Sunday, June 24, 2012

It's Just So ...... Gavin

Hey guys! 

So, this week was pretty average, work wise. It was what happened this weekend that was the interesting part. Well, actually, I spent most of this week stressing out over the fact that, today, I had to give a freaking speech! A SPEECH!!! Like, I'm not in High School anymore, who does that!??!?!?!

Well, it was for my friend, Gavin's, Court of Honor Ceremony which is basically a ceremony for him becoming an Eagle Scout. There were five of them total and during one portion of the program, a friend or family member of each of the people was asked to give a speech. Gavin asked me kind of a while ago, but he told me so little about it that I questioned how legit this was. Despite that, I still prepared a great deal and practiced a lot (thanks to my leadership class skills) beforehand. I was kind of nervous before, but it really struck me when I showed up, saw all the people, then looked at the program to find that MY FREAKING NAME WAS IN THE FREAKING PROGRAM!!!!!! It was legit.

So I went third out of the five speakers, and, not to brag or anything, but honestly, I think my speech was the best. I mean, the others were good and seemed to have their hearts in the right place, but it was obvious that I was the most prepared. I mean, the others kind of just read off a paper, while I only had barely legible notes in front of me. 

The thing though, that felt the best about it, was being able to say such true and nice things about Gavin in a kind of not awkward way. I praised him a lot in the speech and I meant every part of it. I'm lucky to have someone like Gavin in my life and I am honored that he asked me to speak for him.

Okay, enough of that!!! I still want to talk about Nicki Minaj a little, but that's gonna have to wait. I have to get ready for the partay tomorrow!!! (Not really, I'm just tired.)


Books Read: 10
Free Meals: 16 (SO MUCH NOMMSSS!!!)
Why This Week Was Awesome: SPEECH!!!! (In the most loud and obnoxious way)
Song Stuck in My Head: "Everybody Talks" by Neon Trees?!?


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