Sunday, October 5, 2014

City in the Rearview, With Nothing in the Distance

Hey guys!

This was the first full week of school. That means getting into the groove of things. Waking up, taking a shower, making my sandwich, going to class, eating my sandwich, going to work, coming back and sleep. 

On Wednesday, I had another concert (of course). It was Parachute. And while I don't listen to them that much, I really enjoyed the concert. It was a nice, mellow, fun time. 

I applied for graduation this week. It's happening. Life is coming fast. I've been thinking more and more about what I'm going to do next year. And while I think more about it, the more I realize how much I actually don't know what I'm going to do. It's terrifying. But exciting at the same time. I could do anything. The world is officially my oyster (almost). But that's not what I need to worry about now. I need to worry about now. 

This weekend I spent the whole thing with my family. My cousin, her husband, my mom, and my aunt. It's actually been a fun time. I've enjoyed it. It's kind of weird, I feel like I haven't spent any time at school so far, but I've already been in Washington for like a month. It's insane. 

Everything keeps going back to me needing to enjoy now. I have to enjoy it. I have to live. I plan to live. 

Why This Week Was Awesome: Family
Times Eaten at Chipotle: 5 (I had Qdoba this week. It was lack luster)
Books Read: 12
Airplanes Ridden: 18
Concerts Attended:14

1 comment:

  1. Good luck...I ate at Taco Bell last night (10:15ish...)
