone down for the remaining part of this Spring Break. First, on Tuesday, Jaime came to my school and we went to go see Divergent. It was good, kind of long, but I mean, it was just as good as the book. Take that to mean what you will but yeah.

Then, on Wednesday, we got up at like 6 and went down to the airport and flew. And waited. And flew. And waited. Essentially, we didn't make it to our hotel in Orlando until like 1 in the morning, but we made it none the less.

The next day, we got up at like 6 again, hopped on a bus, actually 2, and made it Universal Studios Orlando. Yup. We went to the Wizzarding World of Harry Potter. Wooo! That whole day was a fun time, we literally spent the whole thing at the park, so we did pretty much everything. We went on the Castle ride twice, which was super cool. We went on the dragon ride twice (the Hungarian Horntail was better in my opinion), we had a multitude of Butter Beer (the frozen one was better in my opinion), we ate at the Three Broomsticks, and we went into Olivander's. On top of that we did all the other stuff, the Hulk ride was super cool and kind of terrible at the same time. While I did like everything, Universal is still kind of sub par in my opinion to Disney. Like, they just don't have the same amount of attention to detail that Disney has.

Soooo cut to Friday, where we got up at like 6 with only like 4 hours of sleep to go to Disney World. Now, Disney World has 4 different parks. We had one 16 hour day, and we went to ALL of them. It was cool. I mean, it was really weird how a lot of it was the same as Disney Land but just different. We managed to go to all the parks, but most of the time was spent waiting in lines or walking to different places or waiting or taking shuttles to the other parks. One cool part was the fireworks show where they projected a bunch of scenes from different movies onto the castle. Then, when they showed a scene from Frozen, everyone basically lost it. Overall, Disney was cool, but we needed a few more days there in order to really experience it. 

After about 8 hours of sleep over two days and over 20 hours of theme park time, we were a little tired. Lucky for us, after getting out of the park at 12, our shuttle for the airport left at 2:30. So we got plenty of sleep....... Ugh.

It was a struggle, but we made it to the airport and got on a plane to Atalanta. Then on a plane to Pensacola. Pensacola is a small town in the pan handle of Florida. It's so freaking far that it's in the next time zone already. Like, what? We got lucky and were able to check into our hotel early and we got to sleep a little bit. Then, we walked over to the concert venue a few hours early and waited in line. It was weird and really chill, but I kind of expected a different concert attitude then what we were used to.

The concert itself was great, as always. The first opening band was a local band that was super adorable and actually decent. The next two bands were good too. The bad part was the hoard of five year old girls that wouldn't stop saying the stupidest things ever. Ugh. Stupid children.

Then We the Kings came out and it was amazing. There were so good and being able to see Charles, someone who I have been watching on the internet for like four years, was completely surreal. It didn't really make sense but it was amazing none the less. At one point, when I was recording with my phone, Charles took my phone and recorded with it on stage. Ugh, it was so good. Here's a link. After the concert, we got to meet them and take a picture with them. They were all super nice and friendly. I am a little disappointed because I didn't really say all the things that I wanted to or hoped I would, but that's alright. I feel extremely happy and grateful for the whole experience in the first place. 

This trip was stupid and dumb but amazing and I wouldn't really trade it for anything. These are the types of things I will be able to look back and and be happy that I did. While it may not always be the smartest choices, it's definitely things that will make me happy in the end. 

Now, we are in the hotel in Pensacola, we don't go back to Seattle until Tuesday, but you guys will get to hear all about that seeing as BEDA starts then. I'm really excited about next month and I can't wait to share the whole thing here. 

Why This Week Was Awesome: FLORIDA!
Books Read: 5 
Times Eaten At Chipotle: 13 (this is probably the first week in forever where I didn't eat at Chipotles...)
Airplanes Riden: 6 (yeah, a lot)
Concerts Attended: 4! (8 total)

Sunday, March 23, 2014

If I Were An Object

That is what I am trying to figure out right now for a questionnaire for RAPS. It asks me to pick an object that is most like me and to explain. 

I am stumped!

I took a couple of Buzzfeed quizzes that said that I am "The Baha Men" and "a jar of spaghetti with a glass of milk," none of which I think reflect me. I feel like I will know once I see it.

