Sunday, September 28, 2014

Riding Solo

Don't judge, the title refers to Jason Derulo's song...I SAID DON'T JUDGE! It just came on okay...

It has been a crazy crazy week. I had majority of my Mentee Meetings throughout the week, had my first exam of the semester on Friday, took the LSAT on Saturday (I still have a stiff neck), went to the NAMI Walk this morning, had lunch with Rebecca, and am now trying to relearn the menstrual cycle. And this is just the beginning! Speech materials are due tomorrow, organizational selection due for Conflict Management on Tuesday, a Mentee Meeting on Wednesday, Research Methods exam on Thursday, and then my Technical Presentation on Friday, an interviewing volunteership Friday night,  bibimbap demo and tasting Saturday followed by paintball. Good thing I don't have to plan a lessong for my freshmen this week. College is fun guys! There are deadlines to heed, emails to compose, and forms to be filled out, yes. But there are also rules to "disregard", lives to touch, jokes to tell, spicy fried rice to consume, and unsuspecting children to pelt with paint pellets as a form of stress relief--which definitely makes up for the former! 

Now that the LSAT is over, I feel like I have a lot more time on my hands...time that I badly needed the past month or so because of how behind I clearly now am according to my Con Law reading list.... And the fact that my first Con Law exam is next week.... Can do!

Also. Gym. Finally. Yes. Gym.

How was the LSAT you ask? Well I cannot divulge any details (LSAC is always watching!) but I think it was...okay. I mean. The unscored LG section was better than the actual scored one, of course, which is uggghhh. But it is over and fretting over it will not change my score! So, onward!

In other news, I started off this week with pretty good news: Thought Catalog published a piece of mine! Yeah, yeah, it was already a blog post, but hey. The different platform makes it matter more, I guess.

Have a good week folks!


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