This was the first full week of school. That means getting into the groove of things. Waking up, taking a shower, making my sandwich, going to class, eating my sandwich, going to work, coming back and sleep.
On Wednesday, I had another concert (of course). It was Parachute. And while I don't listen to them that much, I really enjoyed the concert. It was a nice, mellow, fun time.
I applied for graduation this week. It's happening. Life is coming fast. I've been thinking more and more about what I'm going to do next year. And while I think more about it, the more I realize how much I actually don't know what I'm going to do. It's terrifying. But exciting at the same time. I could do anything. The world is officially my oyster (almost). But that's not what I need to worry about now. I need to worry about now.
This weekend I spent the whole thing with my family. My cousin, her husband, my mom, and my aunt. It's actually been a fun time. I've enjoyed it. It's kind of weird, I feel like I haven't spent any time at school so far, but I've already been in Washington for like a month. It's insane.
Everything keeps going back to me needing to enjoy now. I have to enjoy it. I have to live. I plan to live.
Why This Week Was Awesome: Family
Times Eaten at Chipotle: 5 (I had Qdoba this week. It was lack luster)
Books Read: 12
Airplanes Ridden: 18
Concerts Attended:14
Airplanes Ridden: 18
Concerts Attended:14
Good luck...I ate at Taco Bell last night (10:15ish...)