Anyway, this week was great albeit, of course, busy and stressful. I had three interviews three days in a row, attended an amazing Happiness-themed get together with some amazing leaders, worked on a study guide until late and didn't get to print it so I didn't actually study it before the test, was forced to annoy some nice man at Haili's to please send me their catering menu with prices, and so much more! See, every day is an adventure and an oppotunity!

This week is spring break and I am taking a break but working at the same time. There are research projects to prep for, paper outlines to be written, social to plan, standardized tests to study for, and a lot but I am taking time for myself--watching Chopped (Tournament of All Stars yo!) during the day and dramas at night with Duk, running every day, and eating helthy and drinking lots of water. And sleeping in until 8! Yay!

Risks Taken: 63
Kimchi Count: 12

There's No Going Back

Hey, so remember when I said I promised? HA! Here I am. 

Anyway, sorry about that. Things were kind of crazy this weekend but that's because Spring Break started. It's only Monday yet things are already crazy. 

But first, this past week was finals week. I mean, honestly, I didn't do too well in my classes this quarter. But that's okay because I am coming back strong next quarter, I feel it. 

Then on Friday I got to do something really cool, I was able to shadow my Aunt's boss. I don't really know how much I can say cause I had to sign like an agreement, but I just want to say that it was a really cool experience to see a big company at work. I went to a few meetings and I was able to see how much attention to detail they have and how much they care about fixing things even when a lot of the public sometimes thinks that they don't. A lot of work goes into things, sometimes people can forget that. 

Then, I stayed the night at her house that night and the next day was her birthday. So, we went and visited my Grandpa and then went out to eat. It was a fun day. 

But then things turned up that night when I was picked up by my friend from school, Deme, who is from here in Washington. I got to go home with him and see what his life was like outside of school. It was really really cool and fun actually. I hung out with his friends (some of which I already knew) and go to see his house and interact with his family. On Sunday, we went to his church and then went out to eat down by the waterfront in Tacoma and it was really pretty. Then, we went to a bubble tea place that was playing Fall Out Boy (old FOB too, I died). Then we went bowling and then out to Denny's.

Today, I came back and then got to relax in my room cause my roommate went home. It's only been like 4 days, but it's been really fun and crazy. Things will really turn up on Wednesday, but you have to wait to hear about that...

Why This Week Was Awesome: Phase 1 and 2!
Books Read: 5 (Wooo! Hollow Cities! It was actually really good) 
Times Eaten At Chipotle: 13
Airplanes Riden: 2
Concerts Attended: 3 since January (7 total) 

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Today Was Hard On Multiple Levels

Almost all of my days have been like this actually, lately. There is good and bad in everything. The good in this is that I am constantly reminded of how much love I have in this world. 

Today, sitting in a metaphorically dark corner of Sinclair (Library), holding back tears and ready to give everything up in despair, I composed a novella through text messages. I started off just wanted to vent my feelings to an undeclared receiver. But as I kept typing, I realized the depth of the hole in which I found myself and the settling realization that I could not get myself out, at least not alone.

In my novella, I explained my most recent realization--the parallels between learning to ride a bike during my senior year of high school along with my inherent and unshakeable fear of falling face-first onto the harsh and unforgiving pavement and now struggling to master the LSATs along with my deadening anxiety of not getting a "good enough" score and ultimately failing in a path I have chosen for my future. It was long and repetitive at times. I was emphasizing the connections I have made between the two--how both fears are the same, and how both must be overcome, and how incredibly breathtaking and terrible they were. I will not go into the  minute details of the text (maybe that will be for another post)--just know that it was sad at times, with angry and frustrated notes adorning every other syllable, and a heart-wrenching "I give up because I no longer see the point" feel to it.

I continued to type, and ultimately decided that I would send this lengthy missive to five people on whom I have leaned many times without fear and insecurity, and who have always held my chin up when I was too weak to do so myself--five best friends, quintessentially so in fact and ever so deserving of the adjective "best" in all aspects of friendship. I was hoping for some words of encouragement. But I got so much more than that. 

