Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Morning Had Dawned Clear and Cold...


I honestly had no clue what Jen was going to talk about in her post this week, but I had been planning on talking about an EXTREMELY similar topic. Jen's "taboo" subject (kind of) is Math, but she just reflected upon how it has affected her. I was planning on doing the same thing, but with me, it's English.  

I'm not a big fan of English. That much hasn't really changed. I hate being forced to read things. Even more so, I hate being forced to look for things in readings. Why can't I just enjoy something for what it is?!? Since when does EVERYTHING NEED to be a metaphor?!!?...

Anyways, I think that I have come a long way too. While I still really don't like English and never want to write another analytical essay in my entire life, there are parts of English that I really do enjoy (even if I'm not good at it): writing.

This is actually something that I wanted to share with you guys a while ago, but I forgot to. It's our Advanced Creative Writing final project. A website. You guys can read all the crazy things that our classmates wrote, and, if you really want, you can read some of my writing. None of it is particularly good, I had no time in these past few months, so it was rather hasty, but still, it's an awesome memory and I want to share it with you all.

(I also kind of wanted to rant about Nicki Minaj in this post, but I think that we can save that for next week.)

Books Read: 10
Free Meals: 14 (I'm not counting the endless PB&Js I had this week...)
Why This Week Was Awesome: PB&Js!!!
Song Stuck in My Head: .......


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