Sunday, June 24, 2012

But here's my number!

Hello everyone! I hope you're all having a pleasant summer. Whether you are on a trip, are working or volunteering, maybe taking summer classes, or are simply taking the whole two months off (as in, you know, "just cruising"), I hope you're having fun and are making this summer count!

I realized that I haven't talked about what a normal day for me has looked like for the past couple of weeks. Allow me to bring you up to speed on the matter!

Every day, I wake up quite early in the morning in order to get ready for work. Josh and I take the bus to school and the entire commute takes about five minutes max (not including wait time). When I get to the office, Kendall's already sitting in front of the computer, working (or eating a PB&J sandwich). We start off by, you know, checking emails and answering phone calls. That's a lot of what we do all day on a daily basis. The three of us in the office keep track of attendance, handle the computer lab/cart reservations for teachers' classes, notify teachers of students' planned absences, and run errands. And we eat. A lot. Mrs. Oda calls us cookie monsters, but Kendall is the resident Eater of All Things Edible. (He found our secret stash of chips that we'd been keeping hidden from him for a while now....which means all of that will be gone in a matter of weeks. Bugger!)

We finish work at four-ish then I go home by bus. It's very boring after writing it all down like that, but my days are punctuated by grad parties and random outings with family or just a couple of friends. I've been craving food in general (but then again, when do I not have these cravings?) so I'm always excited to go for food adventures. Lots of frozen yogurt. (I treated myself to Yogurtland earlier this week just for getting another job at UH! Whoo!) Up next: pho, burger night, Greek, and then maybe Indian, if I'm feeling up to it. Oh, and GARLIC AND FARM FESTS! It sounds like I'm just asking people to go out with me just because I want to eat and it would be really awkward if I go to eat by myself, but I'm really not. I like hanging out with people. And food goes well with hanging out with friends. All agree? I thought so. Okay, so yeah, I'm also reading whenever I can and I'm also usually on Tumblr during the weekends.

And that is my life.

Okay, um, bye now. (Game of Thrones!)

Risks: 22 (Two in the past week!) 
Hugs: 0
Current food cravings/obsessions: water
Playlist(s) on repeat: Like An N, But Not Really
Books Read Since Graduation: 3


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