This is a sincere thank you to all of them: 

To Kerms, who knows my shameful weaknesses and incorrigible flaws but sees in me so much power, way more power than I even dare to accord myself, and who is not afraid to criticize me when I am weakest if that is what it takes for me to shift my focus onto what matters, who replied to my text with:
"...What I am going to say is how proud I am of you for recognizing your fear and relating it to how you've conquered it in the past. And the only difference between last time and this time is that we aren't physically there. None of us are actually there in the library with you to cheer you on and keep pushing you verbally, but we still are. You know...everyone else who has affected you is there to support you and keep you motivated. In the words of Mr. Y, "Love is not the most powerful emotion. Fear is." And now it is just a matter of taking that fear and the support of the people around and using that to go in to that exam and slay it like every other exam you ever have."
To Aid, whose heart and mind and soul are all in sync with mine and lets me know that I am never alone with a warm smile and a mere tilt of her head, who texted me:
"Don't put too much pressure on yourself, I know you can pull this off if you keep trying. The same thing with riding a bike, once you get the hang of it and get past the initial fear of falling, it'll come naturally to you. I have faith in you! I hope you'll find the motivation and I know you'll give your best no matter what happnes. I'll always be here for you..."
To The Boyfriend, who has taught me so much about love and life, whose work ethic and practicality I strive to emulate, whose contradictory nature of maturity and youthfulness show me what life is supposed to be like every single day, who was hard at work painting and sanding and ripping baseboards out and replacing locks and shelves all day today, but still made sure to send me a text and a "study kissy":
"You can do it baby. I know you can. Keep doing what you are doing..."
To Panda, who knew that a pen on which "Keep Your Head Up" was engraved would be just the thing I needed, who understands what I am thinking without me having to vocalize a single word, who has learned when to shush me and when to let me ramble on, and who showed up suddenly earlier today by my side shortly after I sent my novella-text, sat down at the desk directly across from mine at Sinclair, and nonchalantly opened up his laptop to start working, after he texted me: 
"Although things may look bad now, trust me, everything will get better. Just keep your chin up kiddo, the sun will come back soon."
And to Bran Man, probably the most eloquent of them all, who sees in the world the same things I see, and who sees others in the same ways I do, and who radically changed the way I think about the words "How are you?" from the moment we became friends, who told me:
"...I do hope that you maintain yourself. And not yourself that all the pompous law schools will look at and say is good enough to change the world. Because you should know, better than anyone else, that you don't need that validation. The only person capable of defining your true capabilities is yourself, and don't ever forget that. So go, work hard, struggle, strive. But do not think that any test score will ever be enough to say that you're not capable of changing the world. Because you're better than that; we know that, and you know that. So go out there and change the world 'cause goddammit, that's what you're meant to do."
Life gives you some hard days, but Life also gives you love to help you get through them. And for that I am thankful.

Risks Taken: 63
Kimchi Count: 11 

Depression is a Little Bit Like Happy Hour, Right?

Hey guys!

So, yup. Ha ha yeah, this was the last week of the quarter. I have three finals next week as well as a butt ton of work and then some fun stuff too. But then Spring Break! And then it's BEDA already, which is honestly really crazy. 

But yeah, this past week was actually really nice. It was like sunny a bunch of days and almost like 60 degrees. I went on a run. I ate way too much. And yup.

I've been watching too many shows lately too. Good use of my time I'm sure. Ugh, I just want it to be like a week from now already. I am really ready for this quarter to be done cause life. But next quarter will be amazing for so many reasons. Yup. 

Okay, now I should probably go study or something for my exam. Yup. Let's do that. 

Why This Week Was Awesome: 7 YEARS
Books Read: 4
Times Eaten At Chipotle: 12
Airplanes Riden: 2 (SOOOOOOOOON)
Concerts Attended: 3 since January (7 total) 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Crunchy Taco!

Hell week is over! And LSAT mode has commenced!

This week was hellish yes, but it was all right. I overworried--but then again, that is better than not worrying and not preparing at all, right? Besides the midterms, the due date that was a lie, and the rushed presentation that didn't happen, and the practice exam, the Biweekly had a successful #mcm, I ate lots of noodles, played some blind Tetris Jenga, cursed the barista who couldn't differentiate soymilk from whole milk (it was bad), learned some contradictions to help with stress, and also finally started using my Gold Card at Starbucks. OH AND WE FINISHED THE DEGREES AWARDED FOR FALL AT WORK. BOOM. Hot pink tags yo. OH AND I DID MY TAXES ALL BY MYSELF. Yay.

I am not making sense right now. I did five hours of Reading Comprehension today in a way that totally turned my world upside down and now I am trying to figure out what I am supposed to do. Oh right--got some GK stuff, some email stuff, some stuff stuff (oh you know), that stuff, this stuff, all the stuffs!

Ok. I have to hunt down things for this thing I am doing which requires...things. Specificity!

Risks Taken: 63
Kimchi Count: 8 (It has been brought to my attention that some have assumed that this Kimchi Count is just a racist way of talking about my boyfriend. Um. No, it is not. It literally is a count of the times I consume a vegetable fermented in chili paste. Yeah.)

You Can Be Your Own Spotlight

Hey guys!

Yup. This week was a thing. Erm. Umm. I don't know. Like, not much happened this week. But this upcoming week is dead week. And it's gonna be dead. I have so much due and ugh. And then the week after is finals, then spring break and then wooooo.

Umm I don't even know. Lol. This is a quality blogpost. For all reading this, I commend you on the effort put into reading this because it definitely is requiring effort right now.

Oh, I finally watched Frozen today. Of course it was amazing, but like, it just took me this long to get there. 

Yup. That's what you get. When you let your heart win. Ohhhohhhoh. 

Lol, yup, this is it. 

Why This Week Was Awesome: Spring is coming
Books Read: 4
Times Eaten At Chipotle: 11
Airplanes Riden: 2
Concerts Attended: 3 

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Now Comes the Storm

In place of a blog post, here is a shot of my schedule this week, from 8:30am-7:30pm. 
All along the top, you have the red blocks for STUFF THAT ARE DUE.
The light blue blocks are STUFF THAT YOU HAVE TO STUDY TONIGHT.
And then you have the sky blue blocks for WORK, the light orange blocks for CLASS, and the salmon pink for MEETING/EVENT/SOMEWHERE YOU HAVE TO BE.

All things considered, this all means one thing: I need some comfort kimchee stat.


Risks Taken: 63
Kimchi Count: 

All She Wants Is a Funky Rock and Roller

Hey guys!

Ugh, so this week was crazy stupid busy. I had two nights where I was up till like 5. I had countless homework assignments. I had to make a presentation for work. I had to eat. I had a concert on Wednesday night. There was just a lot going on, but it was worth it in the end I think.

The concert on Wednesday was New Politics. It was honestly one of the most fun concerts that I've been to (this was now the 7th of all time) and I'll explain why. 

So we got there about two hours early (Jaime, Alec, Deme, and I) and right as we got there, the band was coming out to go back into their tour bus. So, David, the lead singer, came down and met everyone who was in line and gave us all hugs and we got a picture. He was super nice and awesome. (the link for pictures will be at the end).

Then once we got into the super small venue, the opening act began playing. Their name was Magic Man and I regret not listening to them earlier because they were actually really really good and the lead singer was BOMB. I got a picture with him afterwards and he was super nice. 

By the time New Politics came out, we had like one person between us and the stage. Which basically meant that for over half of the whole concert we had the ability to touch David whenever we wanted because he was that close. 

Overall, it was just super fun, great music, a really awesome crowd. Ugh. Sorry, it's just that's why I love concerts so much. Not only do you get to experience someone's passion in person, but also you get to experience it with a crowd of people who love it as much as you do. Now I sound weird but whatever.

Okay, yeah, I only have two more weeks left of school, so that's exciting. These next two weeks are gonna be blegh, but stay tuned for after that. I just realized that BEDA this year is gonna be pretty great cause I'm actually doing a lot this April. Yup. Prepare your bodies for that one. 

Oops, sorry, the link to the pictures is:

Why This Week Was Awesome: The fact that it's over/happened
Books Read: 4
Times Eaten At Chipotle: 10
Airplanes Riden: 2
Concerts Attended: 3